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If pigeons are rats with wings, what are geese?

State officials consider unleashing the hounds to scare geese away from the Esplanade. They'll love that across the river when all the geese resettle along Mem. Drive.



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I was riding along the esplinade yesterday with one of my sons. The beautiful Canada geese families were out, parents with two to ten goslings following along, eating the fresh green grass.
Shooing them away now will cause cruel deaths for many of those young, who are not equipped to swim long distances. The grass-based dung is not particularly offensive. Shoo them away some other time of the year. Doing it right now is cruel and irresponsible.

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The goslings and ducklings are adorable. I think they must ping on deep-seated human instinct to protect and nurture young.

The goose dung isn't *too* bad, *if* you're just walking along the asphalt path and don't mind doing a slalom around all the hazards.

But the goose dung makes the grass near the Charles and the lagoon pretty vile. If you want to sit or lay on the grass, you probably need a towel and to be willing to get goose crap on it. And don't go barefoot on the grass there, unless you don't mind the feel of feces squishing between your toes in addition to the risk of parasites.

Basically, fowl are foul.

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If pigeons are rats with wings, then seagulls are sewer rats with wings.

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Go look around the power substation right next to the BU bridge (east side.) Every day a guy goes down there and throws loaves of bread to the geese. They feed there, then go and hang out and make a nuisance of themselves along the Esplanade.

The area where he does it has actually been stripped bare of vegetation from all the geese that hang around there.

It wouldn't surprise me if he is almost entirely responsible for the problem.

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Geese have been congregating there for years.

It's been pretty gross with bird doo when I've looked.

A few times I've seen someone down there, either communing with the geese or studying them.

The couple times I went down there myself, for photos, I saw signs that homeless people had been sleeping down there, near water's edge. I guess the field of bare dirt and bird doo creates some privacy.

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