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Mystery fish on Milk Street, mustard-tossing seagull on Devonshire Street

Gutter fish on Milk Street

AndHono looked down from the window of her office on Milk Street between Broad and India this afternoon and spotted a fish just lying in the gutter, and wondered, as one does, how it got there.

Uber, somebody suggested. Osprey, somebody else theorized. Given the weather, maybe Carpnado?

Wendy Cullivan had no idea. But it reminded her of something that once happened to her on Devonshire Street:

A seagull once dropped a submarine sandwich roll when I was bombing down Devonshire St. The roll was loaded with nothing but mustard. Roll smacked me in the face, then hit the street & splattered mustard all over me. The seagull was flying dangerously close the entire time.

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Maybe 20 or 30 years ago I found a live fish lying on the sidewalk of Walden Street near Porter Square. Not an aquarium kind of fish, but something that had come from a river or the ocean. It was maybe a mile from either Fresh Pond or Alewife Brook, the nearest likely sources. About 8-10 inches long.

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Dropped by a bird.

When I worked in the Navy Yard, the birds (seagulls, mostly) dropped a lot of fishbombs and molluskbombs once the tourist season ebbed. Most shellfish dropping was done to break the shells - fish drops were usually the result of a squabble or an airborne mistake.

That looks like a herring - can't tell for sure. The herring migrate back out to sea around this time of year.

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I was watching a pro tennis tournament in Savannah GA a few years ago. In the middle of a match, a fish fell from the sky and into the stands. Too funny. There are tons of osprey nests in the area and a few eagles, too.

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Saw a gull swoop down on a guy 5 days ago. Man had to duck to avoid getting smacked upside the head. Something's happening.

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Is like a melody.
That comes and goes away....

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Chris Kimball dropped it and then filed suit against someone for defamation for asking him to pick it up.

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...are known for the ability to navigate on land.

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Changing of the Guard at the canal locks went horribly wrong.

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