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The Rehabilitation of Mike Barnicle

Mike Barnicle scores points on Morning Joe on MS-NBC in the discussion of Sarah Palin's

clothing expenses of $150,000, underwritten by the Republican Party. He nails it when he says that Sarah Palin loses credibility claiming she's just like the average small town hockey mom when she's out buying $1200 dresses. You can see what $150,000 dollars buys in a slide show here.


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The only thing different about Mike Barnicle these days is his face is even pastier.

He's become quite comfortable in his role as a blathering hack who hasn't actually had anything original to say in 15 years. A few randomly strung together insults about your favorite VP candidate doesn't suddenly make him the reincarnation of Mike Royko.

Also: Please let's confine the discussion to the Annoying Mr. Barnicle, rather than launching endless screeds about Sarah Palin's wardrobe.

Uh uh uh, I see you writing another link about Palin. Just. Don't. Please. Think of the children.

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For those who don't know Mike from wiki...

Michael Barnicle (born 13 October 1943 in Worcester, Massachusetts) is an American newspaper writer and has been a newspaper columnist for more than 30 years for The Boston Globe (1974–1998), the New York Daily News (1999–2005) and the Boston Herald (2004–present). He has also written for Esquire, George, ESPN Magazine, and most recently Newsweek.com and The Huffington Post.

Barnicle also provides commentary on MSNBC, where he has been under contract for the last 10 years, and frequently is seen on NBC's Today Show with news/feature segments.

Barnicle graduated from Boston University in 1965, and began working for Robert F. Kennedy. He was a speechwriter for John Tunney, Edmund Muskie, and Sargent Shriver.

Boston Globe
Barnicle worked for The Boston Globe for 25 years and wrote nearly 4000 columns as their 'metro" columnist. In 1998 he was forced to resign from the Boston Globe amid questions about two of those columns. The first column, more than 80 lines of humorous observations dated August 2, 1998, contained a handful of observations that resembled jokes in the 1997 book Brain Droppings by George Carlin.

A complete review of all of Barnicle's thousands of Globe columns revealed an alleged fabrication in a column from three years earlier, dated October 8, 1995. The column recounted the story of two sets of parents with cancer-stricken children. When one of the boys, a black child, died, the parents of the other boy, a white child who had begun to recover, sent the dead child's parents a check for $10,000 USD. When the Globe could not locate the people in the story, who had not been publicly identified, Barnicle insisted that the story was true. He said he did not obtain the story from the parents, but from a nurse. Days after Barnicle resigned over the controversy, Patricia Shairs stepped forward to say that the 1995 column was the story of her son and another child at Children's Hospital, but as she had not spoken directly with Barnicle, the column contained some factual errors.

Soon afterward, the New York Daily News and the Boston Herald recruited Barnicle to write for them. Barnicle told reporters that he had nothing but “fond feelings for 25 years at the Globe." Globe sports columnist Dan Shaughnessy served as a regular commentator and guest host on Barnicle’s daily radio program on WTKK.

1. Barnicle phoned it in (plagiarized) in some columns but what got him nailed was that he moralized in all his columns and that left very little tolerance for his plagiarism.

2. If you want to critique his writing style (I mean the thousands of things he didn't plagiarize) then that's another matter, and why should we?

3. My question is, has Mike reinvented himself on MS NBC and does that prove he has been rehabilitated?

4. About Sarah Palin $150,000 wardrobe, which the RNC has decided to donate to charity: Does that mean it won't be available for display in the Palin presidential library in Wasilla AK after eight glorious years of American peace and prosperity with her as our 45th president?

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All he's doing is the same tired phoned-in shtik he's being doing for years. You could come up with a list of about 100 random cheap shots, fill in the blanks with a random politician's name, then run them through a simple program to generate a Random Mike Barnicle column/rant/screed and you would not be able to tell the difference.

One could make the same argument about Howie Carr, but Carr at least still does actual reporting from time to time, whereas Barnicle just sits forever on the intro to Chronicle raising that stupid cup of coffee before coming up with today's random list of hacky insults. Sorry, but criticizing Sarah Palin's wardrobe is hardly original - and if I really want to get some rapier-like wit taking her down, I'll turn on the Daily Show tonight.

As for Number 4: You don't miss a trick, do you?

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He couldn't help himself.

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Yeah, it was a rhetorical question.

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