By adamg on Mon., 1/6/2020 - 10:07 am
WBUR reports on the possibility that BPS has shared data on more than 100 students with ICE, based on documents released in a lawsuit by education and civil rights advocates suing the city to take a look at just what gets sent to the feds.
BPS may not share any info directly with ICE, but it does forward certain disciplinary reports to the Boston Regional Intelligence Center, a Boston Police unit that does.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
The headline is off a bit
By capecoddah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 10:20am
It should read "MS13 Gang Member Deported. Democrats Hopping Mad At Losing Votes"
By anon
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 10:43am
Capecoddah and the entire right wing noise machine including the so called president continues to promote the lie that undocumented immigrants are voting. This is a lie, nothing more that a lie, and must be confronted each and every time it is presented.
Capecoddah is a liar.
Was it an audible
By Brent Jeffries
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 11:32am
*SNAP* when Fox News broke your brain?
Yeah, you know how
By Coyote137
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 11:44am
those gang members make it a priority to hit the polling centers early on a soggy Tuesday morning in November. I often see gang colors, firearms, and open drug dealing when I fill out my ballot.
Get real, pops.
But you'd know about BS voting, given the repeated thumbs up you give yourself here.
By capecoddah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 1:58pm
You don't see that because ICE deports these 19 year old gang members from high school like in this incident.
Ah, just like this rock I have
By fungwah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 2:12pm
It keeps tigers away! After all, you don't see any tigers around here, do you?
By capecoddah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 3:17pm
WBUR was whining about a 19 year old public school "student" who is also a MS13 member being deported by ICE.
No magic rocks needed. Just the LAWS that are on the books to be enforced.
Oh sorry, that Simpsons quote may have gone over your head
By fungwah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 3:32pm
This one might be more your speed.
Care to show me
By Coyote137
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 3:50pm
his voter registration? Or any evidence of him having any desire to vote anywhere, ever?
The movies
By capecoddah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 4:59pm
A lot of people get their ideas of gang affiliation from the movies. Much like they get their ideas of tiger repellent rocks from television.
From the DOJ/Center for Latino Studies on MS13:
-- provide votes (or impede them) in elections as well as other services for local political actors; and open the door to economic opportunity in areas where they have some political capital. --
Pg 49
You are an idiot
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 5:54pm
The kid who was deported was never arrested or convicted of anything.
Putin is the one to watch when it comes to election interference.
By capecoddah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 6:37pm
A 19 year old MS13 guy can't help but start a fight at his high school lunch and gets himself deported.... and you go out of your way to try to make me the idiot in this scenario?
Is this some sort of love taps thing? Because Scarlett O'Hara, you ain't.
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 11:51am
This 19 year old was not charged with a crime regarding any of his actions at school.
The question is how ICE got this information. The Boston School Police are involved in school disciplinary matters. Their are good reasons for all police officers to share information with each other. However, the trend of using police for school discipline causes many problems. It is not a new thing. I am not sure that sharing info with ICE is a new thing. People forget that cities stopped cooperating with ice because they weren't paying their bills, not philosophical reasons.
Healthy young people attending school are the best immigrants for Boston and the United States. Especially when they have no criminal record. Focusing on deporting people from Central America is racist.
Not racist, political
By capecoddah
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 11:04am
Four days ago there was a pro-iranian rally at Park st.
Out of the 87 protesters in attendance, many carried signs. 55 percent of these signs were Spanish language signs promoting the PSL - Party for Socialism and Liberation
Go count them. Read their anti-Yankee slogans.
Let's go a little south to Brazil. Balsonaro. Now there is a leader and those are some people. Open arms bay-bay.
Political. Not racist.
Are you sure it wasn't a Peace Rally?
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 12:02pm
Political? Are you going to call them traitors next?
You seem to be selecting one kind of immigrant to target, that isn't political.
No way
By capecoddah
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 2:16pm
No way. Those "no yanqui fuera" protestors seem quite loyal to Iran and I cannot imagine them betraying Iran.
As my kids would say.. They are as loyal as AF. They were not loyal to their own country and not loyal to ours so I would never call them traitors. You actually have to turn coat to be a traitor.
I can give you a dozen factions of political immigrants I dislike and a dozen I really like - Balsanaro Brazilians being my current fave. For the record, communist Dominicans don't bother me.. but that is a story for another day.
Impressive that you read that far
By Daan
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 9:10pm
What you might notice is that MS-13 practices are similar to Mafia of old.
The question however is whether BPL should be sharing information that reaches ICE, which we all know is empowered by President Putin to act abusively.
The most egregious example being caging children as though they are animals.
You might also note that the kid arrested by ICE had no criminal record and was imprisoned by ICE for a year until he was kicked out.
My sense however is that the animus against illegal aliens arises from the same need to hate somebody that has always been part of the darker part of the American psyche. A need to scapegoat one group or another by Americans who refuse to spiritually mature beyond the sin of scapegoating.
Two things
By capecoddah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 9:51pm
If there is an information clearinghouse that is federally funded that is used by the locals, then yes.
19 years old is not a kid.
He probably had excellent information on MS13 members. That bought him another year here until the Obama administration sent him back to socialist paradise. The new guy in El Salvador reminds me of Warren with his policies and campaigning so it is smooth sailing for the deportee at any rate. He won't be missing us.
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 9:29am
Is it ok to detain some one because they probably know something about MS13 members? Does evidence matter? Do the citizens have any right to decide what information about their children is given to law enforcement?
By capecoddah
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 9:31am
That is why you detain them for being an illegal alien.
Then you get free info.
Do I need to spell out the moral of the story?
There are no morals in this story
By Pete X
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 9:48am
and as you're delighting in the imprisonment and deportation of a high school student, it's evident you don't have any either, or even a shred of human compassion.
By capecoddah
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 10:32am
He was a 19 year old high school student who engaged in a lunchroom fight.
He illegally entered the country.
I have respect and admiration for the rule of law.
The delight comes from showing how the law works. If there is lack of compassion then chalk it up to the fact that there is nothing to be compassionate about here. Did I miss the fact of his tireless effort to buy poor midgets shoe lifts or something? No. He is 19, a highschool lunchroom fighter and an illegal alien. That is what we have been presented with. You should direct your disgust to the article writers who neglected to say anything but negative about the man.
"There is Nothing to be Compassionate About"
By Pete X
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 12:15pm
Just a human on the run from a country in El Salvador we have helped destroy with US backed dictators, US trained right wing death-squads, and a US-led never ending war on drugs.
A human caught in a minor school tiff, for which he was sent to jail for ONE YEAR and then deported.
If you don't think this is someone that deserves your compassion, then you are a psychopath, at least on the internet. I'm sure in real life where you have to consider the things you say you're not this big of an a-hole, "cape-coddah."
You don't know this.
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 1:01pm
There was a police report alleging that he engaged in a lunchroom fight. It is not in evidence whether the police witnessed the fight. He was not charged with any illegal act as a result. The question here is whether Boston Public Schools should share this much information with ICE. There is a concern that children won't attend school to avoid deportation. This is the reason that medical professionals don't report citizenship status.
You keep repeating facts that are not in evidence. I understand that people without status are at risk of deportation. We need comprehensive immigration reform that formalizes the dreamer program. This program selects immigrants that have no criminal record and are enrolled in school or finishing school.
You had
By capecoddah
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 2:19pm
You had eight years to do that.
This is what happens when you give out the Nobel before anything is actually done.
Better luck next time.
No, that's what happens when
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 4:21pm
No, that's what happens when Sen McConnel is so afraid that a black man will achieve something, that he refuses to do his job.
"Before anything is actually done?"
By Bob Leponge
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 6:03pm
You think convincing a former slave-owning country to elect a black man as President is somehow not a significant accomplishment?
By capecoddah
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 7:16pm
I do not think you and I share the same understanding of what an accomplishment is.
twisted into a pretzel
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 01/08/2020 - 9:20am
You can't share an understanding with anyone because either you don't understand policing, school districts, and the federal government or you are just dishonestly bending each definition to support your "political" views which magically align against anyone with brown skin.
One little correction
By Waquiot
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 10:47pm
Your spelling error (completely understandable) notwithstanding
That's CBP. Mind you, they are both under DHS, but they are at different parts of enforcement of Title 8 of the US Code. One is at the border, while the other is further down the line.
In order for votes to be "lost" (your word)
By Coyote137
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 3:46pm
votes would have to be cast in the first place. If all of the 19-year-old gang members eagerly anticipating the opportunity to vote (after all, no one votes in greater numbers than teenagers!) are being deported, then there weren't any votes to begin with, were there?
Coddy: Learn the law
By Daan
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 8:51pm
If an illegal alien violates the law in this nation there is a strong chance that they will serve prison time here. At the end of that sentence they will be deported.
Deporting 19 year old gang members in just a few months? Takes longer. You just don't know what you're talking about.
Policy should be based on reality
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 4:45pm
Not some racist turd's lurid Faux Snuz jackoff fantasy.
Policy is based on
By Refugee
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 8:48am
Policy is based on immigration law. Those are real laws.
By lbb
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 10:06am
And you're a real refugee.
(they are civil violations, genius)
MS13 Dems
By Scratchie
Tue, 01/07/2020 - 1:23pm
Why is it always assumed (even in jest) that MS13 would support the Democrats?
I would think that the Republican crackdown on Latino immigrants would play right into MS13's hands. Neighborhoods where the residents are afraid to go to the police are neighborhoods where gang protection is invaluable.
By Luke Warmer
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 11:56am
two respondents to capecodpiece have finished him.
this is why Adam should allow trolls--easy target practice
The BPS related investigation I want (kind of)
By Parkwayne
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 12:13pm
... is into how many kids are in BPS who don't live full time in Boston. One of my kids said his classmate lives in Brockton, but of course no idea if that's where one parent lives and his other parent lives in the city, etc... Still, regardless of your view of the funding levels of BPS, we certainly shouldn't be paying for kids from outside of the city.* I assume it's too small a number to be worth spending any money on discovering ultimately but it's annoying.
* I think some charter schools draw money and students from a wider area on occasion but certainly nothing as far as Brockton.
Possible explanation
By HJones
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 8:23pm
While this may not be what’s happening in the case of your son’s classmate, there are a number of BPS students who are in homeless shelters/scattered site placements outside of the city who are still able to attend their original BPS school under protections of the McKinney-Vento Act. Students who are placed in foster homes/group homes outside of the city by DCF are also covered under this law. At the BPS school I work at, there are at least a dozen students who currently commute to and from school from Brockton, Randolph, and even places as far as Plainsville or Springfield (seriously not kidding, there was one student who was commuting 2.5 hrs each way for half of last year from a homeless shelter in western mass until his family was relocated somewhere closer to the city). So while there may be folks out there cheating the system by lying about addresses to get their kids into the exam schools or specialty schools like BAA, more often then not there’s a real legally legitimate reason for students to attend BPS schools from addresses outside of Boston!
Probably more the other way....
By Pete Nice
Wed, 01/08/2020 - 12:43pm
If I had to make a guess, there are probably 250 students in the Boston Public Schools who don't live in Boston but their parents are scamming the system. On the other hand I'm guessing there are 500 students who live in Boston who have parents that are scamming their way into Newton, Brookline, Dedham and Milton Schools.
(I know this because a good friend of mine works for BPS and their job is to enroll students and investigate residency if there is a question)
Lotsa Tangents here but what about the point?
By cinnamngrl
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 2:23pm
How is ICE getting this information? From police reports written by boston school police. School police that asked to deal with discipline issue as much if not more than safety issues.
Is there a problem?
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 2:51pm
The only problem I see identified here is that government appears to be working too well and the left is hoping to somehow tap the brakes and disrupt it.
In a country where legal, naturalized citizenship for foreigners is still a privilege and not a right, it makes perfect sense to begin a paper trail on the most troublesome and in many cases, dangerous, illegal immigrant youths. Keep in mind, the sensible (now former) Lynn Superintendent of Schools who was shunned after reporting foreign, adult males with graying hair and mustaches applying for elementary school. In fact, it's the school superintendent, teacher and school police who would have far more insightful information on a young candidate for citizenship than any immigration judge or hardened ICE officer.
Did the left ever consider that the school staff might be helpful to "good" immigrant kids, perhaps including in their report, "this is a great kid, the type of person who I would like to have as a neighbor and naturalized citizen?" If the already far-left school officials are raising serious safety concerns about certain youths, and that information is so critical that it reaches the BRIC, it's mind boggling any US official would then attempt to block that from reaching immigration officials. Then again it's 2020 and we have US citizens (and Congressmen!) publicly "mourning the loss" of one of Iran's deadliest terrorists. The only solace is that when stories like this go national, Trump gains more swing states. Keep it up.
Buddy, Coddah already got the racism covered in this thread
By Parkwayne
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 3:24pm
You're needed on the next one to try to tie Cambridge election of a Muslim to the Marathon bombers.
By capecoddah
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 8:26pm
When did muslim become a race?
Speed bump and his family were Kyrgyzstani... which I am pretty sure is not a race.... Is the new mayor even from Kyrgyzstan?
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