By adamg on Thu., 2/18/2021 - 9:02 am

The state added 1 million people to its list of vaccine-ready residents at precisely 8 a.m., which was when the state vaccination finder began to crash. Probably an unintentional metaphor that the octopus doesn't have enough arms.
Free tagging:
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By Kaz
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 9:12am
So what this tells hackers is that the state is running aptible and it's from before they replaced their fun octopus with an A-arrow logo which was rebranded in June 2019.
Hopefully, aptible has been back-patching their software and the state is keeping up.
By Angry Dan
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 9:44am
Quadrapus says "No vaccine for you!" Wear two masks instead.
Hi friends!
By Michael
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 9:58am
See you in '22! (Maybe!)
Worst job in MA
By lbb
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:05am
A 211 operator, since they're trying to use the same site.
I have been able to get through far enough to see available vaccines at sites near me, but it crashes when I try to schedule. I'm resigned to dying of this disease before the state figures this out.
I suspect...
By Michael Kerpan
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:09am
... that the 65-74/2 comorbidity group won't be handled fully for at least 2-3 months.
People who have two comorbidities
By roadman
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:16am
should have already been contacted by one or both of their doctors to schedule appointments for both the initial and follow-up doses of the vaccine. My PCP called me two days before "initial" Phase 2 started over a month ago, and I just had my second shot this morning.
Not how it works
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:32am
And it isn't how it is going to work because that process is slow on the scale that we are now needing to vaccinate.
Also not how it is going to work because this is a recipe for vaccine access by special privilege. Not in your case because you are legit high priority and in the earlier, smaller groups and when hospital staff were being similarly vaccinated - but this sort of thing was resulting in city/town hoarding and "my town only restrictions" on clinics and hospital hoarding of vaccine "for the special people that we serve only".
None of which is acceptable when the resource is state-owned, access needs to be open and universal, and speed is important.
By lbb
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 11:02am
Not sure how you managed that, but people with 2+ comorbidities only became eligible at 8 am today, no emails are in the inbox, and I'm learning all kinds of things about server software errors.
I have two comorbidities
By roadman
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 2:55pm
and am under 65. I was notified by two of three of my doctors on January 25th that I could get the vaccine after January 26th, when Phase 2 first started. My PCP made the appointments for me directly. Had my first shot of the vaccine on January 28th (yes, 1/28), and had my second shot of the vaccine this morning.
So people with two ELIGIBLE medical conditions have had access to the vaccine for the past few weeks. Not sure why everyone is hyping this like it's something brand new.
You're wrong.
By lbb
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 3:50pm
According to the state vaccine guidelines, you were not eligible on that date. People with two ELIGIBLE medical conditions had access starting at 8 am this morning. It's nice that our doctor bent the rules and did you a solid, though.
Um, my doctor didn't break the rules.
By roadman
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 4:18pm
Your doctor, and you, are at best careless readers
By lbb
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 4:24pm
Massachusetts moved to Phase 2 STEP 1 on February 1. That was individuals 75+ ONLY. Step 2, which is those 65+ and those with two or more comorbidities, began at 8 am this morning.
Not going to grudge you those shots
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 5:49pm
However, this is a prime example of why the state took its vaccine back from hospitals - they were prioritizing their own patients according to their own rules, ahead of the schedules and to the exclusion of others.
That you and another person who posted got their vaccines ahead of me isn't such a big deal, but playing out on a statewide level it is an extra large helping of inequity.
Pure fantasy.
By Lee
Fri, 02/19/2021 - 7:38am
The state removed the vaccines from hospitals to benefit a for profit startup running mass vaccination sites that are inaccessible to many citizens. Particularly the elderly, the disabled, minorities, working class and low income.
Baker is not in the least concerned about inequity.
By lbb
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 9:03pm
Really? Got a cite on that?
About that "save the elders" sign
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 02/19/2021 - 10:56am
Corporations have zero interest in anything they cannot profit from. This is not a profitable venture, especially since the state owns and controls the vaccine and people don't pay for it save through their taxes.
Towns and hospitals were hoarding vaccine. Supersites were vaccinating with great speed. There are programs in place for reaching vulnerable communities with different rules, up to and including vaccine delivery to people who cannot leave their homes. (Nantucket did this)
You are really off the tin foil deep end on this. Cut the shit with the paranoid delusional rumors.
Seriously. Get help.
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:19am
On top of all the Super Happy Fun Shortages that are ongoing, MA and other states didn't even get this week's shipments - something to do with the record cold and record snow/ice cover over much of the continent.
Making my job oh so ... [redacted]
Long term prognosis is excellent; however, short term mayhem will be the rule.
I knew better than to jump into the fray. I'm going to sit back and try for Gillette in a week or two.
Baker, speaking at an event
By brianjdamico
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:24am
Baker, speaking at an event right now, says he's "considering" sending the National Guard down to Kentucky and Tennessee to pick up the vaccine shipments destined for us that can't make it out to here because of the weather. If that's something he can order, I'd say he should probably stop considering, and start ordering.
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 12:32pm
We are running out of vaccine to move around Massachusetts.
Probably worth waiting a couple of days to collect next week's shipment at the same time.
I can also imagine the negotiations in getting MA NG through other states (they need clearance): Say ... them trucks of yours got plows on 'em, right? Can they clear I-65 on their way down?
By Lee
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:35am
Stop procrastinating, Governor Spreadsheet!
OK Charlie
By Michael
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:37am
Check out me not holding my breath
I have never understood why
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:38am
I have never understood why this guy is the most popular governor in the country. Really hoping people remember what a shitty job he's done with his covid response when it's time to vote again, but I'm not optimistic.
He isn't
By lbb
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 12:32pm
"the most popular governor in the country" is not Charlie Baker.
Well that's good news. I didn
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 12:49pm
Well that's good news. I didn't realize he lost that title. Still too popular for my taste though.
According to your link, he's
By RhoninFire
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 1:25pm
According to your link, he's 3rd most popular with the 1st and 2nd also at 69%. With the gap between 1st and 3rd so small, this is just pedantic.
You know what the much more alarming thing in your link? How the hell is DeSantis the 7th most popular at 7th and Greg Abbot right behind at 8th? Unless the page hasn't been updated since ~2019, they should no way be anywhere near the top 10.
This place hate Baker, but he's botch vaccine distribution does not make him worse than those two (especially since we really have jump in rankings - so the excuse they have been chasing vulnerable, but vaccine-"hesitant" people is starting to look valid).
So maybe that tells you something
By lbb
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 1:44pm
So maybe that tells you something. It should, at least.
Weaksauce. As my dear departed granddad would say, "This is not a competition to see who's the worst." Charlie has coasted on his "most popular governor in America" myth for too long. De Santis is proposing literally criminal behavior around his vaccine "distribution", but that doesn't make Charlie either competent or a saint. No one in their right mind wants a guy who made his name cutting healthcare "costs" in charge of this.
Calling something weaksauce
By RhoninFire
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 2:29pm
Calling something weaksauce does not invalidate a point. You're making sound like I'm making a defense of Baker because I compared him to those two.
No, I'm recognizing and making a statement. Baker does not deserve to be 1st, 3rd or whatever. But the gap between his approval ratings versus the level he should be is far less unfathomable versus governors like Abbot and DeSantis.
The implication approving someone like Abbot means you're literally in the dark and freezing while still approving him for a good number of people. That alone makes sparks a far large larger astonishment.
Meanwhile Baker, frankly, he's been doing poorly on vaccinations. But I have to keep in mind Dr. Fauci's recent praise which I then have to defer a lot of my personal judgement to him - and I have to also grade things like the recent jump in vaccination rankings. Things like that means I cannot be as astonished as seeing Baker's 3rd ranking (which is still a pendant - so it technically a "myth" but 3rd/50 with the almost same approval ratings as the 1st and 2nd is means you're still pulling hair). Meanwhile, I am a whole lot baffled at seeing at the 7th and 8th highest ranked governors.
Why? If nothing else - there
By Rob
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 3:03pm
Why? If nothing else - there's always this:
Heads Up Hubsters
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 02/19/2021 - 12:45pm
That shipment has arrived in MA, days late, but it is here.
Vaccine is going out today and tomorrow. Meaning, more appointments.
Watch for more appointments to appear during the weekend. Still may be too much of an e-scrum to book them, but progress nonetheless.
Teflon Charlie
By CopleyScott17
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 10:52am
It's amazing to me that Baker continues to evade responsibility for his monumental mismanagement of this whole situation, especially since "get-things-done healthcare-expert technocrat" is supposed to be his brand.
Why does our feckless Democratic legislature constantly let our Repugnican governor off the hook, while Democrats in NY are ready to crucify their standard-bearer for his pandemic sins?
He's more of a
By jmeltzer
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 12:02pm
"cut healthcare expenses to maximize stockholder profit" technocrat.
Not the first crisis...
By Michael Kerpan
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 3:58pm
... he has monumentally (or nearly so) mismanaged as governor -- just the one that most affects the people he has always counted on voting for him.
I also think there is a looming disaster at DUA.
By CopleyScott17
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 4:15pm
You don't hear much about the unemployment situation but the DUA website is absolutely ridiculous, and their telephone system is a farce. That would be the next huge fail Baker should be held responsible for.
Oh yes.
By jmeltzer
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 5:29pm
Anyone else remember the MBTA during the Blizzard of 2015? Exactly six years ago today!
By jmeltzer
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 12:01pm
The biggest surge on an in-demand website is always on the first day.
Anyone trying to use it today - I suggest you don't bother. Wait until the weekend at least.
Now the problem with having to choose a date and time _before_ entering your information: that's awful design. There's no excuse for not having users register first.
Awful design
By KSee
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 2:50pm
Exactly! Because I expected the "first-day delay," I struggled on the site for a few hours before I learned that it was officially down. It took me a those few hours because I got the the VERY LAST PAGE multiple times before it kicked me out.
If the site was designed to allow people to register first, maybe they could create a pool of people like me; I have the flexibility to get to almost any location at any time.
Watching the news last night, I thought
By Waquiot
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 6:39pm
"I bet anything the means to make an appointment for vaccination will be overwhelmed tomorrow."
I want to get my shot(s) (not in this cohort, btw) but I just know I will be waiting a few weeks after I'm eligible before I try to sign up.
Baker passes the blame. Says ....
By Lee
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 2:07pm
... he’s pissed off.
“ “It’s going to get fixed as fast as it needs to get fixed, and like I said, people did a lot of work preparing for this, but clearly they didn’t do enough,†Baker said. “And I know how important it is to people to get their shots.†“
What a weasel!
C'mon, Adam...
By Div2Supt
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 2:13pm
That's clearly Crash Cthulhu!
I did get to the search part of the website
By lbb
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 3:55pm
Not the "Here's the page where you actually sign up for an appointment" part, that crashed every time. But I was able to see where there were vaccines available. Gillette? Thousands (not any more, so don't bother). Fenway? Some there too. The entire rest of the state? One here. Two there. Not more than five in the entire western half of the state.
Allegedly 70,000 new vaccine appointments. I'm calling bullshit on that, but then, I didn't hit the site at 7:59 am. Maybe there were. But they were all at Gillette and Fenway.
By cybah
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 4:07pm
Weirdly I was up at 3am and browsed over. I *almost* looked at the appointment schedule but gave up once it told me I didnt qualify.
Kinda wonder what I would have saw. The site was up and I opened the link and it loaded.
By Irma la Douce
Fri, 02/19/2021 - 8:36am
Gov. Baker’s statement at his press conference, that the site would NOT be active until 8am, no need to stay up all night, was BS. I wonder how many people actually did get in to book appointments during the wee hours.
well he lied, or didnt know.. it was active
By cybah
Fri, 02/19/2021 - 9:20am
I didnt stay awake until 3am for this. I was up for something else (was making a video) and browsed over to see what was there.
At 1pm on Wednesday, the site was one way. At 3am on Thursday morning, the link to make an appointment and that awful google form were there. I could get to the appointment website, I just never clicked on the final link to *see* what was available.
The site was active
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 02/19/2021 - 10:17am
It was restricted to 75+ until 8am.
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