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Pressley's husband tests positive for Covid-19 after sheltering with maskless Sedition Caucus members

Conan Harris tested positive last night, a week after he spent time in one of those Congressional "secure room" with Pressley, and, among others, reality-denying Republican who refused to put on masks while hiding from the rampaging mob in the corridor outside.

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Is he still testing positive for being a violent, convicted felon? How are the victims of his crimes feeling these days?

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If memory serves, Mark Marky was charged with assault and attempted murder and did 45 days instead of 2.5 years of a racially motivated crime. I guess being white and related tioma bigger local celeb makes it all ok, right!

Bottom line, you bring up garbage like this as a typical Pro Trump GOP pos to distract from the guilty. Enjoy your world crumbl8ng.

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He served his time. He's taken responsibility for his crimes. He's rehabilitated himself, and is working to serve others.

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Can we re-open Parler so this white supremacist trash has a place to vomit her vitriol and not come and poop on UHub’s carpet?

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Can we have another round of clean-out-the-racists?

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Racist for pointing out that a convicted felon was present during the felonious behavior of people inside the Capitol building? Interesting that someone marries a violent felon and worries about felonious behavior from others.

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Racist for all the other racist MAGA trash that you spew.

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And by all accounts that I can find online, he changed his life and became a model citizen. So unless you have some facts we are not aware of, what's the problem?

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Fuck. Off. Now.

Seditionist asshats need to go do that. You are not fit for society.

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Your president for a few more days incited a mob to murder congressmen and his own vice president. And this is what you're concerned about. Maybe go find a site better suited to your ideals.

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Aw man, I didn’t get my inquiry resolved. I guess we will never know what she might have meant...

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Comment moderation can suck joy running an online community, but I hope every once in a while you take pleasure in nuking troll accounts from UHub’s orbit.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm disgusted by trolls too and I am beyond angry about recent events at the Capitol. But the trolls get a lot of likes and they represent likely 40-45% of the voting population. Comments on sites like this are one of the few places where I can get some sort of read on how people in the other realms of reality are processing things. I think it's valuable to know if this is finally the time where we all agree on what happened or is it just business as usual where it's all a hoax, or antifa, or totally excusable because whatabout...

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remove the hateful parent post here so it doesn't get the attention it doesn't deserve?

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I’m not sure what Adam’s policy is in deleting comments, he seems very restrained and shows more patience than many of us deserve, but it’s not like any of the subsequent comments added anything of value other than to not allow a hateful comment to go unchecked.

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2nded, 3rded, and 4thed.

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I'm sorry that someone who paid back the debts they owed to society must have ended up being more successful in life than you. I can't imagine any more benign reason that his existence would have gotten under your skin tonight.

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He’s more successful than me? Look at his spouse. Case closed.

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You'll need to elaborate a little more, because you haven't made an argument.

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Umm...he married a US Representative. If that's a sign of a lack of success, we should all be so unlucky.

Also, I'd really recommend everyone read his story. It's actually really impressive and should be an example of what we all want in this world, regardless of your politics.

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He turned around and is now helping young people who were in his situation. It's a really inspiring story, which just makes the trolling worse.

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She is salty because because when Conan learned that homicidal MAGA insurrectionists were invading Rep Pressley’s workplace, he raced into the hot zone to be by his wife’s side. But Carmella knows her family would not do the same and would instead Tweet out her location to the mob.

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You are mad because republicans got their ass kicked in recent elections and the whole world is seeing how pathetic, crazy and violent many republicans are.

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I’m not mad at all. Funny that a woman who invites riots all summer long, that destroyed the workplaces of many Americans, is upset that a riot turned her own workplace into chaos.

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Fuck off Troll.

I'd tell you to go to hell, too, but you are broadcasting your racist filth from there already.

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Chip meet shoulder. You have a big one.

Go away.

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Arrogant ignorant fuckhead troll.

Yes. Do it. Fuck off.

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Grab him by the pussy why don’t ya

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I just want to point out that as of writing this, 76 people have felt it appropriate to give the thumbs up to this deplorable comment and the malicious intent behind it.

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It's up to 91 now. I should have followed Swirly's lead from the start.

Fuck you.

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Conan the Barbarian is not a real person. Understand that through a Trumpian lens "they all look alike." But no honey, you really should read carefully and write about human beings who are no more perfect than you.

Or are you Jesus in disguise?

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I've searched up and down this convoluted thread, and I can't find another reference to Conan the Barbarian. Did you perhaps miss the fact that Ayanna Pressley's husband - who is a real person - is named Conan?

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it was one of the maskless Republicans that had covid? I don't know anyone who knows for sure from whom they got covid.

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But he'd made it this far - and with being incredibly careful because his wife suffers from an auto-immune disorder. So right in the sweet spot for a Covid-19 positive test (a week after being forced to share close quarters with some mask deniers), he tests positive. It makes you wonder, it truly does.

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How many in Congress have had both shots of the vaccination? And what does that mean in terms of transmission of Covid to others?

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I don't think enough time has gone by yet for them to be fully effective.

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How long? Or do we just not know the answers to these questions until more studies are done.....?

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suggest it's a few weeks after the second dose before your immune response is at full strength. Some people get the effect sooner, but to be totally safe, you should still treat yourself as a possible vector until a month after your second dose.

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So they wouldn't even have their 2nd shots by now.

Will be interesting to see what happens with everyone has had the chance to become vaccinated, and where our mask standards will be set.

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Rhinoviruses are the other cold viruses.

Have you had a cold more than once in your life? There you go. The virus can mutate to evade full immune destruction, permitting reinfection.

If you have ever wondered why we don't have a vaccination for the common cold, this is part of the reason. You can get it again and again and share it with your friends and everyone on the train because of antigen shifts and mechanisms to elude immunity. It becomes mostly a pain in the ass that people rarely die from, so it just keeps going round and round and round.

What we may be witnessing in real time with catastrophic consequences is the emergence of the Fifth Common Cold Coronavirus. Complete with partial evasion of immune complement, potential for asymptomatic reinfection and spread, and initial wave lethality.

Lucky us, eh?

Nice summary of something I've been conjecturing about for months.

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Still seems from that summary article that there is a lot of "maybe, but maybe not" in predicting the future of this thing.

I'm guessing once hospital rates go down and positive testing numbers go down, we just open up more like we did at the end of 2020, and just hope the numbers keep getting better and better.

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My understanding was that the vaccine is specifically geared to detect and destroy the spike proteins that make the coronavirus so virulent. Even if the virus shifts a bit, the spike proteins will still be recognized by the immune system and will be attacked appropriately. Unless of course COVID shifts so much that spike proteins are no longer part of it, in which case, it becomes both significantly less communicable and less dangerous (so still a victory)

The more likely explanation is that 1) half of these traitors either haven't had shots yet or haven't had the second one and enough time for it to get to full immunity and 2) the vaccine doesn't provide much protection against spread. 2 is actually a huge question in the research community right now because none of the vaccine trials focused on communicability. it's quite plausible you can still pass it along even if your vaccine-boosted immune system fights it off well enough that you don't actually get sick - that's why doctors and public health professionals are still asking vaccinated people to distance, wear masks, etc.

Alternatively, knowing the quality of republicans in the house, the other explanation 3) is one of them tested positive but "felt fine" and in grand republican fashion went 'fuck you got mine' and went to work to grandstand about conspiracies anyway.

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I don't remember when exactly they started, but some of the people I know here have gotten their 2nd dose in the past week or two. Then there's something like 10-14 days before its really set in.

As for preventing transmission, I don't think we have a scientific conclusion YET. That is ongoing. The clinical trials were looking at preventing illness. Unlike other infectious diseases where you normally don't transmit it unless you are sick, and most infectious cause some sort of illness, we know that half of the people who get this don't experience any known symptoms. Hopefully it prevents transmission, but even if it doesn't, if we can prevent all of the illnesses then transmission becomes less of a worry (except with every transmission we risk passing on a new mutation that is significantly different. Low risk, but a risk.)

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Immunity increases after the first shot, and even if you catch the disease after one dose, it will be less severe compared to being totally unvaccinated.

In theory, everyone could be administered one dose instead of two, and that might slow the spread / lower the severity enough to declare an end of the pandemic.

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is acquired between 9 and 12 days after the first shot, according to some graphs I was eyeballing. (It might be that for longer-term immunity, the second shot is important, but that's not known yet either way.)

A lot of the legislators had only just received their first shot in the week leading up to Jan 6th -- little to no immunity, *maybe* a head start on it.

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I think you got autocorrected -
"refused to put on masks while hiding from their rampaging mob"

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Masks aren't perfect. Congress should have set an example and met virtually.

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Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder... Let's hope that does not lead to health complications should she get Covid.

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This site and the comment section have become very sad and pathetic.

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There are plenty of Web sites in the sea. Nothing forcing you to stay here.

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There are plenty of Web sites in the sea

Fewer than there were a week ago, though. Defunding and deplatforming racist seditionist trash works -- and it's good for YOUR BUSINESS!

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Or otherwise get some fresh air.

Are you really referring to those who had to shelter from a violent mob as part of the “Sedition Caucus”, just because they disagree with you (and the vast majority of Americans) on the election results? There is a difference between thoughts and actions, or are we reverting to 100 years ago when Communists were liable to arrest?

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you *really* don’t keep up with current events do you?

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This was a an attempted coup - first time the congress was occupied since 1812.

People inside of congress participated in organizing and stoking it, and gave intel to the seditious invaders intent on murdering people.


Take your bothsidesism and your holier-than-thou hypocritical seditious "I'm oh so very religeouuuuus" pious bullshit and shove it where the sun don't shine. Then go read your fucking bible.

So fucking sick of slimy assholes rationalizing sedition. Or minimizing it. Serously. Fuck off.

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But perhaps you might be smart enough to figure out the difference between someone who thinks there was fraud in the election (an opinion I do not hold) and someone who intends to use force to overturn the results of an election.

Heck, to this day Stacy Abrams claims the 2018 Georgia Governor’s race was “stolen” from her. That might make her foolish, but that doesn’t by a long shot make her guilty of sedition.

Also, no, fuck you.

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Abrams’ primary complaint was that Brian Kemp was both the candidate and the person in charge of the election.

did the 2020 election feature a similar conflict of interest?

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Her take is that the entrenched system conspired to steal the election from her, no? Because there has never, ever, been a situation where the Secretary of State of any state has run for governor. Or she is part of the new way of thinking in America.

I will say this, I've been joyfully referring to Brian Kemp and the allegations from 2018 to those on the delusional part of the right that thinks the election in Georgia was somehow stolen from them to point out that the very person who allegedly "stole" the election for the Republicans in 2018 somehow, 2 years on, "stole" the election for the Democrats. That's even crazier than thinking that people who think there were improprieties in this election as somehow "seditious" for just thinking that, and you know what I think about that.

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Her take is that the entrenched system conspired to steal the election from her, no? Because there has never, ever, been a situation where the Secretary of State of any state has run for governor. Or she is part of the new way of thinking in America.

yes, she alleged that Kemp didn’t do enough to investigate voter roll purges, closure of voting locations, and gerrymandering, mostly targeted at minority districts. she also brought evidence and several lawsuits she filed were successful.

how many of the 60+ Trump campaign lawsuits alleging nonspecific instances of fraud were successful?

That's even crazier than thinking that people who think there were improprieties in this election as somehow "seditious" for just thinking that, and you know what I think about that.

but they didn’t just “think” that, did they? after 60+ lawsuits and certification by all 50 states, Hawley and Cruz persisted. Hawley even found time to raise a fist to the rioters. in ignoring the courts’ decisions and the states’ certification, they tossed away any semblance of deniability.

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The controversy for the 2018 Georgia Governor’s race was that 300,000 people were mysteriously and wrongly purged form the voting rolls while 50,000 other voters had their registrations delayed for no explainable reason.

The 2020 Georgia presidential election controversy was a.) that the state did not stop counting votes while Trump was ahead and counted all the votes. Then canvased all the votes and then recounted the votes and b.) Trump officials, including The President of the United States himself called election officials including the Georgia Secretary of State for the intention of intimidating and coercing these officials into magically “finding” ~11,800 votes.

Furthermore, the remedy proposed by Democrats for the the 2018 election is to expand voting rights laws, provide easier access to the ballot for legal voters, to fund expansion for polling places in underserved communities, fair redistricting and provide oversight and enforcement of voting rights. The Republican remedy, in contrast, is to “stop the steal”, throw out the whole election, and have a do-over, and, if that wasn’t possible, make GOP Members of Congress physically fear for their lives if they did not object to certification on January 6.

It is just not a credible position to “both sides” this and say that the 2018 and 2020 Georgia elections are two sides of the same coin. That position is untenable.

[For reference, when I say that Representatives felt threatened if they didn’t vote to object to the Electoral College, I refer you to Republican Michigan Representative Peter Meijer’s comments in Reason last Friday:

And then one of the saddest things is I had colleagues who, when it came time to recognize reality and vote to certify Arizona and Pennsylvania in the Electoral College, they knew in their heart of hearts that they should've voted to certify, but some had legitimate concerns about the safety of their families. They felt that that vote would put their families in danger.

Really? You heard that?


Wow. That's pretty striking.

https://reason.com/2021/01/08/amash-successor-peter-meijer-trumps-decept... ]

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We can always count on Swirls for edifying civil discourse.

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We can always count on Swirls for edifying civil discourse.

And yet you have nothing to say about vicious, lying, hateful covidiot Carmella, Robs.

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Swirly said what I was thinking.

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I am reminded by an exchange that you and I had a few months back.

You credulously proposed that Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz were moderate Republicans and those of us on the left would be wise to recognize their moderate-ness. Now every major newspaper in Missouri is calling for seditionist Hawley’s Senate ouster and several Texas papers are similarly saying the seditionist Ted Cruz is unfit for the Senate and should resign or be expelled.

Adam, of course, can speak for himself, but I don’t think Adam is painting the entire Republican Party as the Sedition Caucus, rather he is referring to House members who propagated a lie for political gain that culminated in a homicidal MAGA insurrection. Members like the new QAnon acolytes, plus Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, and +130 others who voted to challenge the legitimate votes in a fair and democratic Presidential election.

So yes Adam is using Sedition Caucus. This is a term also used by Jake Tapper, the Washington Post and other major national mainstream media outlets.

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Oh, and there is this, too:

“Gov’t Watchdogs To Investigate Capitol Police, Potential Congressional Role In Attack”

The Government Accountability Office, the nonpartisan congressional body, has indicated it will investigate whether members of Congress played any role in inciting the rioters that attacked the Capitol last week, Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) told the Times.

Crow, who requested the investigation, said on MSNBC Monday morning that “it’s been shown that folks that were given tours of the Capitol were involved in the assault,” but he declined to get into specifics, citing a potential investigation.

“To the extent there were members of the House that were complicit, and I believe there were, we will pursue appropriate remedies including expulsion and a prohibitions from holding elective office for the rest of their lives,” Crow told the Times.


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They voted to subvert the will of the people and overturn election results. Some of the members of the "caucus" showed up at Il Douche's insurrection pre-gamer rally. One tweeted when the speaker of the house left the chambers. Others may have given tours to some of the seditionists the day before. Others refuse to walk through metal detectors after a failed putsch that left five dead (seven if you count the officer who killed himself and the rioter down in Georgia who did the same)

So, yeah, I'm totally clear minded in referring to the Sedition Caucus.

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And had their votes succeeded, those who protested that would not have been seditious, though much like in this case, attacking the Capitol would be.

Similarly, if the silly rally just ended and all the attendees simply when home, the stupid challenges would, in the greater scheme of things, have been no different than the challenge to Florida’s electoral votes back in 2000. No sedition was ever claimed with that challenge, now was there?

Look, in June, tens of thousands of people protested downtown against the tragic death of George Floyd. Afterwards, hundreds of misguided people rioted. To put these sheltering Congressmen into context, they are the people with Black Lives Matter signs in their windows, and I certainly wouldn’t call someone with a BLM sign in their window a rioter.

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“If the homicidal MAGA insurrectionists didn’t murder a cop, attempt to murder other cops, and didn’t storm the Capitol to try and overthrow the election, you’d all be singing a different tune” is one hell of a take.

Furthermore, the votes themselves were based on proven lies that we all know are not true. The votes themselves were an attempt at sedition. And it’s clear many of the propagators of the lie did so with the purpose of whipping up and agitating Trump supporters. And look how that turned out.

By the way, the term ‘coup’ has been used in the media and in punditry since the fallacious court challenges began in November. So your thesis that we would not be talking about the overturning of an election, sedition, and sedition-adjacent behavior had it not been for the invasion of the seat of the United States Government ignores all the “stop the steal” activities of the previous 2 months.

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...the stupid challenges would, in the greater scheme of things, have been no different than the challenge to Florida’s electoral votes back in 2000. No sedition was ever claimed with that challenge, now was there?

sorry, this is nonsense. the vote margin in Florida was less than 600, and the call was for a recount, not to throw out hundreds of thousands of legally cast votes.

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I’d go around banning anyone who expressed any opinion remotely in favor of any Republican, after 1/6, except for Mitt and the ten House members who voted to impeach. I’d ban you, mock your tears when you complained to me, then block your email addresses after telling you to CRY ABOUT IT.

Enough is enough. Maybe people actually should start oppressing you. Make you a little honest.

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Bear in mind that members of the Sedition Caucus - who voted to overthrow a legitimate election - also:

-Gave reconnaissance tours of the Capitol to the people who would be rioting, murdering policemen, breaking into the Capitol, and attempting to murder politicians the next day
-Informed the rioting mob of the physical location of some of their targets
-Intentionally spread a deadly disease to their colleagues across the aisle

So yeah, Sedition Caucus fits. Several of these individuals will end up being arrested, convicted, and barred from any future political office. Those who are not convicted should probably face sanctions within Congress as a condition of remaining in office.

It is time for those who believe in America's constitutional, democratic system of government to stop accommodating those who would destroy it. Calling a spade a spade is part of it: sedition is as sedition does.

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waquoit (v): to pick the stupidest, most pointless, most self-defeating hill possible to die on.

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We're never going to move forward and put this unpleasantness behind us if we can't come together in unity.

The only way we can do that is by extending the olive branch to those with different, but equally legitimate, political views.

So yes, one party thinks that the verified, certified results of a legitimate, free and fair election should be allowed to stand, and the other party thinks they have the right to overthrow the government by violence.

But isn't governance all about compromise, and finding common ground?


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There needs to be common ground for there to be comprise that is fair to all sides. When one side begins their argument based on what they know is false information and strive to compromise from that point either purposely or ignorantly poison the any possible compromise.

There has to be agreement that democracy is good before there can be compromises about how to implement democratic policies.

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Disagreement on the basis of evidence and logic are vital. Disagreement for the purpose voiding an election proven legitimate is an attempt at a coup by throwing leadership to the neo-Fascist Trump.

The reference to Communism is irrelevant in this discussion.

The people who despite evidence that is unequivocal want to put power into the hands of a man who is a would be dictator are putting themselves into a group reasonably called a Sedition Caucus. It has far greater accuracy and meaning than the so-called Freedom Caucus.

But Congress is theatre for a dumbed down audience.

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Why are only democrats contracting Covid-19 from this incident? Are republicans immune?

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Republican members of Congress frequently refuse to get tested, or if they do, don't disclose their results. Through their insane antiscientific positions, they have painted themselves into an untenable corner where they cannot seek the help they obviously need. It is very likely that many of them ARE positive, and if we knew who, we would have a good idea of who is to blame for the spread of covid through Congress. But, like the antisocial brats that they are, Republicans as always refuse to cooperate for the common good.

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I suspect Republicans who seek to minimize the danger of Covid do not seek out testing as much as their Democratic colleagues.

I also believe some GOP politicians would conceal their positive results as much as they could, much as White House Chief of Staff Meadows has pressured staff to do: https://www.thedailybeast.com/mark-meadows-worked-to-keep-positive-coron...

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