Jules Crittenden sighs:
... I’m not interested in spending the next four years in bitterness, the way the opposition spent the last eight, and I trust America will still be here at the end of this term. Congratulations, Obama. It is a great country. It is yours to govern now, all hope and change in your hands. Hope and change are great, but try not to change it too much. Because I can assure you, it doesn't get much better than this.
Sissy Wills is not conciliatory:
... How ironic that MLKs dream of a colorblind society has been turned upside down in this historic election. It was not colorblindness but its opposite that enabled — in the sense of enabling an addict — a candidate whose self-professed anti-Constitutional, Marx-lite fondness for "income redistribution" and lifelong alliances with notorious America haters were willfully and sometimes thuggishly suppressed over the course of a two-year campaign by fellow-traveling, white-guilt-ridden media elites who, like Obama himself, would accuse skeptics like us of racism and preferred to keep the great unwashed uninformed. It's the stupidity, stupid?
Tim complains about John Kerry and the liberal media:
... At least one good thing could come of the national election. I'm hoping that John 'Can I Get Me a Hunting License Here' Kerry will be appointed Ambassador to the UN. It's a position he was born to hold. ...
Martin Solomon tries to look on the bright side:
... There's no question that the election of a Black man to the Presidency is exciting and will affect the American political dynamic in unpredictable and interesting ways. Some of us are unable to share in the same sort of excitement that Obama's supporters are experiencing, because Obama comes from the African-American leftist political tradition which many of us believe is so damaging to our nation. A Black man from the right or even the center would have really stirred the pot in unexpected and truly inspiring ways. That didn't happen.
At least he is not a Jesse Jackson. Obama is a political Zelig, and though his stated positions, and those of his party, are truly disturbing, it remains to be seen how political reality affects his specific direction. ...
BostonMaggie is sad:
... Sad that 52% of my fellow voters decided to back a man I genuinely feel will harm America, yeah ... but more sad that 52% of my fellow voters decided to deny America President McCain. Remember, I was a McCain girl all along. I was voting for him, not for whatever Republican was on the ticket. Not against a Democrat. Not against Obama.
Jay G reasons:
It's not the end of America, folks. The Shining City on a Hill that Ronaldus Maximus extolled is still there; still a shining beacon of hope the world over. One petty socialist won't signal the end; millions of Americans packing it all in will. Let's not let that happen. Keep the faith. Believe.
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but try not to change it too
By Anonymous
Wed, 11/05/2008 - 8:09pm
I'm glad Jules is not bitter or angry. Good on Jules for that.
Jules strikes me as a rather selfish or ignorant not to understand that the last eight years have left us in a state of a depleted military and depleted treasury, with a financial system in disarray, real income falling as CPI rises, and facing a global environmental crises. Maybe Jules isn't so much ignorant of these things as he is a man of low standards or expectations.
Where progressives see opportunity for improvement that would benefit the greater good, conservatives assess the situation as "as good as it gets" and prefer to live without the disappointment of unattained improvement.
Legend in his own mind
By deselby
Wed, 11/05/2008 - 10:27pm
Crittenden is what happens when guys who never managed to serve in the military try to act like they did.
He's been riding on his embedding experience since 2003.
By Mary Ellen
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 9:13am
I am so, so tired of the attitude that anyone who voted for Obama is a blind idiot, too dazzled by his speeches to pay attention to the issues. I do my homework before I cast my vote, and, while I don't agree with Obama on everything, I do think that he is the best man for the job right now.
Blind Idiot?
By Gareth
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 10:10am
No, that'd be the other party's Veep candidate, who couldn't name the countries in NAFTA and didn't know that Africa is a continent. If you paid attention to the issues, not wanting someone with a third-grade understanding of the world as president is a pretty big issue.
re: Blind idiot?
By liveinvt
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 10:25am
Sadly, they fail to understand that a children driving a car can still cause harm. It's best to put someone who is knowledgeable about cars and is actually qualified to drive one - more a question of ability than experience.
Conservatives should
By MattL
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 11:24am
Conservatives should probably look up what a Socialist actually is before they accuse people of being one. It really doesn't help fight the general perception that they're the Know-Nothing party when they misuse the term.
Also, the "pallin' around w/terrorists" comments are always commical. Who's significant other is a secessionist? Is it Michelle Obama? No, that would be Todd Palin!
My goodness.
By liveinvt
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 10:27am
What a fine collection of misguided fools.
"It doesn't get much better than this" 9k Dow? 33% of America without health care? Near-0 wage growth for a decade? Two wars and trillions wasted?
"income redistribution" How would you describe Bush's tax cuts - income preservation? America is founded on principles of equality and income redistribution. McCain's tax plan is income redistribution.
"anti-constitutional" Please provide citations. I would love to see what Obama has done that is against the constitution, while Bush is torturing people and denying TRIALS to AMERICANS (haebeus corpus). What provision of the constitution permits guantanamo bay to even exist? Only an idiot would say Obama is "anti-constitutional", to put it nicely.
"harm America" oh my ged. These people have no knowledge. They have no idea what Bush has done? The trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of dead people around the world? 9/11 happened on Bush's watch due to willful negligence. Katrina.
I might be saddened by the enormity of how stupid these people are. But they love Bush. And they lost. Now I can simply LAUGH IN THEIR FACES.
Definitions and a Reality Check
By AnnaB
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 11:28am
Socialist: –noun
1. an advocate or supporter of socialism.
2. (initial capital letter) a member of the U.S. Socialist party.
3. socialistic.
Socialism: –noun
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
Gee, which U.S. President had the government buy up shares of banks? Sounds pretty socialist to me!
I find these comments (from
By mmurph
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 3:34pm
I find these comments (from the original post) so sad. As Americans we've now elected a President 56 times and each time someone has won and someone has lost. Each time the supporters of the loser were upset and the supporters of the winner were happy. But we're still here.
This whole business about people praying for the country, expecting it to break into pieces, and erupt into a huge fireball is ridiculous. Like every past election the American people have spoken. You might not agree with the outcome, but it's not the end of the world. Obama, like McCain want the best for America, they just have different ideas on how to get there. That's not a bad thing, it's these differing ideas that have pushed America and the world forward.
One of the greatest things about America, the thing that make us the envy of countries around the world is our ability peacefully elect new a new leader every four years and peacefully transition power to a new generation. It's something to be proud of no matter your party affiliation.
Amen, Murph
By Suldog
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 3:41pm
I'm no Obama fan (nor am I a McCain fan) but the overall peacefulness of our transition of power IS one of the most magnificent accomplishments our country can boast about.
Setting aside that minor incident in 1861, of course :-)
Adam, thanks for posting these
By pjm
Thu, 11/06/2008 - 7:21pm
Out here in Amherst, pretty near everyone is nothing but euphoric, and even though "my guy" won, it's good to be reminded of the arguments of the other side. Even if we don't agree, if we don't know what they base their decisions on, we can't convince them of our own points.