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No live programming on WEEI on Friday so all employees can go to sensitivity training

WEEI says that now, what with advertisers pulling out, that airing racist drivel is not the best thing:

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[citation needed]

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If not, what will they air? Reruns of old Red Sox games?

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I miss their random music.

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reruns shown on Game Show Network. That's about their speed anyway.

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Minihane was just talking sports this morning, and it sucked.

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Can one 12-hour training accomplish all of that?

Might want to make it a monthly thing.

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They are losing advertising dollars. How do you stop that? Well, you could institute a training program, cycle people through it without destroying your ability to function normally.

Or...you make a dramatic statement to show people that you are taking 'strong steps' to solve the problem.

It's the ultimate in virtue signalling. The advertisers will come back if they see two things...one is the sales of their product being helped by the 'positive image' generated by the virtue signalling, the other is the positive feedback from those that are influenced by such signalling.

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"In 2003, WEEI’s highly rated morning hosts John Dennis and Gerry Callahan were suspended for two weeks after comparing a gorilla that had escaped from Franklin Park Zoo to a Metco student."


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Now tell us the last time you were disciplined at work for something you did 15 years ago.

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15 years later, you'd think they'd be a bit more wary of what they put on the air

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I'm surprised they didn't just claim, "Oh, it's just locker room talk". It worked for Trump.

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I'm not sure what value they actually have. Keep those knuckleheads off the air until opening day.

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Those can be interesting.

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keep them off the air...but permanently.

unfortunately there is a large enough demand for their racist crap.

think about this...Massachusetts is one of the most educated places in the world. yet, a station for racist, angry, uneducated, suburban meatheads can still be economically viable.

Peoplekind have a long way to go.

- Proud Bostonian. Go Philly Eagles.

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I hope they solve the current problem that somehow overnight devolved into controversy: How SMILF (and almost all MILF variants for that matter) is an awesome empowering term that I believe is a genuine time-saver in this day and age, yet most ugly women get all huffy when they are not included. I understand that complimenting a specific female could inadvertently cause bad feelings in another female who is not worthy of the compliment, but that sort of thing happens every day, like Olympic gold medal winners over silver medal winners and Ellis Island Medal of Honor winners over regular schleps. xMILFs and award winners should serve as shining examples to lift us all up with their example. Some winners in life get medals and ceremonies and some get recognition on the side of public transportation shelters, but that is no reason to ever shut it all down because non-winners do not get ceremonies or bus shelter exposure.

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in the original Ferengi.

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typing random nonsense. Keep it up: someday you'll re-create Shakespeare, maybe.

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The 100th monkey is the one who brings an idea all quantum-like to species consciousness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundredth_monkey_effect

The typewriter thing is about infinite monkeys. Plus it is a dogwhistle. Shame on you, racist scum.

At any rate, if any of you all have sensitivity training, you can pass the time by thinking about what I would say... and what I actually have said in the past... in such a training session.

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gibberish like your post above, as opposed to the things you say that parse sensibly in English.

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...a tale. Full of sound and fury,. Signifying nothing.

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to leave out the 'told by an idiot' part.

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It seemed unnecesarily gratuitous.

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so you're new to the internet?

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Nice slandering Adam. Accusing an entire radio station of being racist is quite an accusation. Some may not be happy with your general racist crying wolf so I would maybe watch what you post.

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For sensitivity training. Nor am I the one who's having ads pulled by credit unions, giant cable companies and state agencies.

I'm also not the one who is clearly not keeping up with his WEEI news. Rather than do all your work for you, I'd suggest you Google weei racist and see what pops up. Do you need any help on how to Google something?

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Maybe a little more sensitivity to the purveyors of gorilla jokes and fake accents that went out of style around the time of Mickey Rooney is what we need in these barbarous and graceless times.

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I certainly didn't hear him say anything slanderous or otherwise. It must have been the voices in your head.

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Who are 'some'?

What are they going to do to Adam?

If you are aware of a specific person or group who are planning to harm someone else, generally that's good into to pass along to the cops.

If the entire studio collapsed on everyone during the morning to midday crossover, not a single decent person would be harmed.

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I was just wondering when anyone on WEEI claimed to be racist. That’s all...

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Racist admitting he's a racist? Ha.

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You are saying WEEI has racist ties but I have not gotten any clarity on how/why. What examples make them certain racists?

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But since you seem to have trouble using Google, here's a link.

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instructive. Catering to the backward, racist pieces of shit among us is big business, to say nothing of effective national politics these days. I don't rate the prospects of WEEI truly changing its troglodyte tone over the long term as very high.

Too bad it's a fallen world.

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We will resume our regular programming on Monday to kick off our sensitivity training joke marathon.

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There is some research that suggests that mandatory sensitivity, diversity, and harassment trainings have no effect, and can even make things worse. ("Why do I have to do this? They think we're insensitive? I'll show them insensitive.")

See, e.g., this article from Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2016/07/why-diversity-programs-fail, among others.

Sure, it will give the company an excuse to fire violators of the policy, but meetings and policies don't change culture.

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On this topic in large organizations, there are generally four groups of employees. The truly ignorant, they just don't know that certain words and actions are not okay in the workplace. The training usually helps. The compliant. Maybe that stuff is acceptable at home but they know it isn't at work and avoid doing it. The "enlightened". See the behavior and language as fundamentally wrong in all circumstances and are happy to tell you so. The truly incorrigible. Know exactly what they are saying and are saying it for effect. They are not going to change either in thought or deed. An experienced facilitator has about 90% of the room pegged in less than thirty minutes.

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Maybe they should broadcast the sensitivity training for their listeners.

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Anyone remember during the Manti Te'o "catfish" scandal? I was spending alot of time in a car around then and was listening to EEI. Dennis Callahan got audibly GIDDY when they brought but the fact "well hes probably GAY, can you believe that?!?!" And wouldnt drop that sentiment.. "well when you're gay.. " "a gay man like this.." it was sickening. I'm not someone who is particularly sensitive to gay slander and it was shocking to me. I just pictured people at the jobsite saying "haha yea even EEI guys know he's a fag! great radio!"

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Half the time I stumble across that station they are talking politics with a conservative strong bias. The other half of the time they are making bigoted jokes. I have never heard actual sports being discussed except when it somehow intersected with politics or the jokes.

Maybe that is the base of the problem. They took the occasional sideshow piece and make it into the premise and made the premise into the sideshow. If I were buying ads I could overlook the occasional comment or string of jokes if they just kept themselves on topic and made it occasional. My experience is that this has overtaken the station to the point where they are pretty much just shock jocks.

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It's not just WEEI. Barstool Sports also doesn't have much actual discussion of sports. Neither does Turtleboy Sports.

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