By adamg on Thu., 12/11/2008 - 4:06 pm
Jessica Heslam has the scoop on the end of the Lander era at WBMX, which is owned by talent-jettisoning CBS Radio.
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Obviously ...
By JimboJones
Thu, 12/11/2008 - 4:38pm
Why do I have the sinking feeling that I won't be excited by Mix 98.5's "coming announcement of exciting news about our morning programming!"
It's going to be syndicated crap, isn't it?
Drat, I just had a good riff on them
By shane_curcuru@d...
Thu, 12/11/2008 - 10:16pm
I really meant to post my story about how Mix 98.5 listeners aren't as cool as I expected a couple of days ago, but now this scoops me.
Seriously, though: how long will it be until all we have locally are various rand() function'ed radio-in-a-box stations, and just WBUR and WUMB left?
From today's Globe:
By JimboJones
Thu, 12/11/2008 - 10:51pm
Longtime Mix 98.5 morning man John Lander bid farewell to surprised listeners yesterday. According to both the station and DJ, his contract ran out and wasn't renewed. Mix has yet to announce who's taking over the a.m. slot. "Contracts end," a cheerful-sounding Lander said, after signing off yesterday. "I thought we'd work it out. I would have loved to continue at Mix."
Unlike his fans, Lander (inset) wasn't surprised he got the boot. Owner CBS has made big changes in other markets, and it's obviously under economic pressure, he said. "A big morning show is a target. I kind of saw they were changing up their business model." Lander, who hopes to find another local radio gig, said he was really touched by his listeners' response yesterday.
Meanwhile, his sidekicks, Alicia Love and Kelly Malone, will continue at the station on other shifts. Love said she'll miss Lander. "He's a legend, to work with him was an absolute honor."
Fri, 12/12/2008 - 11:01am
I absolutely can't stand Lander. Am I the only one completely annoyed by him. I didn't think he was funny, smart, interesting...anything else. Just terrible.
I agree. I couldn't stand
By anon
Mon, 01/05/2009 - 9:38am
I agree. I couldn't stand him either.
Lander was certainly better
By anon
Tue, 01/06/2009 - 9:48am
Lander was certainly better than this Karson with a K and Kennedy. Kelly Malone had 10x more personality than Kennedy I am done with Mix
By anon
Wed, 01/07/2009 - 7:22pm
So disappointing, I used to laugh all the way to work
By anon
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 8:45am
Lander made my morning. Every drive to work put me in a good mood and I was shocked to hear he was gone. I gave Karson and Kennedy a chance, but they just don't compare to him. I won't be listening to that station for my morning commute to work anymore. Very disappointing.
I agree with you. I am in
By anon
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 10:40am
I agree with you. I am in search of another radio station!
kiss 108
By anon
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 1:41pm
Matty in the Morning - Kiss 108 FM
By lmom
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 11:20am
I couln't agree with you more. I am changing my radio pre-set to another station. I hope they suffer a huge loss of listeners. Karson and Kennedy are SO BORING and the commercial breaks are ridiculously long! The music seems not as up tempo either. I need that to get going in the morning. Best Wishes to you Lander!!
Lander's morning show was
By Evelyn
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 5:51pm
Lander's morning show was the best that Boston radio had to offer in the morning. Can't believe he's gone. I'll never listen to Mix 98.5 ever again.
Lander, Lander, Lander
By Karen
Fri, 01/09/2009 - 9:39am
I miss Lander, the morning crew made the drive to work a breeze. The new crew are boring and lame, they really need to spice things up soon or I'll either fall asleep or find a new station. How can anyone not like Lander in the morning, the crew was funny, interesting and entertaining. I guess I will have to start searching for a new station.
By Gail
Fri, 01/09/2009 - 11:05am
I miss Lander and the crew, very disapointed that he is gone, I won't listen to the new people in the morning, they don't make me laugh, very boring. Lander was it, laugh all the way to work.
I hope the station pays big for not renewing his contract.
We all miss you Lander best of luck in the future. The stations lost.
Does anyone have an update on where he's going?
By anon
Tue, 01/13/2009 - 9:47am
I used to live in Boston and listened to Lander in the morning every day on my hour plus commute to work. When I moved, I started listening to him on the internet. He had just the right balance of current events and funny material to keep the show interesting and fresh. Does anyone know where he's going next?
By anon
Tue, 01/20/2009 - 6:34pm
Lander was crude! His jokes were the lamest. I can't believe people are actually 'devastated' that he's off the air.
The new Mix 98.5 is so
By Anonymous
Sat, 01/24/2009 - 5:20pm
The new Mix 98.5 is so disappointing. Karson and Kennedy just arent the same as Lander. Cant believe they didnt resign him. Bad move. Now Im looking for a new station! Any suggestions?
mix sucks
By Jon M Morgan, C...
Wed, 02/11/2009 - 1:01pm
WBMX has sucked since like 2001 or whenever they became Kiss-108 Jr.
Awful move!
By anon
Sat, 01/24/2009 - 5:21pm
Awful move!
Can you spell STUPIDITY???
By anon
Tue, 01/27/2009 - 1:33am
If Lander isn't on Mix anymore, my dial won't be either. Dumb move 98.5... can you spell STUPIDITY???
You changed it alright... for the worse!
By anon
Wed, 02/04/2009 - 7:45am
I left on vacation in December and when I returned no Lander. I am truly saddened as use to howl all the way to work- sometimes pulling over as I had to wipe my tears from laughing so hard. The replacement Kelley and Carson-are you kidding? They sound like a high school radio station. I hope Lander finds a new gig soon.
Goodbye Mix 98.5
By Kate
Mon, 02/16/2009 - 10:23am
John Lander was so funny and upbeat. I really am going to miss his morning show and the new morning show is so boring...I won;t listen to Mix 98.5 anymore. What a stupid thing to do, but does that really surprise anyone since it seems that top management is stupid as well. Kiss 108 is awful. Matty is so depressing and has nothing positive to say. I don't like starting my day like that. Time to take out my cd's.
Lander was not so much
By anon
Tue, 03/31/2009 - 9:55am
coming from san francisco where ALICE was the best show on 97.3, i was looking for my morning show here in boston. i found my station, 98.5, who played the Top 40 hits, and the morning show, Lander was horrible! his show was so lame! he added no wit, nothing funny, and just stated the obvious to every topic they talked about. i was so surprised at how BAD the show was! i mean really people - you found him FUNNY? what!? i now listen to NPR as boston has zero good morning radio shows. i listened to karson and kelly once, but they didn't grab me enough.
Where is John Lander
By Yvette M. Ayotte
Tue, 04/21/2009 - 1:45pm
Can someone tell me where John Lander is.
I miss him greatly.
Thank you.