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Cambridge to put its masks where its mouth is: Will give residents free face coverings


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These selfish people still will not wear them and we will all be watching Christmas mass on Catholic TV.

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During the 1918 flu pandemic, San Francisco enacted a law requiring masks in public. An "Anti-Mask League" appeared in response, and a lot of people stopped wearing masks. Astoundingly, infections increased.

Bitching about masks is part of our history, like the Confederate flag.

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Are the masks available to only residents of Cambridge? Will you have to show an ID?

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It’s Cambridge, Land of Love, no one is asking for ID.

Just please go find yourself a washable, reusable mask and save these for these who people who can’t otherwise figure that out.
When you use this thing every day washable makes far more sense.

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Mask cleaning - (an idea I got from my dentist's assistant) - use a steam iron. I believe the steam heat will kill most germs (autoclav?).

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Autoclaves also rely on high pressure, heat and time to sterilize equipment. A steam iron is probably not sufficient to sterilize a mask. If you want to recreate autoclave sterilization, use a pressure cooker.

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It sounds like they'll offer them to anyone they see in Cambridge city limits, which makes sense, since the rule applies to everyone, wherever they live. Belmont seems to be leaving it to residents to find our own, but the face-covering order here doesn't (as of yesterday) apply to just walking around outside. (I'm okay, I have a stock of bandannas and a few masks made by other people.)

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I think this is great. If you are going to require it - offer them. I have ordered washable masks from two different sources on the internet over 2 weeks ago and neither have arrived. I'm not shelling out more money for more masks when I still have no idea when I'd actually get them.

I am essential and luckily my workplace gives me a paper mask to wear when I arrive. But can't wear paper masks over and over. I don't have bandanas lying around my house or even rubber bands or other elastics. Anything I try to order on line is not available or ridiculously long arrival times. (hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, hair clippers).


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