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Republican member of Judiciary Committee scheduled to appear in Boston on Monday

Update: At least one Believe Women protest being planned. Oh, wait, here's another. And another.

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake will discuss "the future of the Republican party" at a Forbes "30 under 30" event at the Colonial Theatre at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, along with John Kasich, Boston Magazine reports.


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Flake is a coward and a hypocrite. All talk, no action.

"I left the hearing yesterday with as much doubt as certainty," So of course that means he will immediately vote for Kavanaugh.

What a disgrace.

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So the Republican party is so old the best they can do is send people in their 50s and 60s to an event for those under 30? It's telling that they call themselves the party of Lincoln that they have to go back 150 years to find a Republican who has done any good for the country!

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Another speaker at the overall event (not the Republican chat, though) is John Kerry.

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I heard they tried to get Tomi Lahren, but she was too busy disparaging black people and immigrants.

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How hard can it be to invite a 29 year old US Senator to attend the event?

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Senators have to be at least 30.

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Jeffy, may want to consider postponing or cancelling.

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After putting a sleazy grifter in the White House, immigrant children in cages, and a rapist on the Supreme Court, what could possibly be next for the Republican Party? Cannibalism parties? Organ auctions? Pedophilia on pay-per-view?

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is titled "After the Deluge: A Rejection of Destructive Politics and a Return to Principle" and I hope to God someone is able to pipe in the Benny Hill sax music the whole time he's trying to speak.

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Boston in the morning, Manchester, NH in the evening. And a vote on Bart O'K sometime in between?

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can you link to where it is listed?

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But I googled the phrase for you and this was the first result: https://www.anselm.edu/new-hampshire-institute-politics/after-deluge-rej...

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I saw it on Twitter somewhere but didn't note it

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by supporting kavanaugh this pile of shit exhibits his true basic contempt for the judiciary. when the bar association has to take a fucking public position on the failure of congress to do their duty.....

holy shit. Ford reported the assault BEFORE kavanaugh was picked.

and fuck you democrats, for letting lindsey graham get the upper hand in the way of tone; you had 2+2=4 sequential logic on your side. YOU SHOULD have put lindsey graham in his place, and his whiney ass was a sitting duck for you to do so, but you let it go.


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a little bit...losing my cool in my last comment

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if this kind of thing doesnt angry up the blood i dont know what should.

and hey, even probable supreme court justices lose their shit and throw big boy tantrums, at least you didnt do it in front of the judiciary committee. and also you're coherent and correct and whatnot.

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who definitely should not be on the SCOTUS. He's out of control, and like an overgrown frat-boy, to boot. Where do these people come from? It's eerie as hell.

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The man defending his honor against abhorrent claims with zero independent corroboration? Or the person who calls him an overgriwn frat noy whose last evidence of such behavior was over 30 years ago.

Do you go by facts or alternative facts?

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Republicans blocked a subpoena to Mark Judge by Democrats, right? It's almost like your argument is completely in bad faith.....

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Have absolutely zero to do with Judge Kavanaugh.

Entirely separate issue.this is a problemnifvyou make it a partisan issue. He's obviously competent. The question is his ethics.

Find something, anything, that corroborates these accusations and I might agree be should be denied his appointment. Not for what he did when he was 17, but for lying as an adult furing his hearings. Otherwise, I don't see a reason to deny him a seat on the court.

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Republicans blocked a subpoena of his drinking buddy who wrote about him, as "Bart O'Kavanaugh." No wonder there's no corroborating evidence when you block others from being forced to testify. It's not separate at all, and again, this is a completely ignorant and/or bad faith argument. What a hot take; this isn't me making this partisan. Just read how Ronan Farrow reported that Republicans blocked Ford from testifying earlier and then tried to claim it was a partisan hit job once it finally surfaced. It's in the New Yorker, and the entire story is in there. You're not fooling anyone with this bullshit spin.

If you care at all, he's arguably perjured himself with no consequence over the course of his career several times. Here's one opinion of such an account: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/legal-experts-and-yale-friends-beli...

But please tell me why Merrick Garland was denied a hearing or why Gorsuch passed through with less resistance?

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It's the perjury that bothers me at this point, not what a drinken 17 yerar old may or may not have done 35 years ago that has otherwise led an exemplary life. (Ok, his debt bothers me a bit too)

Find me something, anything, that corroborates these stories and my opinions will quickly change. But until then, even a plausible accusation does not meet a minimal standard of preppnderance of the evidence. Until then it's he said, she said and I'm not going to engourage destroying a career without more to go on. Anyone that does is partisan, not fair and unbiased.

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Testimony do you not understand? If it's not there it's because they're not being allowed to look for it.

Don't believe me? https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/28/kavanaugh-fbi-investigation-85...

For weeks, the White House and Senate Republican leaders have rebuffed calls to reopen Kavanaugh's background investigation


Republicans have sought to limit the scope of the new investigation to one week in duration and to claims already raised with the Senate Judiciary Committee.

This included not allowing the FBI to investigate the claims made by Swetnik, even though this had been raised by Avenatti to the Committee ahead of the hearing on Thursday.

Now, Trump being the idiot he is may have sabotaged this scope limitation with his unwise tweet "clarifying" that he didn't instruct the FBI to only look into a very limited amount of the claims.

So don't tell me there's no corroboration of anything when the Senate Republicans have been doing whatever they can up until Flake to block any investigation they could. That's just an uninformed argument to make.

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Apparently the first two accusers themselves have said there are zero witnesses to the events. One can't remember key details of the event that would narrow the accusation and the other went into a zen trance or something for 6 days to recall the events. The events may have happened, but You can't destroy a man's life on evidence like that unless you are a scumbag.

The only person who MIGHT have corroborating evidence is MAYBE Mark Judge.

As for Swetnick, I think most people have a hard time buying that roving bands of high school students were drugging and gang raping women like an organized crime ring. Don't know where you grew up, but you couldn't do that where I grew up and keep it a secret even in the early 80s.

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Disagrees that there's no corroborating evidence. I got the Twitter thread reader link for you.


Please have at it.

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Chad Ludington's claim that Kavanaugh was drunk and started a fight corroborated by contemporaneous police reports, per NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/01/us/politics/kavanaugh-bar-fight.html

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Kavanaugh allegedly was texting personal friends about the Ramirez story before it broke on the New Yorker. Looks like corroborating evidence and perhaps even witness tampering?

NBC News has it: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/mutual-friend-ramirez-kav...

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If he lied - he's out.

as for corroboration - most if not all of Abramson's "corroboration" is a bit of a stretch. there's not a question that they hung around in the same places and circle of friends. the question is - did he assault her (or Ramirez).

Anyone voting against a guy for allegations of something that happened 35 years ago is a partisan hack. But if the Dems can demonstrate he committed actual perjury (again - an accusation I've seen virtually no proof of) - then anyone that votes for him is a partisan hack.

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... there's not a question that they hung around in the same places and circle of friends.

He denied it, in so many words, under oath. If you're right that they had the same friends -- and you are -- then he committed perjury. Now you've seen proof of it. That's just one example from a list of lies he told to the Senators.

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What part of political appointees are a political process and Kavanaugh has zero control over that do you not understand?

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I brought up Garland. How the hell would you reach the conclusion that I don't understand that this is a political process?

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Just in case you were actually interested in that, a number of publications have kept track.


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But a brief review of the first few makes me wonder if any of this amounts to actual perjury.

If he committed perjury - fine - prove it and impeach him.

Otherwise move on.

Oh, wait - moveon - is that only for lefties?

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or did you miss his sass back to a United States Senator by refusing to answer a question and instead replying with a sarcastic question, not once but twice...?

that wouldn't go over well in any judge's courtroom. but "cool guy" Brettski is still trying to impress the other "cool guys" such as yourself by being totally gnarly to that chick senator.

it's inappropriate for a high schooler, it's unheard of for a Supreme Court justice. You should demand more. Shame your standards are so low.

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So you know what is in all those embargoed documents? The ones the Republicans didn't want even the judiciary committee to see, even though they are standard information for such nominations?

Gambling debts that got magically paid off on a judge's salary? You hear about those? Who paid them off, pray tell.

Then there is the sports team tickets - like, millions of dollars worth.

This is only the beginning. Kavanaugh is owned by someone. Not himself. The GOP doesn't want us finding out who.

Meanwhile, anybody in public employ with that much liability and debt? Dangerously unstable. Clearly an alcoholic, too - check out the pancake makeup on those gin blossoms!

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No worries, ff we wanted restraint and level-headedness, we wouldn't be on an internet comment board. I myself have worked myself into quite a tizzy here and there on UHub.

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I was at that theater for the Michael MacDonald show last week(it was great, by the way) and without a doubt every media member and probably half the student population in Greater Boston will be descending on Boylston St., yikes.

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Such Language!

And Here I thought this was a family blog.

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It's a family blog the same way the Justice to be respected women in high school.

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Flake's Judiciary Committee colleague Ted Cruz felt the need to cancel his debate with Beto O'Rourke this weekend because of pressing Senate business, but Flake has time to come here and scoop up speaking fees.

As for Flake, how pathetic the media keeps falling for his crap. They give him credit for a conscience or a spine, yet he always caves, every time, after a well-publicized bout of handwringing. At least McCain had the courage to do a thumbs down on occasion. Flake is a craven coward and opportunist.

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In any election, the Frontrunner will accept any pretense as an excuse to cancel a debate with a Challenger. That's common sense. Why expose yourself, give the Challenger free publicity, and risk your lead?

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That's not a front runner. That's a statistical dead heat.

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The Republican party is nothing but a force for evil now. Why they do anything is irrelevant. Everything they say can as easily as not be a lie. Their motives are of no interest. Their opinions not worth the trouble to understand. They are only the enemy to be defeated and nothing more.

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Well you're in Massachusetts, a blue state, so I understand your thinking. It's too bad people (on both sides) are so partisan they can't meet in the middle.

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The Republican Party has spent the last 38 years working hard to move the middle as far to the right as they possibly could. No one with an ounce of sense would try to meet them there.

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The Democratic Party is overrun with unabashed communists and has been for over a long time. If anything, the Republican party has moved to the left to fill the void in the center. First with George W's "compassionate conservative" free stuff, then with Boehner's spend-spend-spend grand bargains, and now with more free stuff "repeal and replace" healthcare laws. The Republican Party hasn't been a rightwing party since the Newt Gingrich days when he twisted Clinton's arm into getting a balanced budget. Twenty years ago.

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Your title is an accurate assessment of the content of your comment. Good work!

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when people dont know what "communist" means.

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Seriously. Is. Anybody. Making. You. Listen. Question Mark.

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These two on the future of the Republican party? Flake is so unpopular with Republicans in Arizona and nationally that he won't stand for re-election. Kasich, (the son of a mailman, in case you didn't know) was wiped out in the 2016 Republican primaries and despite the never-Trump comments of both, President Trump won both of their states on the way to his Electoral College landslide.

Of course if any members of the Trump team (the true future) came to town they might be chased out of their hotels and restaurants by the tolerant left, led by Charlie Baker. Any update on the "sickening" to use Baker's words, sexual assault investigation on Baker's son? I've seen serial killers prosecuted quicker.

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Jesus you sound like Alex Jones. The true future? So you want a future of rapists, grifters, misogynists, homophobes and Vlad lovers? Says a lot about you.

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And why does it matter what John Kasich’s dad did for work?

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Have a good weekend, my special people.

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his official statement:

The College just found out about Senator Jeff Flake’s appearance in Boston on Monday. ATG, the Colonial tenant, rented the space to Forbes, who is hosting the Forbes 30 under 30 Summit. Forbes invited Senator Jeff Flake and Governor John Kasich to a panel discussion. We are seeking to exercise our right as the owners of the Colonial to have the panel canceled for safety reasons. I will keep you updated.

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If a pair of milquetoast centrist Republicans is too much for the delicate sensibilities of an institution of higher learning, then we're done as a country. I mean it. Stock-up-on-spam-canned-corn-and-ammo-and-find-your-way-back-to-religion done.

Lee Pelton should be ashamed of himself.

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This event is not open to the public and is not sponsored by Emerson nor by any student or other organization at Emerson. The college is nothing more than a commercial landlord here and has every right to ask Forbes not to hold the event here. The protest would disrupt the campus in the middle of the school day and is best held on City Hall Plaza rather than on Boylston Street.

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