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No more Eisenhower-era kitchen furniture in Neponset Circle


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Despite being packed to the gills with product, Ive literally never seen a single customer coming or going from that place in well over a decade.

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It was so empty in the sixties, I thought it was the regional headquarters for "Kaos" in the "Get Smart" TV series

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for awhile now.

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If you had a dollar for every time I saw someone in there over the past few decades, you'd have about $11.

By the way, the one that was in Revere was the last building from the old Revere Airport where Northgate is now.

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Same thing at the one in Revere in 40 years If I counted the people that went in there I would have about 40 bucks but they got the insurance money on that one it must have been a front!

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Trusts set up by the founders sold the property on Thursday to the Feeney brothers of Dorchester for 1.8 million dollars, according to Suffolk Deeds website.

Haven't heard anything about plans.

PS, did they reopen the Revere store that burnt down?

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More asphalt? That spot is steps from the bus stop and the highway. And you could build up several stories without blocking the view of anything but 3A.

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Revere did not open back up. I know it is hard to tell on Route 1's smaller cousin of what is what owing to the architectural guidelines developed by Jackson Pollock but they did not reopen.

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That place was great.

Just not as good as Satriale's though.

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Love the headline AND the furniture. :-)

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I wonder what's going to open there now.

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Standard options:Dunks, Irish pub, nail salon, cell phone store, bank branch/check cashing place, methadone clinic, and if someone wants to be daring: a kosher disco bowladrome "Televiva Bowladisco Fevah".

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It would quickly turn into The Pony Room

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Storage. Nice parking lot they have there. Throw up a fence and there you go.

In the long term, something that will offer a return on investment.

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A store that’s put in half the vintage style kitchens in the area is a front because some guy who commutes from Quincy didn't see the rich couple from Ashmont Hill picking $10k in appliances, and meanwhile the Feeney Brothers (using their public contract funding to put together a local salt truck crew who I’ve watched literally talking on the phone for minutes while the salt spreader was left running) buy yet another property to dump their stuff. Oh, and no commenters to defend this as a sad coronavirus loss of a unique independent shop with interesting storefront goods, because it’s a story about a business that’s a front. Happy to see we have this one nailed!

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First, appliance shops are far from the hardest hit retailers in all of this. Second, another commenter noted that it's been closed for a while (I'm not a Neponset/Quincy guy, so I wouldn't have noticed.)

Third, and most importantly, no one, particularly I, said anything about it being a front. That's on you.

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My kids used to ask if we would be going by the "kitchen doll house" on our way home from their Grandma's place.

It took us a while to figure out what they were talking about.

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When I biked by it earlier today, it appeared to be quite full of merchandise. The front door was closed and the lights were off, but a side door was open and people were inside the store.

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