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Stealth bombers aren't usually seen in skies above Medfield

Sunday was rather typical in Medfield, which is normally not the scene of major news (scratch that: a crew from "Chronicle" was here on Friday for 4 hrs. of taping at Lords' Department Store, our local institution, which is open 365 days a year: "if Lords doesn't have it, you don't need it". But I digress).

So we were sitting in the car in the Shaw's parking lot while my wife picked up some taco fixings, when one of the kids happened to notice A FREAKIN' STEALTH BOMBER FLYING OVER MEDFIELD.

Yikes! It was going very slowly, (sad to say, no camera phone pix to post here: the memory was full) and made several circles over our wee hamlet. I assume it was hovering here prior to an appearance at the Patriots opener (correct?), but it was a trifle out of the ordinary.

Next thing we'll be having crop circles at the old Medfield State Hospital.

--W. David Stephenson

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I thought department stores were still required to close on Thanksgiving and Christmas, thanks to remnants of the state Blue Laws.

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Not very stealthy, then, was it? ;-)

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 That's part of what made it so astonishing: I figured that I'd
probably "seen" them before, but they were going a gazillion mph so it wasn't obvious. This thing was lumbering along at about the speed of a small plane. Totally bizaare. Felt I was in Area 51.


W. David Stephenson | Principal | Stephenson Strategies
[email protected]
335 Main St., Medfield, MA 02052 | (508) 359-5112

Making Homeland Security Everyone's BusinessTM

* Creator, Pandemic Flu Survival GuideTM for handhe

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Black and boomerang-shaped?

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This was the plane that did the flyover at Foxboro Stadium after the National Anthem before the Patriots game. I believe the 'stealth' part is related to the aircraft's ability to elude radar detection.


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I saw it too! Thanks for confirming I didn't make that up.

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I saw it when I was at the South End Open Market, around noon. maybe this was related to the Khatami visit?

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i thought stealths can't be seen neither detected by radar. maybe it was an ufo that you've seen. hmm....

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saw it over Harvard Square around 12:30 (also assumed it was Khatami-related). Wondered if Dick Cheney was going to drop a Daisy Cutter on Harvard...

I believe stealths cannot be seen by radar, but they can be seen with eyeballs...

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