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Somewhere a Fox booker is crying into a beer over the way he lost his job

Hilarity ensued this morning when Fox & Friends thought they'd booked a pro-ICE Democratic candidate for Congress in Arizona, only they got Barbara L'Italien, a Democratic candidate in our 3rd district who opposes putting children in cages and ripping toddlers from their parents.

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And having a lax border policy is extreme and irrational to say the least. This stance will cost Dems seats in Nov. I'm an (I) and cant see other independents voting this far left.

The hilarity will ensue post election day.

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Show me who is actually calling for an end to border controls by agencies that, you know, controlled our border before ICE was created.

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Unfortunately the last election didn't show much for how logical voters are. The question is what resonates with them, and so if they associate "abolish ICE" with "let's have less border security"... then bingo, dems on the defensive once again.

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Did the kids find out what happens when you don't do your homework?

Research, facts, checking up on stuff - its a THING!

Reality challenged people will get bitten.

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Never trust a politician?


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Actual headline: 'Mass Democrat hijacks interview, tries for fifteen minutes of fame'
Some paraphrasing for the lulz:

Fox interviewer: Well, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, 'Ann Kirkpatrick, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. Tell us why you do support ICE.”'
Fox: “That practice has stopped at this point, Ms. Kirkpatrick, right?”
Rep L'Italien: “Again, my name is Barbara L’Italien,” TRUMP'S BEEN PUTTING KIDS IN CAGES SINCE 2015!!11!
Fox: WTF???
'“All right, let’s move on,” Mele said after control-room operators cut L’Italien off.
“That didn’t go as planned,” Schmitt observed.
“That’s what happens sometimes,” Mele concluded.'

...executive producer Desiree Dunne wrote. “Katz followed with an email confirming the segment, which also included background information and a campaign logo for Ann Kirkpatrick. During the actual segment, Barbara L’Italien, appeared on camera instead of Kirkpatrick. Despite speaking to producers prior to the interview, L’Italien did not identify herself as anything other than Kirkpatrick until she was live on air, at which point we ended the interview.”

In other words, I don't think anyone's pondering their future over a beer. They got pranked. Lesson learned...some people do not tell the truth. But, it was a great clip, made me laugh.

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You didn't bother to watch it.

Probably took you longer to type your comment than it would have taken you to watch the segment.

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Here ya go:


Actually, took me longer to watch it. Three times. L'Italien looks like an idiot.

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Trump was president in 2015? Did he steal Elon Musk's time machine or something?

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It all started with this clown:


Well, as it turns out, look at the watermark at the bottom of this pic. The Rep took it in 2015...



He took them in 2014, not 2015.


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Why not totally rewrite it so it looks like the Fox hosts debated her into a corner instead of panicking and shutting her off?

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She was not the interview subject. They didn't know who she was. It's like being photobombed. You deal with it and move on.

You might want to look up the word, 'paraphrased'. I just couldn't resist.

Oh, more Trump caged kids from 20, um, 14:

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"paraphrase", but I have my doubts as to whether you know what it means.

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...$3.7 billion to provide housing & assistance for children at the border.
It was just before these photos were taken by a Democratic congressman who wanted to motivate the GOP to feel compassion so they would help the kids.
The GOP did not feel compassion.

I remember when President Obama accurately called the failure to treat these children safely, empathetically, & quickly a "humanitarian crisis," and the GOP responded by claiming the kids were bringing ebola.

I remember when President Obama asked Congress to reverse the law that requires unaccompanied children, regardless of age, to go before a judge for a deportation hearing before they can be repatriated with their parents *EVEN WHEN THE PARENTS WERE ABLE TO LEGALLY ENTER THE UNITED STATES TO GET THE CHILD* and the GOP refused to do it.

I remember when, in 2014, the Democrats proposed a compromise to the above, that would have at least provided funding so that these children had a lawyer representing them at their hearings. And, again, the GOP shot that down.

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...even is this comment?

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This is what passes for cleverness among the MAGA set.

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So, Fox contacts the correct person's publicity guy, instead of being honest and saying, "I don't represent her", he sends a press package, lies through his teeth, because it's funny...
" He replied and confirmed the segment and even included a campaign logo for Kirkpatrick to make it seem like he was still representing her, according to Fox News."

Then he sandbagged them. So no beer spilled...

This is what passes from the political TDS set.

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someone wasn't completely honest with Fox News

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Right. His name is Joe Katz. "He replied and confirmed the segment and even included a campaign logo for Kirkpatrick to make it seem like he was still representing her, according to Fox News."

So, they did their due diligence. Message sent to everyone in the trade...if Joe Katz says something, double check it. His word isn't worth a piss hole in the snow, but he thinks he's clever.

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Ah so it’s not just Sascha Baron Cohen and Stuttering John that can pull one over on right wing doors?

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Message sent to everyone on UHub...if dmcboston says something, double check it. His word isn't worth a piss hole in the snow, but he thinks he's clever.

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No way to go through life, son.

Perhaps you should see a shrink about your dread terror of brown babies?

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...like Pres Bush and several noted white politicians, I do have brown babies in my family. I also have the daddy magic when it comes to crying babies.
Oh, and I'm not your son. You ain't my dad. There's nothing out there that really terrifies me, truth be told.

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and I'm getting a bit weary of virtue signaling from those who consider "violating boundaries" to become "chutzpah" depending on whether they're losing an argument.

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I don't understand the criticism. Other than the line "TRUMP'S BEEN PUTTING KIDS IN CAGES SINCE 2015!!11!", this looks like a reasonable summary of the article Adam linked to. Am I missing something?
Note that like L'Italien, I also oppose Trump's immigration policy, and I admire her chutzpah in pulling the prank.

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... that deserves criticism. It suggests (at least) two patently false ideas:

1) child separation is an Obama policy that Trump just couldn't help but to enforce.
2) that if it is an Obama policy (it isn't), it exposes some kind of hypocrisy on the part of outraged libtards.

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Barbara L'Italien, a complete and total embarrassment to the Democrat party, neglecting to announce this is an Obama era policy and something the government has done since parents began committing crime with children present, before christ. Worse, RINO Charlie Baker's party has nobody to challenge her. God Bless America.

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this is an Obama era policy

That is not true.

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The Rep watermarked them.

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Those are unaccompanied minors - and they got to stay with their brothers.


Not that you would know a fact if it stung you on your excrescence.

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When a person under 18 (often MS-13 or 18th St.) is conflated with a child who had the misfortune of being abandoned by parents, (regardless of motivation).

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Let me assure you that Democrats everywhere are more than grateful that you would take the time to offer such insightful criticism and will no doubt be giving it all the attention it deserves.

Barbara L'Italien, a complete and total embarrassment to the Democrat party,

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You keep citing "sources" that might as well be in cyrillic given their right wing blather machine character.

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...first sites I found that had an embedded link. The righties had a ball with this one.

I showed you a link. You can click or not.

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Free Beacon, Numbers USA, ... all we need is Clown Hall for the BINGO!

(only need three right wing nut job hate and fake news sites because wingnuts can't count to 5)

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As I said, ...first sites that had an embedded link. The righties had a ball with this one.

I showed you a link. You can click or not.


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... how quickly the High-Strung Butthurt Rightwing Fraternity jumps on UHub to be first to comment on any story that even barely touches on politics nowadays. You lads have become wicked touchy, considering your brotherhood controls all 3 branches now.

But, seriously, do you have jobs? How can you have this much free time?

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Scared of babies. Sad.

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"But, seriously, do you have jobs? How can you have this much free time?"
Haven't been around much. I lulled you into complacency.
I'm Brian Riccio in drag.
I set my own hours.

Pick one.
A famous man once said, "Punch back twice as hard." Hey, not my rules, but I'll play. Plus, AG probably doesn't mind the page hits.
After all, when one of the people you supposedly care about is killed on Seaver St. or something, hey no comment, but mention a bicycle...

"...considering your brotherhood controls all 3 branches now."
Brotherhood...like this?

People are smartening up.

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At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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They want their cut and paste insult back.

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to read their shit comments and reply to them. They're here for the attention. And they get it.

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finally be unleashed by an empathy-free, xenophobic bigot of a leader, ignore a basic fact of their shittiness that broke through their Fox News bubble for two minutes with this stunt, dead-predictably focusing on how the message got delivered, not the message.

The Cult of Trump is a bunch of insecure, trending-sociopathic eighth-graders who didn't get enough hugs at home and so show their thirstiness for any attention, even negative attention, online. Pity them, but don't feed them. It's undignified and pointless for adults to argue with slow, ill-bred, damaged children.

Fight voter suppression, encourage people to vote, vote yourself, turn out the cynical exploiters of these poor, sad kids. One can't argue rationally with an extended tantrum.

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The histrionics are not helping.

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Captain Janks is grinning from ear to ear.

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But, it was his job to prank people. Joe Katz is supposed to represent clients. I wonder what the Rep from Arizona thinks of him now?

It was a cheap stunt, funny, whatever, but irrelevant virtue signaling bullshit in the long run. Remember, when dealing with Joe Katz...do your due diligence, cause his word ain't shit.

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