Of course I have been too lazy to do it, but I have been thinking of getting rid of cable TV completely, and installing an antenna on my roof to get the local (UHF?) stations. I have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, and they pretty much do the job across the board. Even my kids will be fine. I was thinking about your standard kids channel, and they basically recycle shows that are available on streaming TV anyway....
Anyway, made me think that if enough people did that, there would be a market again for stations like 56/38/25/68.
38/56/68 are pretty much dead stations already except for the limited original programming
7 is on its deathbed and should merge with 25.
4&5 are dumpster fire clones of one-another.
2 is the last resort employment zone for everyone fired from every other local station.
44 is now the bastard stepchild of 2.
11 has faded into oblivion.
The Globe and the Herald aren't much better. The Herald is a sports column rag and the Globe seems to have one or two investigative reporters doing Yeoman's work while the rest of the paper is a PR firm whored out to the highest bidder.
And don't even get me started on the blasted moonscape of local radio. Yelch!
Sad News...
By XenaKat
Tue, 02/13/2018 - 11:10pm
I grew up watching him. Sad to hear.
By johnmcboston
Wed, 02/14/2018 - 7:53am
Still miss Channel 56's news. Jack was great at the station and gave some great editorials!
Glad Wonk was able to stay in town though!
Just thinking about these local news stations.....
By Pete Nice
Wed, 02/14/2018 - 8:47am
Of course I have been too lazy to do it, but I have been thinking of getting rid of cable TV completely, and installing an antenna on my roof to get the local (UHF?) stations. I have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, and they pretty much do the job across the board. Even my kids will be fine. I was thinking about your standard kids channel, and they basically recycle shows that are available on streaming TV anyway....
Anyway, made me think that if enough people did that, there would be a market again for stations like 56/38/25/68.
And of course, RIP Jack Hynes.
By Bitter coffee d...
Wed, 02/14/2018 - 9:39am
38/56/68 are pretty much dead stations already except for the limited original programming
7 is on its deathbed and should merge with 25.
4&5 are dumpster fire clones of one-another.
2 is the last resort employment zone for everyone fired from every other local station.
44 is now the bastard stepchild of 2.
11 has faded into oblivion.
The Globe and the Herald aren't much better. The Herald is a sports column rag and the Globe seems to have one or two investigative reporters doing Yeoman's work while the rest of the paper is a PR firm whored out to the highest bidder.
And don't even get me started on the blasted moonscape of local radio. Yelch!
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