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Driver takes out light pole on Soldiers Field Road
By adamg on Sun, 12/13/2020 - 11:08am
Harry Mattison happened upon this pole-ending crash on Soldiers Field outbound, just before the WBZ studios, this morning.
Free tagging:
I think that's a tie.
Both totaled.
VA Shiva meeting the electorate...
Better for that ...
would be the Shiva bus being storrowed.
I'm actually a little surprised that hasn't happened yet.
Better a pole ...
... than something living.
I hope the driver and passenger/s are okay.
We can only hope
That this formerly upstanding pole gave its life to protect other humans from this driver.
The driver may have swerved ...
... to avoid debris or an animal but considering most crashes are driver error, it was probably speed and or inattention to the road.
No surprise if a mobile phone was involved.
Isn't that facing the wrong way?
I suspect that there were several contributing factors to this crash...
Go by the color
of the line(yellow or white), not the position of the curbing.
That’s a white line
Car’s over the shoulder. That’s the median on the other side of the photo.
Black ice
I had a crash years ago on that same road almost same place. The pole didn't land on my car but it was totaled. About 8:20am, just heading to work.
No black ice when it's 40
No black ice when it's 40 degrees out side
Not facing the wrong way
The Staties' vehicles are in the same direction. Would they drive the wrong way on the road to assist in the accident? Um, no.
That light pole looks as if
That light pole looks as if was installed in the 1950’s
If they survived... Lifetime
If they survived... Lifetime driving ban
I agree....
... if the driver was responsible for the crash.
Seems a bit harsh
We have no idea which or how many things went wrong.
Even if it is 100% driver fault: speed plus inattentiveness? Drunk or buzzed? Road rage? Extenuating circumstance like reasonably unexpected roadway conditions? Another motorist acting legally but unexpectedly?
No question that we need much higher standards for drivers ed and driver testing -- and then, we can even have folks who have any kind of crash revisit those tests to avoid higher insurance premiums, etc.
If it was drunk or road rage ...
And this driver was drunk or raging, that isn't an extenuating circumstance.
That's plenty enough for a lifetime ban. The other circumstances might merit retraining.
And remember: there is no reason to keep driving if the conditions are not safe to do so. Most of the extreme things that happen pass quickly (torrential downpour, pea soup fogs). Slow down, find some place to pull off and wait it out.
When this happens, and "it's
When this happens, and "it's not the driver's fault" because of "speed and inattention" then when IS it the driver's fault?
You apologists are always big on the personal responsibility of cyclists and pedestrians who are killed by drivers like this one, but somehow, the drivers themselves are never responsible for anything.
After a crash like the one pictured, I don't care who you are or what your excuse is. You don't belong behind the wheel anymore. You proved that you're a dangerous driver. Take the bus.
Poles gonna fall. It's what
Poles gonna fall. It's what they do.
Perfect Execution
Hit right on the hood ornament.
wbz xmas party?
wrong turn out of parking lot? it's happened before.
Christmas party?
Yeah, I hate it when I turn off Zoom and there's a porn running in my chrome browser. Wrong turn, indeed!
The huge, wealthy media company
Did not stage a Christmas party inside their own walls.
That looks bad
I hope the driver didn't drop their phone.
If you're a light pole...
you've gotta understand, cars are going to hit you.
And if you're the north pole,
And if you're the north pole, you've gotta understand, sleighs are going to hit you.
On properly designed roads of
On properly designed roads of this speed (not this one), poles are designed to be hit if they're not behind a guardrail.