Underreported? What's that cameraman doing at a BPD press conference on the case?
The office of Orbit Cinnamon Gum addict Sean Spicer is out with its list of allegedly "underreported" terrorist incidents, and it includes the June, 2015 incident in which an FBI agent and a Boston cop shot a Roslindale man to death before he could run them through with a knife in the parking lot of the CVS on Washington Street in Roslindale.
Underreported my ass.
Note that this all came about because the Vulgar Talking Yam claimed the news media was ignoring terrorist incidents (true, the media DID miss the Bowling Green Massacre, because, of course, it didn't happen).
Rather than admitting a mistake or a lie, of course, his palanquin bearers tried to shift the window and blame the media for underreporting terrorist incidents, such as San Bernardino and the Usaama Rahim incident and conspiracy.
I happen to know about the Rahim case not just because we use that drugstore, but because I was one of roughly a gazillion reporters who covered Rahim's death and the investigations and arrests that followed it.
There are 9,615 links on Google to accounts of the incident. The Globe covered it extensively. The New York Times wrote numerous stories about the case. The Washington Post covered it. And as you might expect, the case gave Fox News quite the foxnewsboner. But don't worry, ABC News covered the story, too, as did CBS and NBC. Even the BBC and the CBC made note of the case.
On June 4, 2015, Rahim's family held a press conference in the CVS parking lot. When they were done, a media scrum followed them back to their car:

Maybe Spicer should spend less time loading up his Super Soaker.
H/t Julie.
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YA because local news
By anon
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 8:57am
Equates to national coverage.
You are illiterate
By Dot net
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 2:02pm
This makes me sick
By anon
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 9:09am
Such bias- why aren't you also reporting on the emails! Oh the dastardly emails which would have shown that Huma Abedlin was secretly Osama bin Ladens daughter?
And what about the economic anxiety that just forced people to vote for white nationalism? Truly, the middle class, white people of the midwest are the real victims here.
Fish- over to you to flesh out these talking points.
Shock-doctrine neophytes
By scooterdude
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 9:59am
It seems that it is going to take this Administration a lot longer to master the techniques involved in producing the necessary conditions for successful Shock-Doctrine effects (see Naomi Klein).
As I understand it, subtlety and nuance are pre-requisites, not to mention the requirement of a cooperative and complicit media. These guys are off to a bad start when they are alienating the very same 'partners' who must join in the effort to induce fear among the public.
Very interesting book that is was
By Scauma
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 10:21am
I don't think this administration is nuanced enough, or has enough tact to put any 'plans' in place. They're just going to lie and bully their way to impeachment.
By Scauma
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 10:18am
I had the great pleasure of attending the SNL taping this past weekend and Melissa McCarthy is an absolute star. They didn't tell the crowd she would be there so that delayed applause was very much genuine.
As for the current administration.....they'll (continue to) shoot themselves in the foot to the point where they'll lose all credibility .to anyone who can think objectively.
We can only hope. But they
By anon
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 1:08pm
We can only hope. But they will take this country and those that voted for them for quite the ride first. We are going to have a lot of shit to clean up.
Dems need to grow a spine and become as good as the GOP about getting the message out there. And we the people can't get fatigued. They are going to try and get us tired. Or do something crazy in one hand so we aren't paying attention to what is happening in the other hand,
We need to make our calls, go to town halls, get people registered to vote and hold all of our politicians accountable. 2018 will be here quicker than we think.
Will McAvoy said it best..
By Scauma
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 4:57pm
'If liberals are so g-darn smart, why do they lose so g-darn always.'
Dems need to grow some balls, stop being so politically correct, and leave the knives at home when they step into a gun fight. There was real debate, even Geroge W believed, whether we'd see another republican POTUS in the near future (W's lifetime was his belief). But we all forgot that they gerrymandered their way into 37 or so governerships, countless local seats, and by the looks of it the senate, congress, and the presidency as well.
We don't lose
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 6:14pm
Having vastly better schools, health care, quality of life, elder health, poverty rates, low rates of teen pregnancy, etc. etc. etc. than the Red States that suck our tax money and then lecture us about spending is "losing"?
Go ahead and "win" then.
Most states are run by R's now
By Scauma
Wed, 02/08/2017 - 11:24am
Facts. Republicans run the senate and the house. Facts. Not to mention the presidency. Not sure why you made a blue state vs red state argument, but then again I don't understand a lot of the points you make on here. The jury's still out on you Swrrly.
Not necessarily
By anon
Wed, 02/08/2017 - 12:23pm
MA is nowhere near run by Republicans.
You and your trumploving friends need to get past the misconception that the chief exec is the government.
You can start by reading all the founding documents for this country where they are very careful to make certain of checks, balances, and other controls on chief execs even thinking they run the government.
LMAO Me? A Trump lover?
By Scauma
Wed, 02/08/2017 - 4:02pm
You actually made me laugh out loud with that one. I'm no where near a Trump supporter, voter, nor lover. And no one I know supports him either. Again, we're talking facts. If memory serves me correctly there are 37 current R governors in these United States. Since 37 is more than half of 50, my statement is factually true. When did I say Mass was run by republicans? My point was democrats need to man up and stop playing nice when republicans are playing dirty, IE gerrymandering districts to win a lot of those seats.
Gotta agree with your tactics. Voter fraud is an imaginary
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 02/08/2017 - 6:25pm
issue invented by Republicans to defend their voter-suppression efforts (which also need to be fought vigorously), but gerrymandering is a much bigger problem.
Give the GOP credit for cleverly gaming the system, but it is a rigged system. Dems get many more votes than Repubs in Congressional elections, still don't control Congress. They don't have to redraw the lines to give themselves an unfair advantage, just remove the artificiality of the current district maps. Fixing that means working at the state level in advance of 2020 to level the playing field.
Andy Bororwitz Reporting
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 8:55pm
Not Real News
I usually find Borowitz kind of painful, but
By MC Slim JB
Tue, 02/07/2017 - 11:07pm
that one's pretty good.
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