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WTKK host tossed in the pokey on traffic charges

Michael Graham charged with running red light, driving with a revoked license in Framingham, according to Jessica Heslam, who also posts Graham's statement on how it's all Rachel Kaprelian's fault, because under her command, the Registry no longer sends out notices of revocation, and he didn't know.

Innocent, etc.

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Believe me if this were some liberal state rep he would be calling for their head. Ive heard his show many times, and can tell you he would have no mercy. I wonder if Jay Severan will have anything negative to say about his little friend?

[float=right]IMAGE(http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk143/nfsagan/jail-bars2.gif)[/float]Is Graham's statement in the Herald (linked above) intentionally conflating license revocation and license renewal ...for a reason? That erason being to make the incident the fault of the RMV and not him.

Only law-abiding citizens can rail against the unwashed masses on talk radio and villify law breakers. So what if Graham turns out to be a law-breaker too? He loses his moral authority meal ticket.

- Revocation is when your license to drive is revoked for a reason by the authorities.
- License renewal is the responsibility of each driver every four years (if you want to drive.) The RMV recently stopped sending drivers license renewal notices to save money. It's had to imagine (but possible) that the RMV stopped sending revocation notices too. If so, its a big problem.

I was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction, and was astonished when the officer informed me that the RMV had revoked my drivers license. I don’t know when and I don’t know why, because I–like so many Massachusetts drivers–was never told by the RMV. If I had been, I would have had the opportunity to address whatever issue they have without the expense of being towed, or the unpleasantness of going to jail.

Yes Michael. Your decision to not obey the traffic signals can cause you some unpleasantness. Imagine it your were a law abiding citizen, then none of this would have happened.

Graham implies that the RMV revoked his license (for an unknown reason) and failed to notify him. You see, this would make the arrest, the fault of the RMV and not of Michael, if it were true. Was Graham's license revoked without notice or instead, did he just fail to renew it?

I am currently trapped in the maze of the RMV bureaucracy, trying to find out why I had to go to jail in the first place. Not that I have anything against my fellow inmates at the Framingham jail, but I’d prefer to see them during regular visitation hours.

Ah ha ha... such a nice sense of humor with its airs of being above the fray.

If he is intentionally conflating revocation without notice with his responsibility to renew his license, it is this EXACT kind of intellectually dishonest argument Graham makes to support his conservative sophistry of the radio. It's too bad his listeners are too uninformed to recognize it.

he's had a hard time remembering when his real birthday is.

Like being on top?

The Registry once suspended my license for absolutely no rhyme, reason, or explanation, despite state law mandating (at least at the time) that they do so.

How did I find out? When my insurance company sent me a "uh, we're not going to cover you any more, you don't have a valid license" notice in the mail. Why? Because they're required to do so, by law.

Two phone calls later, one to my agent and the second to the RMV "suspensions" phone number, and it was straightened out. The RMV agent never explained what happened; just typed furiously for about half a minute or so, then declared "you're all set now."

When I called back my agent, she too wasn't very concerned, and said it happens all the time; she said the registry "suspends" their customer, the insurance company mails the notice, the customer has a W-T-F moment and calls them, they send the customer to the RMV, the RMV goes "LOL J/K, UR K NOW!", and all is well.

One of many Dan Enhancements (along with no weekend hours, and few after-9-to-5 hours at few locations.)

PS:Hope this isn't too much of a downer comment for you, got2trot.

that your license is suspended in order for you to be charged with the crime. I wonder how the registry planned to get around this one.

The old number to call for public suspension inquiries was 617-351-4500. Im not sure if they still use it though (Im not going to try)

Well Ive been suspended without notice before as well. Same as Brett it was fixed with a few phone calls... I still dont feel bad for Mr Talkshow , but I understand.

by notifying the "agent" which covers them under the law. (ch. 90 s. 23 (s.22D).

Still, how hard is it for them to mail it to the person directly?

Oh of course I think they should mail it, and call me! They have to have all that info and never fail to bill me when I owe them money. I should really know when something like that happens.

I also had a no-notice suspension. The original incident was my fault -- I got a deserved traffic ticket, and paid it 1 day after the deadline.

The rest was one RMV screw-up after another: The online violation payment system on the Registry's website charged me for the original violation, but not the late fee. I got a nice "Congratulations, you've paid your ticket" e-mail, but never heard anything else regarding the issue.

(I later learned that the late fee sometimes takes a day or two to show up in the online system).

About 10 months go by, and I tried to renew my registration online and got an error message. When I visited the RMV in person, I was told that my license had been suspended over the late fee.

I suppose it's possible that I missed a notice in the mail about the overdue late fee, but I'm quite certain I couldn't have missed multiple overdue statements and a suspension notice. I open all of my mail, even the junk mail!

You found out when you went to renew your license because you didn't decide that red lights are for other people.

Graham found out when he drove like a masshole - so much so that he scored himself the rare traffic ticket for doing so.

In your case, it was the registry's fault and you could prove it. In his case, who knows - but the arrest is his fault and would not have happened if he hadn't run a red light.

I hope that they did do all the proper legal hoops and notify him too. Somehow, I suspect this twit probably thinks he's above the law and it wouldn't happen to him because he's too important!

The self-important smirk he wears says it all. Something about pride and falls? Mike, meet individual responsibility - that thing you think is just for those OTHER people.

He seems to write off the natural truth that he had not run a red light, which everyone knows is illegal, he wouldnt be in this situation in the first place. Running a red light is not a minor traffic infraction if you're the driver/pedestrian coming the other way. Its kind of a neat bookend to Jim Braude challenging the motorcade a few month back.

Hoooyeah. I'm going to google the two of them and see what Graham had to say about that.

Not that Braude was feeling any liberal love in any circle that I could see when he pulled that stupid stunt.

If, indeed, the guy ran a red light, and was driving with a revoked license, to boot, I say...hell yes, he deserves to get thrown into the pokey for awhile. Serves him right!

These right-wingers are big on "personal responsibility," until it's time for them to be personally reponsible. See Limbaugh, O'Reilly, etc.

The hypocrisy runs deep with that crowd.

Noelle Bush, one of G. W Bush's daughters, killed somebody in a drunk-driving crash, when she blew through a STOP sign. She didn't even get so much as a slap on the wrist, from what I understand.

Noelle is Jeb's daughter and got nabbed on drug charges.

You're thinking of Laura, who ran a stop sign as a teenager, not an adult conservative hypocrite or whatever it is you're trying to say about Michael Graham.

I stand corrected.

If I remember correctly it was also her ex boyfriend... although shes a small town girl so its probably not that unlikely.