Doing some in-cider trading? Clover is gluten free:
Was Woodchuck the ones with the ads making fun of Oregon Original Ales in the 1990s or so? "Made with Apples, Dirt, and Big Hairy Bugs ... then we stir it up with great big Phillips head screwdriver!"
No "true" gophers in MA, as another commenter points out; gophers are part of the mouse family while groundhogs are in the squirrel branch. That said, common names for plants and animals can be all over the place.
Most of my neighbors call these guys gophers. I'd never heard it before myself (had no idea what they were talking about until I laid eyes on him!), but Wikipedia mentions it in the entry for gopher. I've never heard anyone call them whistle pigs either, but apparently that's also a thing.
Where your intrepid commenter lives in the forgotten area of Hyde Park, between Turtle Pond Parkway and East Dedham, those cute little things run the show.
Can I get an adorable???
Can I get an adorable???
That's no moon!
It's a woodchuck!
Not a gopher
Muskrat. There are no gophers in MA
Groundhog maybe?
We've got plenty of those.
Doing some in-cider trading? Clover is gluten free:
Was Woodchuck the ones with the ads making fun of Oregon Original Ales in the 1990s or so? "Made with Apples, Dirt, and Big Hairy Bugs ... then we stir it up with great big Phillips head screwdriver!"
Marmota monax
No "true" gophers in MA, as another commenter points out; gophers are part of the mouse family while groundhogs are in the squirrel branch. That said, common names for plants and animals can be all over the place.
Most of my neighbors call these guys gophers. I'd never heard it before myself (had no idea what they were talking about until I laid eyes on him!), but Wikipedia mentions it in the entry for gopher. I've never heard anyone call them whistle pigs either, but apparently that's also a thing.
Definitely a groundhog, not a
Definitely a groundhog, not a gopher.
Hyde Park
Where your intrepid commenter lives in the forgotten area of Hyde Park, between Turtle Pond Parkway and East Dedham, those cute little things run the show.
I love Chubs.
I love Chubs.
When are their...
slim cousins coming down from the Blue Hills to visit us? I never see chipmunks in Mattapan.