WFXT has today's moment of sunshine from Belmont, where a National Grid worker who supports Dear Leader spotted a car bedecked with evil Elizabeth Warren, pro-LGBTQ and national-parks stickers and decided it made perfect sense to sidle up behind it in his work van and lay on his horn and when the owner of the car came out to see what the fuss was about cranked up the Rush Limbaugh on his radio and, after pretending to play dumb as he sat there in his Trump 2020 hat, decided to give the woman a piece of his big ol' mind.
And now he has to sit through lectures from his bosses about how that's not the best idea.
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Re: MC Slim JB
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 12:02pm
I agree that most of the six figure union hierarchy, most of whom haven't gotten dirty in years, will go for the Democrat but the strength of the union is the rank and file who are now refusing be pigeonholed as Dem year after year. When the average union worker makes far less than $83,000 a year but sees Biden's degenerate kid making $83,000 a month, it's no wonder that union workers would look to Trump. Why is anyone surprised? If socialist Warren gets the default nod, the Boston Police Patrolmen's union endorsement of Trump on the Boston Common will be epic. Pencil-in Marty (if he's still in office) and Rollins for a vacation day, they won't want to be anywhere near the endorsement or far-left riots that follow.
How are Trump's degenerate
By Milwaukee Mike
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 12:52pm
How are Trump's degenerate kids doing these days? Cashing in, it seems. Even son-in-law Jared gets to use the middle eastern peace process as his own personal sandbox. This isn't even pot-and-kettle, it's pot-and-industrial-sized-vat.
Also, let me check your logic here: union worker makes far less than Trump, Biden's son makes a lot of money and is (possibly) kind of shady, so union worker should resent Biden and put his support behind Trump, who has even more money and is ridiculously shady? It never ceases to amaze me how blue collar people keep looking for a rich messiah figure to run things. It's like they want some millionaire Willy Wonka to swoop in fix all the nation's problems--it got them an oompa loompa instead.
There's a great New Yorker cartoon where a bunch of sheep are out in a pasture, and overlooking that pasture is a billboard showing a wolf who's running for office. The wolf's slogan, featured prominently on the billboard, is: "I'M GOING TO EAT YOU." One of the sheep, perhaps not the brightest, looks up admiringly at the billboard, and says: "He tells it like it is." That's where we are at this point. Every time I consider that we have polluters running the EPA, an anti-public-education dilettante running Education, industry hacks trying to kill net neutrality in the FCC, etc., and I start to get down about it, I can always take solace in knowing that this dysfunction represents exactly the government we deserve.
As to socialism, I'll take it over the current model of government-for-profit any day. Ever spend any time in Europe? Socialism works just fine. Contrary to what you hear on Fox, socialism and Stalinism are two different things.
Question on socialism
By Doug1001
Fri, 10/04/2019 - 1:09am
I’m not saying you’re wrong about Europe or socialism in general, but what are good examples where it works?
A few of us discuss this from time to time and I haven’t found any particularly appealing examples of it.
By capecoddah
Fri, 10/04/2019 - 2:02am
Where a stronger country/bloc provides the HEAVY burden of protection.
And even then it is showcase status at best.
Straight up capitalism works
By Milwaukee Mike
Sat, 10/05/2019 - 4:47pm
Straight up capitalism works great when you're the one with the capital. Being a tick on the neck of the developing world looks pretty good when you're the tick.
Why would it be epic? The
By anon
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 1:02pm
Why would it be epic? The NEPBA and the national FOP endorsed Trump last time, much to the vocal dismay of a good number of their member unions. BPPA's political preferences are well-known to everybody in the city. Nobody cares, and your suggestion that the eventual union endorsement of Trump would somehow be a response to the Democratic nominee is disingenuous at best.
Police unions are single-issue organizations: are you a "thin blue liner"? If so, you've got the endorsement. Anybody with an ounce of nuance of their views of policing is disqualified. Trump doesn't actually care about the law or those who enforce it, as evidenced by his life-long hobby of breaking any law he can find, but he's very willing to display the correct tribal markers in public, and that's all police unions seem to care about.
I disagree
By capecoddah
Fri, 10/04/2019 - 2:39am
I disagree.
President Trump keeps winning and winning and winning.
I posit that not only does he care about the law, he is highly intelligent enough to use it to keep winning.
The guy is quite savvy.
Translation: "The President
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 10/04/2019 - 12:34pm
doesn't care about repeatedly committing crimes and getting away with it, and I don't care if he does, either."
Because you're an unpatriotic American.
Take comfort, Fish, in your little unsourced anecdotes and
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 2:17pm
bizarre non-sequiturs. The facts from the Journal article you didn't bother to read (or maybe aren't numerate enough to grasp) say that union members, not just leadership, voted Democratic 54% to 39% Republican in 2016.
Since then, Trump has flopped hard on his promised massive job-creating infrastructure package, scaled back overtime and other worker protections, and nominated Baby Scalia, a committed enemy of union labor, for Labor secretary.
Shell's union workers (in Trump-voting PA, no less) are such huuuge Trump fans that the company had to threaten them with lost wages if they didn't attend a Trump rally:
You might be stupidly self-sabotaging enough to vote for Trump again, assuming he's not trying to get elected from his fortress of asylum in Saudi Arabia by then. I'm guessing union members will notice how Trump has been bending them over, and won't get fooled again in 2020.
Ah yes.
By Coyote137
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 12:14pm
That swing demographic of older white guys without a college degree. Very much up for grabs!
Magoo sez
By MisterMagooForYoo
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 11:57am
Magoo does not endorse this type of behavior. In fact this calls for what Magoo refers to as a Magoo-wham-Bam-body-Slam, a legendary WWE move involving Magoo jumping from the corner post doing a loop d’loop and landing bum down on the offender’s face capping the move with a smelly toot. Magoo.
ok, just stop trying to make MAGOO happen
By Old Groucho
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 12:57pm
its NOT gonna happen.
funny how
By anon
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 6:42pm
this one and trophywifelinda are never seen in the same room at the same time, eh?
give it up, bruh. not funny or even interesting.
The politics of this aside
By Neal
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 3:05pm
This guy is a gas worker for National Grid? And he may be drunk? That in itself is a major public safety hazard.
Blotto to BLAMMO!
By Milwaukee Mike
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 3:48pm
Blotto to BLAMMO!
Don't worry
By Kaz
Thu, 10/03/2019 - 2:24pm
I'm sure he'll get fired from National Grid for this and end up working for Columbia Gas in no time!
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