By adamg on Fri., 11/3/2017 - 5:15 pm
WHDH reports on the crash shortly before 2 p.m. on East Cottage Street near Norfolk Avenue.
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By cinnamngrl
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 5:31pm
I thought local news stations would avoid this kind of obvious victim blaming. What is especially hazardous or industrial about this block? It's a public street not a truck yard.
A Residential Through-Street— To Blame The Victim Is Disgustin
By Elmer
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 5:54pm
Teen killed by truck in Dorchester was trying his hand at modeli
By Anonymous
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 6:48pm
RIP young man
By anon
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 9:46pm
And condolences to loved ones. Looks like a great kid.
teenager killed
By anon
Sun, 11/05/2017 - 12:09am
Truck drivers should be more cognizant of their surroundings because cyclists don't have much of a chance when they get blindsided by a truck.
Antawani Wright-Davis,19
By Anonymous
Sun, 11/05/2017 - 12:54am
"Her handsome young son was identifiable only by his dental records." Antawani Wright-Davis,19
There is ongoing construction
By Petehro
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:15pm
There is ongoing construction on this street for couple months now, that's why.
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 9:33pm
So? Unless it is closed to the public, it is open for cycling.
By whyaduck
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 7:08am
You might enjoy bike riding in open to the public construction zones but I prefer a safer and more serene area.
That's nice dear
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 11/05/2017 - 7:52am
You get to play on your bike on safe roads! How sweet.
Ever occur to you that many people don't have that ... privilege? That they need to navigate situations like this to get out of their neighborhood?
Of course not. You're too special. So special and such a good girl that you don't complain about groping and harassment like those bad girls ... and bad boys who can't afford cars and get mowed down by entitled motorists. Oh no. Not you.
What a tool
By anon
Wed, 11/08/2017 - 2:13pm
I usually don't respond to ignorance, but since I grew up in this area, I feel compelled to do so. This area is a dense residential and commercial (pizza shop, convenience store, small body shop, etc.) area. I ride through here all the time on my motorcycle. I will tell you that the trucks working on this road act like they own the neighborhood. School buses are picking up and dropping kids on a daily basis. There's even an elementary school about a quarter mile up the road. So to say oh well for riding his a bicycle in his neighborhood that lead to his death is just distasteful. What would the response be if he was in Cambridge or Brookline????
They didn't say it was on the street...
By Angry Dan
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:32pm
I'm withholding judgement because it could have been in the loading docks at the rear of the property.
Unfortunately, whatever happened, the victim won't get to tell his/her side of the story.
Bad reporting
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 8:44pm
It did happen in a lot for dump trucks and gravel, not on Cottage Street.
Bad speculation
By JustinM
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 9:11am
Do you know that for a fact, or are you just speculating like the WHDH reporters did based on a helicopter shot of where the dump truck was eventually parked? The Boston Globe has a photo of crime scene tape up in Cottage Street. Not sure why they would put tape up there if this all took place in the lot.
Eventually parked?
By cinnamngrl
Sun, 11/05/2017 - 1:50pm
Both the bike and the truck are off the street in these pictures. Am I wrong to believe that vehicles investigated in a crash are left untouched as long as safe?
It would be nice if someone reported the location of the crash. I think it unrealistic to think that this crash happened in the street unless someone moved the bike and truck after the crash.
Current text says
By anon
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:54pm
Which will be interpreted by most as putting the fault on the victim.
If the bike was somewhere that cars go, other than a freeway, that quote seems very wrong.
Boston shouldn't be getting any awards for being bike-friendly, when any crash gets the mayor and the TV news immediately blaming the bicyclist. When politically-sensitive people feel they have to do that, that means Boston is not bike-friendly, but bike-hateful. Any organization that gives Boston an award for this is part of the problem.
Basically, it is not clear
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 8:47pm
Basically, it is not clear whether the cyclist was trespassing. Or in a more neutral phrasing, had permission to be in the lot.
By whyaduck
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 7:17am
Did you watch the video? The cyclist was in the industrial yard, a place he/she should not of been riding in for many reasons. The cyclist was not on the road. This was an industrial yard where there is heavy truck traffic, in and out of the yard. Yeah, I have no idea why anyone would want to take a bike joy ride in an industrial area.
Hey, but if all you bike zealots want to ride in such an area, go for it. Since those truckers do not have blind spots, really, you have nothing to worry sbout.
Oh for fuck's sake
By MostlyHarmless
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 5:44pm
"It’s not clear why the victim was biking in the hazardous area."
Huh, WHDH. Let me help you out here. You see, streets are bits of space that people use to get between two points. A bike is a vehicle that allows you to get between two points more rapidly than you would by walking. So I think it's safe to surmise that the victim was there because they was trying to get somewhere that they weren't.
Seriously, what the fuck is this bullshit.
Changed article?
By downtown-anon
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 5:52pm
Word hazardous was removed? Maybe someone reads UHub and realized how ignorant it sounded.
Screw you, WHDH
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:57pm
[quote]It’s not clear why the victim was biking in the area.[/quote]
It's not clear why the TRUCK crushed the cyclist.
Do you need permission to enter certain parts of Boston now? Do they always question why people killed were in the area?
By Tim Mc.
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 5:54pm
"It was not clear why the driver was driving in a hazardous fashion."
Unfortunate that somebody died here
By roadman
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:24pm
However, and at the risk of invoking the wrath of the "cars and trucks are pure evil" crowd here, it's UNFAIR to automatically blame the truck driver. Because we all know how cyclists NEVER operate recklessly or flaunt the law. But I guess it's easy to blame a driver of a LARGE vehicle that has far more limitations, including wider turning circle and BLIND SPOTS, than a cyclist has instead of objectively looking at the true cause of the collision.
As noted above, and as per Massachusetts law, bicycles are VEHICLES. And when a crash involving a cyclist occurs, it should be investigated EXACTLY the same as any other crash between two cars, or a car and a tractor trailer, or two tractor trailers. And if fault is to be assigned, the standards of fault should apply equally in ALL cases. That is called accepting equal responsibility. You know, the mantra the bike lobby keeps promoting "equal rights, equal responsibility."
Sadly, the bike lobby will cite this crash as another reason why cyclists should continue to get entitled treatment and specialized laws (like, bike hitting driver while passing on right is NOT at fault for collision) that discriminate against other VEHICLE operators.
By Ari O
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:39pm
Blind spots are not an excuse. A good driver knows where their blind spots are and will not make a movement without checking them. "I didn't see them" is not a valid argument.
I believe you are confused. I don't think the cycling community was putting up the "same roads, same rules" signs.
Two things: when has a bicycle hit a vehicle passing on the right? Much more often a vehicle will turn across the path of a passing cyclist. That is illegal and it damn well should be.
Secondly, I'm so very sorry that car operators have been discriminated against. The Bicycle Lobby is working hard to make sure that car operators are given roads with the majority of space given over to cars, that rules are strictly enforced (since, you know, you always see a cop pull over the first person to run a red light, not to mention the second and third), that illegal U-turns have been ticketed out of oblivion, and that a vehicle operator knows that if they right-hook a cyclist or buzz a roll a stop sign and hit a pedestrian they are going to jail for a long time. Yes, you're right, we've been discriminatory. Perhaps it's time to dial it back a little bit.
By whyaduck
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 7:06am
Blind spots, by their very nature of being blind spots, means just that, blind. You cannot see what is in your blind spot. As a driver of a car or truck, you mostly have only your mirrors to check around you when you are driving. That is the reality. I really do not understand why you and others are still putting forth this silliness. Plenty of info on Prof. Google on the topic such as
In regards to your comment about when would a cyclist hit a vehicle passing (and I will add turning) right? Well, I was a witness to an accident as you described a few months ago. A car driver was making a right and had stopped to let a pedestrian cross in the crosswalk. It was a tight turn with a set amount of room. Cyclist, for some reason, ran right into the back of the car. Cyclist was in bike lane but the end of the car, because the driver had stopped to let the walker cross, was partially (end corner) in the lane. Difficult to see how this was the driver's fault.
Okay …
By Ari O
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 2:41pm
a) blind spots are blind because they are not easily visible to the driver. However, a driver should never make a movement in to a blind spot without being sure that it is a safe and legal maneuver. Say you're driving down the highway and go to change lanes. Do you just move in to the other lane if you don't see a car in your mirrors? Hell, no. You check your blind spot (ever head that phrase? It's a thing! It's mentioned 161,000 times on Prof. Google, as you put it, with a bunch of videos if you have a hard time with the words) by turning your head to make sure the roadway is clear.
Same thing with bicycles. On an urban street, before you do anything, you should check for bicyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians, and pretty much anything else that may not be a huge fucking SUV. You know those bumper stickers the RMV gives out with way too many exclamation points? They say "check twice, save a life." Figure it the fuck out. (Per your link, if a truck changes lanes in to you and causes an accident you're SOL, right? Wrong. The truck driver is. That's why trucks are very careful about changing lanes, and good truck drivers have a very good idea of where any other vehicles may be.)
As for your second situation: the driver is obviously at fault. If the driver is making a turn and there are pedestrians in the crosswalk, the driver should stop and wait for the pedestrians, allowing other traffic to pass as necessary on the right. Vehicles going straight have the right-of-way. You may only enter a bicycle lane to make a turn, and if you can not make a turn because there is a pedestrian, you wait. Simple! Once the crosswalk is clear, then you check for bicycles (including in your blind spot) and, if it is clear, make the turn. (Chapter and verse for this is 90§14.) I know that Massholes tend to pull right up to the crosswalk to best menace the pedestrians crossing and block the bike lane, but it doesn't make it okay.
By Roman
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 3:02pm
that on the highway, all the cars are moving in the same direction and one is unlikely to materialize in your blind spot in the second or two it takes for you to redirect your attention forward and execute the lane change.
With bikes in the city...they'll swerve into your blind spot in no time flat. They'll go from your left to your right side in the time it takes you to turn your head. Don't pretend it doesn't happen. You can be the best, more careful, most diligent driver in the world and you'll still have a close call with a cyclist around here because they just don't give a fuck. Not for the rules of the road, not for their own safety.
In the past week, as a pedestrian I've seen cyclists swerve out of the bike lane and into the car lane on a whim without checking if it's safe or signalling their lane change and as a motorist I've seen a cyclist at night no helmet, no lights, no reflectors, suddenly go from in front of me on the right to making a left turn (without checking or indicating) just as I was about to overtake him (at <25 mph). Good thing I gave him some space, or else we'd both be less than happy right now. Him more than me, I suspect.
By tachometer
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 2:57pm
With proper mirrors the only true blind spots on a large truck are directly behind it, directly in front of it but blocked by the hood, or directly adjacent to the front passenger side but blocked by the hood/door (i.e. ahead of the mirror and below the hood). A good driver knows that. A significant number of truck/bike collisions happen when a rider is adjacent to the truck but behind the mirror on the passenger side and the truck turns right. That is not a blind spot, the cyclist is visible in the mirror but the driver of the truck didn't check that side sufficiently before turning.
Actually, I think it's at
By Rob
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 11:10pm
Actually, I think it's at least five blind spots on a large truck. It's been a while since I went to the demonstration exhibit at the Auto Show at rhe Convention Center, but I'm pretty sure it was more than four.
Are you a good driver?
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 7:12pm
I'm going to assume you're a good, law abiding driver who pays full attention to what's around him. Sure, many drivers aren't law abiding or attentive but because I'm not an asshole I'll assume you aren't one of them.
That's why I'll feel sorry for you when you are killed by an inattentive driver who nevertheless blames you knowing that you can't defend yourself on account of being dead. Maybe I'll even feel sorry for you when the state considers you at fault solely on the testimony of your killer. And I'll even feel sorrow knowing that no meaningful investigation occurred. I wouldn't imply you need to be proven innocent because I'm not a jerk who assumes two entirely different things are equal because of some general legal statute.
Anyway, the reason why there should be separate laws that apply to bikes is because bikes are cars are NOT the same. One goes fast and weights tons, the other goes slow and is feather light. If you can't see the difference between a bike and car (and simply assume all vehicles are identical) perhaps you should find another line of work.
You might be interested to
By Tim Mc.
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:44pm
You might be interested to know that in the Netherlands, if there is a collision between a car and a bicycle, the car driver is presumed to be at fault. I believe this is because bicycles generally operate at lower speed and have more agility; if there is a collision, it is more likely the driver doing something stupid than a cyclist ramming a car or diving under the wheels.
People are people, and people sometimes break the law. But when a driver breaks the law, it is more likely to kill people.
You should also review your driver's education materials; it is the responsibility of any vehicle operator to know what is in their "blind spots".
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 8:03pm
I was thinking about what they would do in the Netherlands as I was watching that a man was ran over in Dorchester mass.Here we throw rocks at whoever we think is at fault and anyone nr accident is suing someone that's how it's done in DOT. UN FN REAL THANK ONCE AGAIN TIM
I haven't been on a bike in
By Kinopio
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 5:58pm
I haven't been on a bike in Boston in a decade because cyclists in this city are treated as subhuman by many people, and most of these people are operating 4000 pound deadly weapons. Its really disturbing.
You're correct
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:49pm
Only I keep cycling because fuck the jealous losers. Riding a bike is fast, riding a bike is cheap, and riding a bike is good for everyone. (Less traffic, less pollution, less crowding on the T.)
Someone might kill me but I'd rather die having enjoyed life instead of being stuck for a 1/3 of it in traffic and wasting my money. The reason why people complain about bikes is because they're envious.
By luke warm
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:57pm
reason people complain about bikes is because they are ignorant of the law which says cyclists can use the full lane. I have spoken to two on-duty police officers who did not know this law, and one practicing attorney in the Commonwealth.
Information is good believe it or not.
"Riding a bike is cheap"?
By anon
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 10:01pm
"Riding a bike is cheap"? How expensive is a 10mph collision to you? In a car, that might be $10,000 of damage. On a bike, that might 50 years of scars, painkillers, and physical therapy.
Must be why ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 10:56pm
A lot of the deaths caused by bad driving are people in motor vehicles.
Overall, it's relatively safe
By Tim Mc.
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:50pm
"Relatively", because driving is pretty damn dangerous too. The statistics can be a little confusing to sort out -- sometimes they're presented as "deaths per mile" (or hour) or sometimes "likelihood of serious injury per year", and those don't really convert because people ride in different places in cars and bikes, and with different distances and speeds. But overall, if you're OK with being on the road in a car, you should be OK with being on the road on a bike. It just *feels* more dangerous because you don't have a metal cage around you.
The big difference is that people scream and honk at you -- as you mention, treat you as subhuman.
I'll be happy when self-driving cars take over. People don't deserve their cars.
those don't really convert
By anon
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 11:08pm
This is kind of a major thing to hand-wave away as un-convertable when weighing the safety of bikes versus cars.
What it means is that you can
By Tim Mc.
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 3:35pm
What it means is that you can't make an absolute statement about which is safer; the numbers still show that neither is *particularly* more dangerous than the other.
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 9:37pm
So no one really knows exactly where this happened I'd like definite location so I can put a FILTHY DIRTY STUFFED ANIMAL.there in remembrance
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 9:37pm
So no one really knows exactly where this happened I'd like definite location so I can put a FILTHY DIRTY STUFFED ANIMAL.there in remembrance
That's harsh. Somebody lost
By Lowermills02124
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 12:43am
That's harsh. Somebody lost a loved one.
Yeah, I imagine she was
By Chris DOT
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:18pm
Yeah, I imagine she was reading off a prompter and stumbled a bit but the way she said "it's unclear why the person was biking in the area" was pretty alarming... jeezz
By luke warm
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 6:53pm
I saw a cyclist post-accident in Kenmore I think it was on Monday night. I believe the cyclist was struck by a car. I was on my bicycle heading westbound and did not stop for him because many pedestrians were already attending to him. I saw him lift his head from where he lay in the middle of Beacon St and I hope he is okay. I was hoping to read about the incident on uHub but it never appeared.
I rode past this guy on my commute on morning recently.
This apparel is important because it can help Boston drivers understand laws that they are completely ignorant of. I am not a shill and I don't know this guy--I am just another bicycle commuter.
Every week cyclists in this town are harassed by drivers speeding in 4000b vehicles because those drivers don't know that a cyclist can use the full lane, that a cyclist sometimes turns left, or that a cyclist is a vulnerable human being without protection from a motorists prejudices or psychoses or just bad dehumanized morning.
The problem is motor vehicles and the laws must be changed to favor cyclists. END OF.
Don't stand in way of progress on this one.
"in an industrial area at 80
By Rob
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 7:28pm
"in an industrial area at 80 East Cottage" doesn't sound like "on Cottage Street biking past an industrial property". It sounds much more like "actually on some property (perhaps 80 East Cottage) and not the street" - and the playing the clip tends that way, too....
I live near there. I drive on Cottage Street sometimes. There is what I would call a commercial/industrial property on one side of the road (Unifirst is at 80 E Cottage) and a large vacant (last time I went by) lot across the street (where the flea market used to be - I think it's a construction site as it's being redeveloped).
It's as easy to imagine that a cyclist (either one who had business on the property or who was joyriding or who was trying to find a shortcut) caused the accident and the truck driver is blameless as it is to imagine that the driver of the truck must be at fault. Howzabout we wait for some actual details?
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 7:45pm
Maybe uu people would like everything delivered on RICKSHAWS ,one person says "why was truck in parking lot?"No offense but why was guy riding bike in parking lot? (Was he practicing) Then u sir say I'm glad I wasn't working up in there on that loading dock! Of course u werent.Do trucks drive up on the loading docks now ?if u work there why not tell us what the hell trucks go in there for do u know,or do u take every day off.Tell us what happens up in there.
What do Unitarian Universalists have to do with this?
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/03/2017 - 9:49pm
I guess there is no spell check allowed, either?
The only thing I want
By anon
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 12:22am
The only thing I want delivered by rickshaw is a big load of straw men.
Sun, 11/12/2017 - 10:01pm
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