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Women out late at night targeted by criminal cabbies


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Might as well use happy thoughts...

Go to your local Police Department and get a Pepper Spray FID ($25). Then go get some pepper spray.

Or better yet, get your LTC and buy a revolver.

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A revolver?

Can opened; worms everywhere.

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A key held in a balled fist to the eyeball will work plenty good.

Maybe it's time we move the cab business from transient workers to full time hires and employed. The state of the cab industry in this city is despicable, even as they claim they need to raise fairs.

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You shouldn't carry a gun, because the bad guy will just take it away from you and use it against you. Whereas, a set of car keys imparts superhuman strength and combat readiness upon any woman carrying them. There's no way she could ever be disarmed then. Same applied to cell phones.

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I was waiting for you to jump in with something like this. You did not disappoint.

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If someone has car keys with them, wouldn't they probably have a car, too?

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People do leave their cars at home for parties or whatnot. Still take their keys with them, I bet.

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... make the best eye-pokers.

Any object that can be made to stick between the fingers of your fist will do. Pens, pencils, keys; sharp is always better, too.


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I took a self-defense course in high school, and the police officer told us that lipstick tubes (with the lipstick rolled down)can be used too. The idea is to make a fist and secure the tube (lipstick side out) btwn 2 fingers. The officer told us that there's actually a popping sound if the tube is punched into the attacker's eyeball.

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Any object that can be made to stick between the fingers of your fist will do. Pens...

I totally misread that last word there. :o\

But yes, keeping a pen in one's hand is a great way to fend off attackers!

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Bob Dole's never been attacked. Just ask Bob Dole.

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You keep you pen. I'll take the pepper spray.

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than the sword

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House keys are sharper than car keys, generally.

Also, is it OK to accept rides from women in rogue cabs? Or people of androgynous gender identity in rogue cabs? Way to portray men as having a monopoly on violence, BPD!

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But where is BPD stereotyping here? They reported on five incidents, all of which involved male cabbies jumping female riders. Their alert doesn't say "Don't accept rides from male cabbies from Braintree," but "Don't accept rides from cabs from Braintree."

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...if they said not to accept rides from unlicensed Black cab drivers? Or unlicensed cab drivers who are high school graduates? Or unlicensed cab drivers with bad combovers?

Or to be careful of white Lutherans, since they tend to blow up federal buildings?

It's usually irrelevant to include demographic information in a compilation of criminals' MOs. It's much more relevant that you SHOULDN'T GET IN AN UNLICENSED CAB. Who cares whotf is driving it?

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women don't commit a large percentage of violent crimes, especially against strangers, and especially sexual assaults. So I'd expect to be less likely to be victimized if I took a ride from a female cabbie.

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Eeka's trying to be nice to us, guys. Lay off :-)


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Yeah, I know they didn't mean it in any malicious way, but they're walking the line of profiling.

Telling people not to take rides from unlicensed cabs is completely reasonable. Driving an unlicensed cab is a behavior, and cabs are licensed to provide accountability and regulation.

Is it suddenly different if the unlicensed cab drive is female? Is it no longer a sketchy behavior? Does the BPD have sympathy and attempt to track down the non-cabbie who overcharged you if it's not a male one? Of course not. There are many reasons not to ride in unlicensed cabs or to take rides from strangers, and a person's gender presentation has nothing to do with any of them.

There are females who commit violent crimes and sexual crimes. Not many, but they exist. The statistics don't mean much to you if you're one of those people who has been victimized by a female. It still sucks.

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Or people of androgynous gender identity in rogue cabs?

YEAH! And what about libertarian pansexual humanist vegans? Livejournal users, by your powers of whining, UNITE!

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Are you really, truly posting to let us know that you're somehow bothered by some people's gender identity? That speaks a lot more about you than the people you're trying to, um, hm, I'm not actually sure what your point is.

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The advice seems pretty useless. Don't take an unlicensed cab? From the description, some of the women DID take a licensed cab (not proven, tho).

And who is going to expect to have their keys at the ready when getting into a cab? They'd be in my pocket or the bottom of my purse. Unfortunately, I probably wouldn't think to have my pepper spray at the ready either for a cab ride. I guess I'll have to think about it now. Although, in a small, enclosed space, you might end up hurting yourself as much as the attacker.

Don't go in a cab alone? Aren't women advised to take cabs to avoid walking home alone? What are you supposed to do if no one you know is taking a cab from the bar or it was a late night at the office? Are we supposed to start calling the police for safe rides home?

I'm not saying the BPD aren't trying to be helpful, but their tips are small comfort.

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