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311 says if you see an unattractive naked man in a window, leave them out of it and call 911

Boston's 311 system has closed the case of the unattractive naked man in the window of a West Broadway condo, saying that's a matter for police. So next time you see him - he seems to have been putting on daily performances for several years - dial 911.


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is causing a heap of trouble for all concerned.

https://vimeo.com/117672124 (Content warning: It's got dongers, and also really catchy music.)

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That's hillarious.

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Well, that's the bizarre thing I've seen in some time, and I read the comments on this website frequently.

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well, that was...unexpected.

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I wasn't a fan of Voyager and kinda fell off rarities hunting around that time. Is this something from the ETSD 3 bonus EP people have been waiting on? The lyrics really bottomed out on the last record or so but gee, if this is the stuff they're coming up with under Feldman's watch I'm done. Can hardly imagine Hexum going into "if you see an unattractive naked man in a window, leave us out of it and call 911" like at the end of DLMD. Actually, that would probably have fit better than on the clean version where they just blank out the coda vocals. What a world we live in!

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I’ve never lived anywhere else that encourages such widespread use of 911 for non-emergent things. I’ve been told to call 911 to report an illegally parked car in Boston.

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Whenever I’ve called the BPD non-emergency number for a car blocking my driveway they won’t take the report. They require me to call 911.

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Call 911.

If you want to report that cars block your driveway but don't want anything done about it, report it to 311 and watch them close the ticket.

On a less than serious point, does the reporter's use of 311 instead of 911 indicate that they don't want action taken against the exhibitionist? Are they just alerting the rest of the city that there's a free show down the lower end of Broadway?

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Many departments have no other method to report things to the police over the phone so 911 becomes the catchbasin for everything.

It leads to significant tension at times between 911 staff and police and fire departments.

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Assuming you have the staffing for it, it can make more sense to have trained operators take all calls and triage appropriately rather than trying to get the whole population to understand and agree on what is or isn't an emergency.

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And also, as I believe I've read on this website, it allows for better tracking/auditing of incoming calls if they all go through 911.

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Have a cop who does nothing but ticket hotels for having guests who expose themselves to the neighboring condos and office buildings.

And appearing at licensing hearings about hotels with guests who like to sun themselves.

Think of the possibilities!

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BPD operates one dispatch, which is 911. It makes more sense than having separate 911 and non-911 operators working separately.

The main difference is when calling 911 for a nonemergency, the first thing the caller should say is "this is not an emergency".

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Just remember kids

Being naked and exposing yourself in public is illegal. Even thru a Window in the comfort of your own home. Even for you guys who think a quick whiz in a alley won't hurt... nope, that is 'exposing yourself'.

All of the above will put you on the sex offender registry (as a low level offender).

This is why they instructed the caller to call 911 instead of 311. It is a police matter.

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Agreed. Most of us who were raised since 911 came in had it drilled into us that it is an EMERGENCY number.
There's lots of non-emergency reporting that should have a different number - whether central or to individual Area stations.

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Before doing anything, I would first mention it to your next door neighbors so that u have power by numbers. But if u are the only neighbor who abuts this guy's property and u think he's unhinged, then what if he escalates this problem once he knows it is u and nobody else calling the cops on him? I don't know. If u live in the city, you should expect all kinds of shit. If it were me I'd hang a bed sheet out the window with a big smiley face. Or a puking imogi.

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Reminds me of the naked bicyclists in Boston. San Francisco until recently had no laws against public nudity; now a permit is needed.

Do laws against public nudity actually support public order? Or do they actually just enforce a sense of shame about bodies?

Whatever the case what triggered me in that video was the bird sounds.

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in Boston, that most of you probably would recognize, where we had a problem with indecent exposure. The reason there have to be rules against nudity, is that people who are offenders will take advantage of situations where they are allowed to be nude or nearly nude (say, at a swimming pool, in a swimsuit) as an excuse to commit offenses against innocent people (oh no! the velcro on their fly came undone! and their penis accidentally fell out when that cute college girl just happened to walk by! it was all an accident you see! the velcro is old and doesn't stick well any more!)

There is nothing wrong with nudity or bodies or even sex, but there is a huge problem when people take their nude body and inflict it sexually on someone else and then pretend they did not to gaslight the victim and get away with their crime. We have laws against nudity so that when we catch these people in the act, we do not have to have a prolonged debate as to whether or not their penis accidentally fell out of their pants: we can just prosecute them because it is illegal for their penis to be outside of their pants.

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