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Guy in those Michael Cohen cigar photos involved in racial incident in Boston

The Guardian introduces us to one of the cigar smokers, Jerry Rotonda, a former Deutsche Bank executive who has the distinction of having a case brought before our own Supreme Judicial Court.

The Guardian has the basics of the case, which revolved around the future Master of the Universe screaming racial epithets at a black meter maid in Kenmore Square and threatening to run her over in 1998. Also worth reading is the SJC decision, which came about because Suffolk County prosecutors objected to a verdict in which he would have the whole thing wiped from his record for a year if he was a good boy for that period.


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Ah yes, to be white, rich, above the law and completely obnoxious.

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Try to stay on topic.

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For the record we don't know that Jerry Rotonda, a former Deutsche Bank executive, is a Trump supporter, his association with Michael Cohen notwithstanding. We do have credible evidence he used offensive, racist rhetoric and threats of violence toward a person of color who ticketed his car for $20. So if you think this is anti-Trump, that's you making the connection.

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I know it’s hard to keep up, but...

Trump waives criminal punishments for convicted banks, including Deutsche Bank, to whom he owes $130,000,000-$300,000,000

Rotonda is a Deutsche Bank CFO.

Deutsche Bank was fined by the US Government for laundering $10B for Russian Oligarchs.

Deutsche Bank is Donald Trump’s biggest lender.

Donald Trump waived criminal punishments for Deutsche Bank in January.

Also present at the Cohen cigar smoking party was Rotem Rosen. Rosen is one of the guys who accompanied Trump to Russia because Rosen was leveraging his connections in the Moscow real estate game to help get Trump Tower Moscow off the ground.

So...yeah. Trump likes to say racist stuff and Rotonda likes to say racist stuff, that is one connection. BUT...

We have the personal lawyer (who is under investigation for shady financial dealings) for a President, who is under investigation for his ties to Russia, hanging out with the CFO of a bank convicted of laundering $10B for Russian businesses and that bank happens to have lent the president a boat load of money for real estate deals, and, by the way, the president just happened to relieve that bank from their sanctions. And there is a supposed power player in the Moscow real estate market also in attendance.


Maybe Rotonda voted for Hillary and just happened to be smoking cigars outside Cohen’s hotel when he came out? Maybe I am just reading too much in to things.

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Metermaid. Can't they be given a more uptodate job title?

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That better?

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Adam, it amazes me how deep you dig to find anything “racist”. You truely have some major issues going on and need to tone it down.

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You might note that I wrote nothing about this photo until this Boston link came out. That makes it news to me, a parochial Boston resident who mainly knows there's still life outside 128 because I have family west and south of there.

You might also note I didn't write the original story or dig up the Supreme Judicial Court case (a case that makes the whole thing extra special because not that many people have their cases go all the way up to the SJC).

But speaking of national politics and timeliness, how is remarking on a 1998 case any different from blaming Hillary Clinton for everything her husband did before then?

Tone it down? There are a lot of other Web sites in the sea if you don't like this one.

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As long as we can judge people based on what associates of theirs did back in the 90s, fine.

Speaking of which, what does the Democratic nominee for President in 2016 think about people making allegations of sexual misconduct against people in the public eye, anyway?

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If I'm not mistaken, that's Trump himself describing how he assaulted women in that famous video.

Allegations didn't need to be made.

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Kristen Gillenbrand 2020!

(Seriously, she’s been my horse since early November 2016, even though she has tracked way too far to the left for me. She’s still practical.)

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You think it was acceptable to scream racial slurs and threaten to kill people in 1998? ...um, okay.

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Adam never passes up an opportunity to take a swipe at the current administration or anything related to it, no matter how tenuous the connection to greater Boston.

The fact that 20 years ago, some guy who knew a guy that knows Trump said the n-word is far from newsworthy.

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Not the "don't like scumbags acting like mobsters and draining the national coffers for their friends" bias.

Nope. Not at all.


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There were four candidates on the ballot in Massachusetts.

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There is no end to the grievances of conservative snowflakes. Sad,



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I pass up TONS AND TONS of chances to take a swipe at Trump and his administration and his acolytes (hey, hear the news about Sean Hannity yet?). But this isn't a national-affairs site, so I limit what I write to Boston (OK, sometimes greater Boston, OK, sometimes even the rest of the state if it involves interesting Mass. court cases or a moose on the loose). Both the photo-guy thing and the Lewandoswki Marathon frothing qualify.

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I wish Adam would cover more about our Deal Leader because I'd love to hear from the UHub community about national issues as well.

And I wouldn't paint Adam with the racist brush so quickly.

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You see, Adam is the bad guy in their small minds,not the guy with the history with the Central Park Five or his being caught denying black people apartments or endorsing sexual assault and lying through his teeth almost every day and for some reason, still can't tell us where those crack investigators are that are still looking for Obama's birth certificate or had to pay 25 million to the people he swindled with a fake university

Fucking Gaffin, amirite?

And Cohen? The worst Tom Hagen impersonator I've ever seen.

"Is it pronounced Co-hen, Mike?"
"No, Mr. Trump, it's pronounced Cohn"
"Much better!"

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It's still free America, so Adam is free to post and you are free to comment. One mite say that you don't pass up a chance to criticize such articals that may post from time to time, so what category does that put you in.

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IP address!! Have the Russians penetrated U-Hub?

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Everybody to get from screen!

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Fuck off nazi sympathizer

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Oh well, guess I have to live with that feeling...

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In 1998 I was not associating with racist people. Why? Because I choose not to associate with racist people. But Cohen apparently associated with at least one racist individual. So that tells us something about Cohen in 1998.

Perhaps Cohen had a religious awakening after 1998 which let him see that keeping company with racist people is not a good idea. But given what we know about Cohen, and what we know about the three of the ten people he has worked with since 2017 (he must have a very special practice to need so few clients), logic allows us to conclude that it is quite possible that Cohen has not had a religious awakening since 1998.

What is the idea? A person is known by the people he associates with? If Cohen associates with a person who is a racists, with moralizers who themselves are clearly immoral, you probably get my drift.

One of the pleasures that I enjoy in reading Universal Hub is that the reporters (the owner included) reports news that would not be found in any other news source.

That is the point media isn't it? To report on what's happening. If it happens that there is a historical connection to current news than all the better. As Americans we are not known for being particularly smart or wise to our history - local and national. Understandable. There is so much past who can keep up?

So to me a reporter who provides historical context and background is an excellent reporter.

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Adam, it amazes me how deep you dig to find anything “racist”. You truely have some major issues going on and need to tone it down.

You weren't here in 1998, then? I remember this incident. It was such that it didn't take any more than Adam's brief description to remind me, and I'll wager that the large majority of people who were in Boston at the time also remember it. There's a word you should look up: "infamy". When you've earned infamy, as this individual has, no one has to "dig".

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And so timely.

Corey Lewandowski (you remember him, of course) today blamed James Comey for failing to prevent the Marathon bombings.

Only problem: Comey was not in government service at the time - Obama didn't appoint him as FBI director until September, 2013.

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This is almost as nefarious as Obama starting the economic collapse in 2007, or when he caused 9/11.

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Remember the Maine!!!!

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It'll make more sense when Deutsche Bank finally opens up on Russian money laundering They'll gladly give up the trump family for a paltry billion dollar fine.

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