By adamg on Mon., 3/27/2017 - 6:48 pm
Thomas Papathanasiou shows us the scene on Fairview Street at South Street around 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. He reports neighbors told him the driver was the only person in the car and that he was taken away by police.

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Car flipped or driver was flipped
By Alan
Mon, 03/27/2017 - 8:35pm
One more reason for the city to expand Slow Streets speed humps on every street.
By Scauma
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 8:53am
No reason why all drivers should have to suffer because of a few speed demons. Speed humps on certain, strategic streets sure but not all streets.
By Rob Not Verified
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 8:42am
You have a strange definition of 'suffering' if that includes not being able to speed on dense, residential streets.....
By Scauma
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 8:52am
Use a little context my friend. Most people don't speed, therefore speed bumps are an unnecessary onus on the average driver. And my comment was in reference to the previous poster who said all streets should have them, I acknowledged some should.
Citation Needed
By anon
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 9:28am
Drivers in the US kill over
By Kinopio
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 10:23am
Drivers in the US kill over 30,000 people per years. Those "few speed demons" sure are busy.
By anon
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 9:45am
Speed bumps would be great .
Boston must have the most
By tcf098
Mon, 03/27/2017 - 11:14pm
Boston must have the most overturned vehicles per capita of any major US city. There's got to be a way to statistically confirm this somehow!
By perruptor
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 7:09am
It would be someplace with a lot of Jeeps and Explorers. Boston has too many Subarus, which are hard to flip because of their engine design.
i.e. Subarus can't drive fast
By tofu
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 9:09am
i.e. Subarus can't drive fast :)
By anon
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 9:28am
Yeah, that must be why we so so many of these zipping around.
The reason they don't flip is the boxer twin creates a very low center of mass.
That's what I meant
By perruptor
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 10:48am
Except all today's Subarus have a boxer 4- or 6-cylinder. They haven't made a twin in decades, if they ever did. Anyway, it puts the weight of the heaviest component very low in the chassis, unlike typical upright or V-type engines.
Jeeps and Explorers still don't flip as easily
By aldos
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 9:29am those lifted pickups that everyone drives in the South. Combined with higher speeds, it's probably more likely that an accident in some place like that would result in a flip.
On the other hand, Boston has more accidents in general.
Damned humans
By dga
Mon, 03/27/2017 - 11:53pm
That proves it. We should only allow self-driving cars in the city.
And bikes, of course.
By Joe Rozzie
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 8:14am
Of course,Self driving bikes. For those incapable of sharing the road.
Get rid of all cars
By anon
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 9:47am
Drivers are the ones who are incapable of sharing the road.
The roads around here weren't made for drivers anyway.
Drivers kill the most people by far.
Get rid of the cars, there will be none of these problems.
The Prius tripped it!
By tofu
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 9:10am
The Prius tripped it!
How did he get up THAT much speed?
By Gary C
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 9:10am
He clearly hit the Prius on the right in the first photo and then, I assume, flipped. That means he was traveling UP Fairview and had just come through the intersection with South. (See the streetview equivalent of the 2nd photo to confirm that he was going up, not down: )
He must have come flying down South St (towards the train station), turned the (left) corner onto Fairview and hit the Prius, that was parked about where the 3rd parked car is located in this other streetview.
Man he was flying!
You don't really need to be going that fast to flip
By aldos
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 9:25am
If the front tire of your car climbs the rear tire of the car you hit, you can flip a car surprisingly easily. For example:
Yep just like that!
By Gary C
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 10:27am
That video is TOTALLY what happened here.
Yep, I've seen it
By bshep
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 11:33am
A very long time ago I was biking alongside traffic which wasn't moving super fast when in front of me a boat of a Cadillac (we're talking mid-80s here) flew up in the air and flipped over, landing on its roof. It seemed inexplicable, but I guess the elderly driver (who I believe survived) drifted and managed to hit the curb exactly the right/wrong way. So yeah, it's amazing what a relatively low speed and a very small ramp will get you.
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