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Local Methodist seminary not going to change inclusive policies no matter what national church organization says


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The God I believe in, She accepts credit cards from everyone.

Plus, like atheism correlates with Noble Prize winners and intelligence and education :



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(and also pedophilia apologists)

Adam, please take note - https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Emil_Kirkegaard

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From the article:

And the debate came to an abrupt halt: Delegates had to clear out of the conference hall so that it could be turned over for a monster-truck rally.

Last November I was at a Methodist service in Somerset. The pastor's sermon was about how we need to stop Kavanaugh because zhe was kissed by a boy in third grade without permission. I lean over to my fiancee and tell her that I am two seconds from flipping this pastor the bird and walking out. There were about thirteen of us at that service but room for 800. I am guessing the place will be Universalist within a year or two.

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I like the one where he pretended he had kids and then they all thought Hillary Clinton was the creepiest thing imaginable. But like true story!

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you’re gonna be surprised when you find out what Idiocracy was actually about.

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I was all like finally..... a movie that shows that within the first three minutes that the so-called intellectuals ruined the planet.

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I'm sure that your response to the Total Perspective Vortex would be to note that the Universe has decided you were a hoopy frood and that machine just confirmed it.

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I self-identify way more with Frito Pendejo than Zaphod Beeblebrox. Wayyyyyyyy more... I am not insulted with being compared to either, though. BUT for the record, my brief tango with solipsism was busted up by constantly brushing with subjective idealists who depressed the crap out of me. Yeesh. Idiocracy prophecy cannot come fast enough.

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I suppose you still got your "get out of being a morally sound human for free" card punched because you actually went to church that day.

Gotta love these CINOs.

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We will continue to seek justice and compassion for all people – people who are LGBTQIA....

When you are using more than 25% of the alphabet to describe your group and even news junkies have to look it up as each new letter is added, it loses effectiveness. Just sayin'. Perhaps LGBO (O for others) would restore some of the earlier impact.

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Too much tinfoil. wow.

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or you could respect those groups because it turns out there's a broad spectrum of gender and sexuality that is under-represented and if you haven't seen LGBTQIA (or my favorite QUILTBAG) in the news in the past 5 years you are simply not paying attention.

also futher to your point Queer in LGBTQ means other.

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Don't stop pretending that the snappiest of Madison Avenue names could ever convince you to be less than a vile bigot where queer folk are concerned. You're fooling exactly no one.

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Usually a shorthand for "we have to freak out about something that isn't in the new testament so we don't have to think about all our pedophiles that we won't stop hiring to work with kids".

Or something like that.

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This was a clash of social justice values: relatively poor Africans, victims of oppression and the inheritors of colonial exploitation vs. LGBTQIA+ North Americans.

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LGBTQ people don't present any threat to "relatively poor Africans", and shame on you for using them as a fig leaf.

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LGBTQ people don't present any threat to "relatively poor Africans", and shame on you for using them as a fig leaf.

Nice job trying to marginalize the voice of Dr. Jerry P. Kulah.

You may not agree with him, but labeling his thoughts and opinions bullshit is the second most racist stunt I have ever seen come out of Boston. My African heritage may make me a bit punchy on this subject, but we have an Afrikaaner word for such racist attacks... onwaar.

The link is a good read on the threat.

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It is a false dichotomy that is easily debunked by the most basic statistical demographic evidence, and thus an excuse for unexcusable bigotry. The scriptural excuse is nonsense as well, unless Dr. Kulah also keeps kosher, grows a full beard like a hasid, wears non-blended fabrics, and somehow missed that bit of the New Testament where Jesus says that his followers are going to let go of all of that.

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The scriptural excuse is nonsense as well,

Dr Kulah specifically mentioned the leftist elite in the article, and how the leftist elite is busying themselves telling what the poor blacks in Africa what to think when it is clear the Africans are quite happy without the input of stuck up silver spoon bloviators.

I am unimpressed as well with the behavior of the uber-privileged white leftists on this matter. Go pick on muslims and their LGBLTQ3IA beliefs.

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I am unimpressed as well with the behavior of the uber-privileged white leftists on this matter. Go pick on muslims and their LGBLTQ3IA beliefs.

We're likewise unimpressed with the behavior of the dog-whistling white I'm-not-a-racist racists like you, who try to use Africans as a fig leaf for your homophobia, and in the same sentence try to use LGBTQ folks as a fig leaf for your hatred of Muslims. Why do you bother? You're fooling exactly NO BODY.

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I don't need fig leafs or dog whistles to believe in the power of Dr Kulah's stance.

1) The authority of Scripture

2) Bravery

3) His exemplary life that should be a model for all

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Nice whataboutism you got there.

How old are you - ten?


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