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Boston gripped by flu fever

It's hard to ague when people are wearing masks, the T is cleaning trains in the middle of the day, Harvard Medical students are told to stay home and a plane is forced to land at Logan because a passenger felt achy.

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The fact the T is cleaning the trains at all means we need to create potential pandemics more often.

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The gazillion people a day through them are collectively filthy.

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A couple years ago, I was riding the T into town in the morning with a friend. This guy across from us puts his empty fast food bag and cup on the floor. I can tell it's bothering my friend more than it does me, and I wonder whether she's going to do something.

When we're pulling into our stop and people start moving to the doors, she goes over and picks up the trash, apparently to bring it with her. Then, while crouched down so she's below the guy rather than towering over him (nonthreatening, plus minimizing any scene), she starts talking with the guy, with a concerned but nurturing look on her face.

For bonus points, her briefcase/bag had the name of a prominent law firm emblazoned across it, and she was all dressed up as a high-powered young lawyer.

I'm not 100% sure that guy wasn't intending to pick up the trash and bring it with him when he disembarked, but I suspect that he never again set trash on the floor of the T.

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Harvard Medical School isn't shut down. They only told the students to stay home; all the administrative staff had to come to work.

The cafeteria stopped being self-serve and OfficeMax won't deliver anything to us today, but we're here.

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This is what happens when you're walking down Hyde Park Avenue in Cleary Square and you see two newscopters zooming northward and you wonder "WTF?" and then you walk into the African Cuisine to try out their new curry (more on that later) and their widescreen is showing a plane on the ground at Logan and one of their Death Reporters is telling us about the German Death Plane and oh, yeah, Harvard Medical is closed, well, it gets you into a certain mindset.

And that mindset is "Make it frickin' stop already!" but subconsciously, of course, you know you're going to die and as soon as you get home, you're going to take a hit off your can of Lysol, just in case ....

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HMS is a gigantic research institution with a gazillion employees and a relatively small number of medical school students. Only the student classes were cancelled. Otherwise, open for business.

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Adam! "hard to ague"??? I don't know whether to laugh or groan!

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The story just grippes you.

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Hey, I didn't instigate the punning, but couldn't resist retaliating.

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The whole thing bugs me.


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They sent the plane headed to Washington to Boston, instead?? Why do we get stuck with this? Isn't this what Nova Scotia is for??

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Except Portland International was completely consumed by giant evil ball-like langoliers a few years back.

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You are correct!

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