By adamg on Sat., 8/4/2018 - 4:32 pm
UPDATE: Man was arrested.
Woman on a motorcycle records an angry man last night. Cop shows up as guy is still screaming at her demanding to know where she lives, wants backup from the cop, who tells him "I don't care where she lives, it's none of my business where she lives" as he moves the guy away.
Video has lots of screaming, expletives if you're at work or have a kid nearby.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
According to the comments on
By anon
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 4:45pm
According to the comments on the FB video he was arrested. Do you have the arrest information Adam?
A proud moment for NE Patriots fans everywhere
By merlinmurph
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 4:58pm
Apparently a prouder moment
By dotratfromwayback
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 10:06am
Apparently a prouder moment for douche bags like you who want to turn a story about blatant racism into a half-assed bash of a local sports team.
Not my intention at all
By merlinmurph
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 6:03pm
Hey douchebag dotrat, not my intention at all - it was a sarcastic remark. Noticing the NE Pats logo, I felt bad for any Pats fan with this dickhead "representing" them.
Thanks for playing, though.
"A proud moment for NE Patriots fans everywhere"
By dmcboston
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 3:13am
The ellipses add so much to your comment. The rat is right and you're full of baloney.
"Thanks for playing"
Damn, that's so 2005. Come up with something new.
By Marco
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 7:57am
I fully expect this video to appear In Drew Magary's hilarious column "Why Your Team Sucks" NFL preview: Patriots edition. Part of the schtick is ragging on each city for it's shortcomings and this fits nicely into Boston's racist narrative, and the guy is wearing his home team white trash uniform.
Watching the video I kept saying "he better go to jail at the end of this," because if I ever got in the face of a cop like that, screaming and swearing at him, I would expect no less.
A few years ago
By Michael
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 5:06pm
While hanging up a picture, possibly after a couple of drinks, I hit my thumb really hard with a hammer. It turned bright red, throbbed like hell, and made me hop around and yell a lot.
This video gave me massive flashbacks to that moment.
Good Job BPD
By anon
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 5:21pm
Nice job keeping the peace professional policing at its best.
It is good.
By dmcboston
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 9:22pm
He's also one big cop. He's pushing the guy back slowly but surely, getting him away from the motorcyclist.
But...he's alone, it looks like. As any cop will tell you (like in the DeWitt center story from yesterday) it is better to not be alone.
Compare the BPD's patience, multiple warnings, and
By anon
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 5:24pm
general reluctance to do anything to control a white guy in Dorchester, to how they would react to a black man causing 1/10th of a stink in Dudley Square - and that's the epitome of Boston.
Maybe, maybe not
By adamg
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 6:23pm
One thing that's pretty impressive about BPD is how most officers seem well trained to not go ballistic, even in the face of things that would drive the rest of us reaching for guns or making fists (like guys pointing guns at them).
Thanks for the whitesplaining on the subject
By anon
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 6:33pm
I'm sure you've got a ton of experience witnessing the BPD's interaction with minorities down in Readville or wherever you live.
I said most
By adamg
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 6:42pm
And, you're quite right - I don't have first hand experience with interactions between BPD cops and people in the minority community. Please educate me, or are you just looking for an excuse to bash Readville (where I don't live, but whatever).
Feel Free To Blacksplain
By Oscar Worthy
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 7:02pm
If you know of specific incidents, share the facts. Place/parties/action/results. Not Ferguson/Minneapolis cases, but 617. Hell, send them to Adam, I bet he would be eager to share the news of what you're implying goes down in Boston all the time. (And if doing any of this runs up against some kind of #NoSnitchin credo, don't blame other folks who are trying to fill in the gaps whatever way they can.)
I'm talking about institutional racism
By anon
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 8:59pm
Is it really worth wasting my time debating you with tit-for-tat anecdotes, especially since you've already revealed your enlightenment and understanding via your preemptive, condescending, little-minded "No Snitchin" crap? I know you've been itchin to squeeze that into a conversation about race, to demonstrate how the African-American community has gotten itself into this mess, but it has nothing to do with this discussion.
It's cute how the 99.99% white audience of this website pretends to be progressive, but continuously insulates itself from the truth with nonsense feel-good narratives including Bill Evans' "department most respected by the minority community."
If you'd all like to continue believing that all Bostonians are equal under the law, then be my guest.
No, don't stop there ...
By adamg
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 10:24pm
Seriously, continue.
Where I'm coming from: My writing here tends to be about a series of discrete events: A shooting, an arrest, a crash, repeat day after day, month after month. I focus on the sorts of things that make you go "why are there half a dozen cruisers on my street?"
So not a lot of consideration of institutional, generational, intersectional issues, at least when it comes to crime (I've done some with public education, but even there, not really a lot).
So educate me (and maybe some others) here.
A couple of very different POVs - black and white
By anon
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 11:43pm
It's never optimal to pull out anecdotes to discuss something that's institutional, but take the public perception of this young, white cop who shows up each day from his leafy neighborhood in West Roxbury to report to work in a high-crime precinct.
The white public - maybe you! - is introduced to him via a feel-good "problem-solving" piece on the CBS Nightly News which presents him as a kind, well-trained, compassionate individual who's truly concerned about building bridges with the minority community.
The black public, walking down the street minding its own business, has a much different POV when that same cop unjustifiably stops, delays, harasses, and goes out of his way to belittle and put down - what do you do for work, anything?...whose phone is that...clown...
And I can assure you that this is the kind of shit that goes down on a daily basis, dozens if not hundreds of times per day, in Roxbury, Mattapan, and Dorchester. Does the white community care? Would you tolerate this in Readville or Beacon Hill if it happened to you on a regular basis? Would you have the same deferential sentiment toward the BPD?
The default opinion is either yours -
that this really doesn't happen much because the BPD, on the whole, is well-trained, doing its job, and is much-loved by minorities (if Bill Evans repeats it enough, it must be true!) -
or else the racist opinion that the black guy somehow deserves this and shouldn't be talking back to authority, and/or that black youth should be harassed more often because that's the only way to successfully fight crime in a "no-snitchin" culture.
I'm sure that you honestly would like to offer more consideration of minority life in Boston beyond the police report items, and it would be fantastic if UHub could find a way to provide some honest perspective of how the BPD actually behaves in minority communities. But I don't know where you'd ever begin shedding any light on institutional racism - the Globe got endlessly mocked by the (surprisingly widespread) Dennis & Callahan/Turtleboy Sports crowd for even trying - and at the end of the day, I suspect that it's not the sort of thing the 99-and-44/100ths readership of this website really comes here for, alas.
Actuslly you're wrong
By Stevil
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 9:17am
While I like Adam's witty titles that often rival NY Post, the actual news items are usually pretty run of the mill. What keeps me coming back is the commentary, 99 44/100 % of which is very good because I often learn things about my community. Historuy, how to, opinions how other neighborhoods do things and more. And of course the debate is always interesting and challenging when you get involved.
The question is, what prompted this behavior? Did someone just get shot? Was he trying to get a better look at the guy?
Upfront, it looks unjustified and this cop should be called on the carpet for this crap 100%. But there might be more to the story. My experience w BPD with a sole exception has been pretty good, but with 2500 or so cops I guarantee there are bad apples and 10% are having a bad day every day. They're people before they are cops.
I get it, and more every day after stories like that poor girl at Smith College. We need to change this crap. But we also need to stop the "all white peope" crap and all cops crap too.
Bill Evans isn’t our
By anon
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 9:18am
Bill Evans isn’t our Commissioner anymore in case you’ve missed it. We have our first ever African-American Commissioner, who is backed heavily by the vast majority of patrolmen in the BPD. So we get it, you don’t really like him, or us, but sadly you’re going to have to try a new angle.
Racism exists in America, there is no doubt about it. But you’re talking out your ass. Yes, that particular cop sucks and has a reputation, but is ridiculed within the BPD. Here is a fun fact though: he has even before that incident.
You could also try to do what some of us minorities did and maybe, I dunno, join the BPD? “Be the change you want to see in the world†isn’t just some catchy slogan, it’s actually something you can literally do.
We are heavily recruiting minorities. We could us some help.
- a Boston Cop
By Stevil
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 2:41pm
...perfect. (and a perfect pitch to recruits I might add!)
By anon
Tue, 08/07/2018 - 12:37pm
he's been on the job for one day. Hardly long enough to affect the entire force with a more progressive viewpoint, unless you were all up late getting retrained. He mentioned the previous Commissioner because that Commissioner had been on the job more than one day and maybe the attitude of the cops, past and still present, reflect that.
Someone hates Readville
By Waquiot
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 10:20am
You should visit the area someday.
And Don't Forget To Tell The Dudley Stories
By Oscar Worthy
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 12:14am
You know, the ones where BPD is busting the heads of Black men raising 1/10th the stink, that you let us know you've got the special knowledge on.
I know I'll be enlightened. Because I'm in Dudley about a dozen times a week, and everything between the (predominately POC) PD and the peoples seems pretty copacetic every time I'm there. But then again, maybe I'm incapable of really seeing what's going on around me.
So it'll be our education to hear from you some of the specifics about the unequal treatment that today's Boston Police Department is systemically dishing out.
Why Explain Open Your Eyes
By Dorchester Native
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 8:19am
Explaining is not necessary when there is paper trail. Lookup all the lawsuits tax payers are paying for their bigotry.
By Jeff F
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 9:45am
That's an interesting claim, and one would think from what you said that it would be easy to make a long list of such lawsuits from POC vs BPD. But I didn't find much recently (ie last couple years) other than the horrible Terrence Coleman case.
This Globe article from 2015 talks about the most notable BPD vs citizen lawsuits from the last decade, but in the seven cases where it names the victim, it looks like like only two or three are POCs.
I am not rejecting your assertion, but it would be useful if you could show reportage to support your claim.
Since you still have yet to
By anon
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 12:40am
Since you still have yet to give any actual examples of BPD’s interactions with minorities, let me give you mine. As a black person living in Roxbury for years, all of my interactions with all law enforcement in this state (including BPD) have been respectful and courteous. However, I am well educated and not from this state so I know my experiences aren’t like everyone else’s, but I do know at least from my perspective that BPD is doing a very fine job compared to police departments in other major cities.
Thank you sir.
By anon
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 9:27am
Thank you sir.
My philosophy is: I will be nice to you, no matter what, in the beginning. If you are nice to me in return, I will continues to be respectful.
I’ve thanked some of the most hardened gang involved people I’ve come across during an arrest for treating me politely. And I’ve done things like gotten them water or food while in the cell because they treat me nicely. I’ve also lost my voice yelling at a white kid on a bicycle who ran a red light and treated me like I a complete punk.
So I’d confidently say that most of the BPD believes that you should treat us like you want to be treated. We are people too.
But anyway, thank you for the kind words. Means a lot.
- a Boston Cop
I beg to differ
By FredQuimby
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 6:38pm
I watched a black guy ejected from an establishment one night for being a nuisance. Said black guy requested the police so the establishment obliged. Two white officers showed up and told the guy to leave the area but he wouldn't. They threatened to arrest him if he didn't leave but he would not listen. He became more and more aggressive and threatening.
The whole show went on for about 1 hour and 30 mins. The original two officers were joined by more senior staff. Each one patiently telling the guy to leave the area. They offered the black guy multiple opportunities to go home. But he wouldn't. He was eventually arrested for disorderly conduct.
But sheesh those cops did everything NOT to arrest him.
A gun sitting on the ground
By F10
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 10:47pm
after a car crashes into an innocent person driving, after he runs over a pedestrian sending the cops to chase him onto your street and into your neighborhood should be disturbing to all. This guy went over the top with his frustration and anger. I can totally understand why he freaked, he’s right, maybe we should all take more pride in our neighborhoods. I would love to know what prompted him to go after this specific black woman on her motorcycle. What happened before she pressed record on her camera? Pretty sure the police had other matters to tend to like recovering the loaded revolver sitting in on the street in an otherwise working class family neighborhood. That yes, hold onto your pearls, includes all races living together just fine until some asshole gets chased by the cops.
Because she must have done something?
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 7:41pm
Other than DARE to be a black woman on a motorcycle?
As a white woman who has encountered such threatening behavior for the *crime* of legally operating a bicycle while not accompanied by a male, I'm betting that it had to do far more with her DARING to exist and ride a motorcycle than any other possible thing, save a Viagra shortage and drinking an entire case of beer.
You were threatened for biking w/o male accompaniment?
By anon
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 10:55pm
Can you please provide the details on this incident?
Ask any woman cyclist
By anon
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 9:53am
Even the cops get into this game if you bike past one at night.
The phenomenon is well documented. People wonder why the cycling community doesn't have a lot of blacks and women - harassment is a big part of that.
Thanks for sharing the link without insulting me
By anon
Tue, 08/07/2018 - 11:01pm
I appreciate it.
How many articles do you want?
By anon
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 9:58am
All you have to do is look for "female cyclist harassment". Our sisters of color get far worse.
I wasn't looking for articles
By anon
Tue, 08/07/2018 - 11:02pm
I was asking for the details of the incident first cited.
Thanks though.
Which one?
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 3:16pm
The one with the cop late at night? Who tried to detain me and threatened "protective arrest"?
Or the hundreds of others involving motorists who are all mouth until I stand my ground?
You must not be a female cyclist or you wouldn't ask this question, honey. I'm betting that being anywhere near a female would be a novelty for you
Try the internet for more information - quite a few details of typical harassment attacks in here:
Sure, I'll take details from any of them
By anon
Tue, 08/07/2018 - 11:06pm
And can you please spare me the insults? I didn't insult you in anyway and just asked an honest question.
(Adam, please post this. I'm trying to discuss content and can't give my side. I've been a long time listener for almost 10 years. Choose to stay anonymous. Thanks.)
This is patently false, Im a
By Murphquake
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 7:44am
This is patently false, Im a white guy that was "assaulted" by a black homeless man in Dudley throwing spare change at my head I gave him last night (Sunday), while a Boston Police Officer on Warren St witnessed the entire altercation. I'm not pressing the situation, but BPD are pretty lenient and really don't do shit for anyone unless hard drugs or guns are involved.
Holy moly
By HolyMolyCodPiece
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 6:25pm
There is something wrong with that guy.
I question
By SharpWave
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 6:37pm
Is this guy an outlier, or is this sort of shit sadly not that uncommon?
He's definitely an outlier
By anon
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 7:52pm
All kinds of hard working people raising families in that neighborhood.
Nobody except this guy is running around like a racist psycho.
That's why it made the news.
Note his lack of backup
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 7:50pm
While nobody is coming out of their house to stop him, nobody is coming out to express their support, either.
I'm betting the neighbors called the cops on him, too.
He seems genuinely shocked, then pissed, that the cop isn't having his bullshit either.
Probably the neighborhood kook
By anon
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 11:03pm
I don't live far from there. I'm confident that none of my neighbors would back up a jerk like this harassing someone, especially a younger woman.
And many of them, and myself, would have intervened.
Just the profanities would get the guy called out if kids were around.
This isn't all that uncommon
By BikerGeek
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 10:21pm
there's an entire /r/PublicFreakout subreddit for this kind of thing. And yeah, this made it to that subreddit.
Not every public freakout involves such blatant racism, but there sure seems to be a lot of people completely losing their shit in public, these days.
By Anthony
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 7:58pm
Yes this guy is way out of line. The sad part of it is that it is common.
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood...
By Dave-from-Boston
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 6:58pm
Gee - I didn’t know Trump was holding a rally in town
He's not.
By dmcboston
Sat, 08/04/2018 - 9:33pm
This clown goes all ranty in the middle of the street. Please explain to me what this has to do with the President.
Most Trump supporters (and the Never Hillary crowd) are actually not very stressed out. But, since you raised the subject...where to begin...
Kavanaugh...Call him Justice.
Europe...suddenly got pragmatic about their bills and some free market talk is happening. $200 mill in military hardware. Vlad got his warm water access, but that happened a while back...before 2016...draw.
Norks...We shall see, but they are apparently (Reuters, no less) dismantling a missile site. They're also smuggling coal out, but hey, it's the message that counts. Both ways. Enjoy the coal.
Mexico... suddenly got religion about NAFTA. Canada seems to be getting a bit pragmatic, too.
Russia...please...their military budget is about ten percent of ours. They ain't gonna do shit in Europe. They need Siberia too much.
China...without our trade they collapse, and they damn well know it. That's why they helped the President on the DPRK problem.
ISIS...not much left, death throes of any rabid animal can be dangerous.
Saudi Arabia...women drive. No jokes here, there was an article online where they are buying 400 HP Audis. Inshallah, as they say.
Iran...all major cities are in disarray. Good news...yesterday the Deutsche Bundesbank denied an Iranian bank $400 mill in cash they needed to pay their
foreign terroristselectric bill. US Treasury blindsided Angela Merkel with a last minute minor change in regs. Iran could go down gracefully, like the old USSR, but I doubt it. Hey, who knows.Mueller...arrested a guy wearing an ostrich coat that didn't pay his taxes...and is getting dope-smacked by a federal judge.
The facebook...just bounced a bunch of fake sites...that were helping the Democrats.
Can't you lefties and progs put [i] any [/i] torpedoes in the water without having them circle back on yourselves?
NY Times hires a new writer...then doubled down on racist crazy.
Diane Feinstein, former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had a Chinese spy as a driver...for twenty f#cking years.
Well, tomorrow is another day. Enjoy the weekend, maybe if you can get to the beach, you can find a blue wave.
I wouldn't wait until November.
For the are
By formerlyTheSoBo...
Sun, 08/05/2018 - 9:52am
For the are supporting:
- a man that called a POW a coward.
- a man that mocked a person with a disability
- slept with a porn star a little after his wife gave birth to their child.
- failed to denounce a KKK leader when asked.
stay classy.
I am not a member of the College of Cardinals
By dmcboston
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 3:13am
He is not the Pope.
But, he's a damn better President than Jimmeh Carter.
He may turn out to be the best foreign policy president since Richard Nixon.
Who you got...Bernie?
"best foreign policy president since Richard Nixon"
By lbb
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 8:18am
You mean the Richard Nixon that was responsible for 9/11? No, not the one you're thinking of.
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