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Double-murdering Roxbury teen who grew up to be a drug dealer indicted on new drug and gun charges


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I'm not going to go to comment on miscarriage of Justice this individual was still released on our Boston streets.

I can only imagine being a survivors of this persons actions that has forever changed the survivors life.

I'm sure seeing this person's name back in the media and out still committing crimes must feel like a big slap in the face and Betrayal on behalf of our justice system.

May GOD ease your pains, your children's will never be forgotten. I was a teenager when these murders happen. The murder of your children forever changed my life. The sadness I experienced during those horrible moment in time when your children's were murdered. I was a teenager myself.

Thank you for changing the laws for families and survivors can seek some justice.

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the ongoing farce we call the juvenile "justice" system.

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in our "justice" system.

The rich get off while the poor are kept in line.

Imagine, for a second, being a victim's brother or sister and seeing this?

Having to share the same streets as their siblings killer, seeing them continue their crime spree unabated. Then imagine having to see police abuse people of color every single day on a national level.

I dare any of my fellow upstanding right-leaning commenters to put themselves in that position and honestly ask "Would I even trust police at that point?"

The answer is a resounding "NO".

And yet, I'm sure the armchair brigade from the irish riviera will be along shortly to remind us all how were a nation of laws, obey police, respect troops, lick boots etc...

I dont very much like it here anymore...

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You’re blaming the police for this, even though they continued to arrest this murderer time and time again despite the fact that it was probably incredibly discouraging seeing him released after his double murder conviction?

Let’s call a spade a spade. This was probably the result of ultra liberal laws that allowed this guy to be released time and time again, and that’s coming from a fellow liberal.

The cops have nothing to do with this one. In fact, I for one thank them for once again taking this sociopath off the streets, and hopefully this time the justice system will work and keep him there.

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Uh.. we get it. You hate cops, and honestly that’s fine. I didn’t take this job for the “bootlicking” or hero worship (if I had I would’ve been a firefighter), and there’s things I saw on the national level that bothered me as well.

But this seems more of a miscarriage of the judiciary than anything we did. After being convicted of committing a double murder and then released, I don’t really think he should’ve been getting many breaks. Nor would I venture to say that a member of the OP Trailblazers was probably “rich”.

You’re kind of all over the place here. Say, you wouldn’t be interested in joining me for the next coffee with a cop, would you? I’m guessing probably not.

- a Boston Cop

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I’m not a police defender but what did the police do wrong in this story?
He killed two people and was charged and let loose by a judge. He was repeatedly arrested later and let out by lenient judges.
And then finally he was arrested again for a gun and drugs and is being charged again.
What negative role did the police play in all of this?
There are many instances of improper or unfair police conduct but not in this case.

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you defend them anyway

if you re-read my post it clearly states the "justice system"

and the police are just one cog in that machine

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You’re right the police are wrong %100 of the time, even when they arrest a double child murdering gun carrying drug dealer.
That’s not crazy at all and doesn’t invalidate whatever point you were trying to make.

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to where I ever said police are wrong 100% of the time.

If you want to disagree, fine.
At least try to comprehend the words I wrote before defending the THINBLUELINE.

The poor don't see judges, prosecutors, and the wealthy folks that own the prisons, or the politicians taking their donations. They see uniformed officers patrolling their streets.

Then when the media amplifies wrongdoings by the police, infuriating the public, people take sides, and the beat goes on...

The entire system is a complete mess, top to bottom.

And it's getting worse.

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Federal Laws are enforceable in State court, The US Supreme court decided in; United States Supreme Court. Your Welcome


No. 89-5383
Argued: March 20, 1990Decided: June 11, 1990

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Not sure where I said they weren't here. Are you referring to this article about the guy who claimed he had a Second Amendment right to walk around with a gun regardless of what state law says?

If so, even there, I'm not disputing your point. After Heller, the SJC said that ruling only applied to federal districts, land and buildings; the Supreme Court clarified a couple years later that, yes, the Heller ruling does so apply to state jurisdictions (but even then, the SJC has continued to uphold state gun-control laws, arguing that Heller does not outlaw all gun regulations, just blanket bans on all gun ownership; a federal appeals court agreed in a decision just this past April).

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