The managers of Forest Hills Cemetery closed the scenic grounds to visitors today, saying there were just too many people crowding in for walks and bicycle rides - even as the number of burials is going up due to the increase in Covid-19 deaths.
Staffers locked the cemeteries side gates to and from the surrounding side streets, while the main gate is only open between 2 and 4, and even then only for people going to burials and cemetery staffers and officials.
Some callers to the cemetery report being told the move was in direct response to Mayor Walsh's comments yesterday about his disappointment in the way people weren't staying six feet away from each other outside at some Boston locations.
One staffer said at the main cemetery entrance today that during the current stay-at-home times, the cemetery has seen a lot more visitors - not just people strolling the grounds, but dog walkers, bicyclists and little kids, who were climbing too many trees and monuments.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By anon
Tue, 04/21/2020 - 9:35pm
I guess I'm really out of touch but I didn't realize that CEMETERIES were such hububs of activity such as running, biking, dog walking, festivals, etc that it causes people to be so seriously bummed out when they are closed to the public.
Forest Hills Cemetery is much
By Kinopio
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 12:05am
Forest Hills Cemetery is much bigger and more scenic than almost every park in Boston. Unfortunately people driving there ruined it for the locals who live close and regularly enjoy it.
Typical fact free blowhard posting
By Parkwayne
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 8:31am
From the article:
" the cemetery has seen a lot more visitors - not just people strolling the grounds, but dog walkers, bicyclists and little kids, who were climbing too many trees and monuments."
The cemetery staffer interviewed cites too many people visiting of all types and doesn't mention cars at all.
It's honestly weird how often you post like a Trump who's really into biking. Fact free and full of vitriol and agenda.
He's not wrong
By Ron Newman
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 1:27pm
Of Boston parks, the only one of similar size to Forest Hills Cemetery is Franklin Park.
Mount Auburn Cemetery has always been a tourist attraction
By Ron Newman
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 5:18am
ever since it opened. Forest Hills has a similar design and opened just a few years later. Both have a large number of famous people buried inside, and are lushly planted places of great beauty.
I wouldn't be surprised
By anon
Tue, 04/21/2020 - 10:03pm
if all cemetaries close to the public. On of my parents was buried in a Boston cemetary in February and my other parent, who visits everyday, has commented on the increasing number of walkers in the cemetary over the last few weeks.
The JCAM cemeteries all closed a few weeks ago
By anon
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 9:02am
The Jewish cemeteries in West Roxbury (Baker St., Centre St. and Grove St.) all closed a few weeks ago.
Can people still visit their buried relatives here?
By Ron Newman
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 7:45am
Mount Auburn still allows such visits between 4 and 6 pm daily.
I wish Forest Hills would issue an official statement or press release.
Burials going up due to the increase in Covid-19 deaths?
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 8:31am
Has the state announced an increase in total deaths or issued any year-to-date death statistics through this week in 2020 compared to this week in prior years? Are deaths up or down? I think it's a fair question six weeks into the lockdown.
There are exceptions, but I think we can all agree that it's mainly the very elderly with pre-existing conditions that die from this. Statistically and by the natural order of things, some of those would have died in spring 2020 regardless. Accidental deaths and deaths from complications of surgery have been nearly eliminated. While I have been told suicides are up sharply, have total deaths truly increased or just "burials" at an older cememtery. Forest Hills pre-arrangement program is popular with seniors who may have picked their final resting place years ago at discount prices.
It would be an interesting data point
By Waquiot
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 9:33am
I was just reading yesterday about how weekly deaths in the United Kingdom hit a 20 year high, with the number of deaths being about 40% higher than normal.
So, with that data point, one can see there has been more dying going around. When Massachusetts can show the data is another story, but it could be an interesting one.
Steady Stream of Deadly Misinformation from "O-FISH-L"
By Pete X
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 9:44am
The leading cause of death in the country is currently COVID-19, and the deaths continue to mount.
But yeah, keep blabbing without spending 2 minutes bothering to actually check if your talking points are true. And yes, the majority of deaths are concentrated among older people, so what? Are you going to volunteer to die needlessly, Boomer, so we can play basketball?
Usually, your mindless Pro-Trump sycophancy is relatively harmless in the short term, but idiot science-deniers like you are currently in the street endangering their friends, family, and themselves. You've become an acolyte of a death cult, with people like yourself as the prime sacrifice.
Oh, stop bellyaching
By lbb
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 9:46am
It isn't a "lockdown", you ninny. No one is stopping you from leaving your house.
Look at what they're doing in Peru, for example: THAT'S a lockdown. What a fragile whiner you are.
No, only those unacquainted with the facts would agree with that. The distribution of cases by age cohort is a lot more even than you'd like to believe, Fishy. And as far as deaths compared to a year ago, don't have that data, but DPH reports that in 2017 Massachusetts averaged 161 deaths per day from all causes. Yesterday, there were 152 deaths from Covid-19 alone.
By lbb
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 9:47am
...there's this.
Do you really believe that it
By Hector
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 6:18pm
Do you really believe that it is not the elderly who are overwhelming affected by this? The average age of death in Massachusetts is 81, 63% of deaths are age 80 or older, and the death rate for people 49 or younger is 2 in 100,000. You should really look at the data closer before calling people "unacquainted with the facts."
New official statement from Forest Hills president
By Ron Newman
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 10:07am
CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) *BULLETIN* – On Forest Hills Closure: See Our President’s Letter
The cemetery is open from 2 to 4 pm for people to visit the gravesites of their loved ones.
I really don't understand
By cden4
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 3:48pm
I really don't understand what is so hard about "Stay Home"?! Walk around your own neighborhood if you need some fresh air. Why is everyone so bent out of shape that they can't GO to a park? No one is supposed to be going anywhere if they don't have to, such as to work or to get groceries. This will not last forever. Geez, people.
If you don't have a park in your own neighborhood
By Ron Newman
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 3:56pm
and you need exercise, you will seek out one somewhere else. And sometimes the nearest or least crowded "park" is the garden cemetery.
Exercise is essential for both physical and mental health.
Can't you walk down the sidewalk?
By lbb
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 3:57pm
I get it that parks are more pleasant, but not being located adjacent to a park has never meant that you have no way to get exercise.
Exactly. Take a walk on your
By cden4
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 5:01pm
Exactly. Take a walk on your street and the streets around it. It's not hard.
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