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Citizen complaint of the day: Late-night slobs already ruining new North End playground
By adamg on Fri, 08/20/2021 - 11:47am

A disgusted citizen files a 311 report about the morning conditions at the new playground at Langone Park:
There is a ton of alcohol and trash in the new kids playground. Every night people drink here.
Another disgusted citizen reports it's even worse:
There is broken alcoholic glass in the new kids playground and incredibly dangerous.
Free tagging:
First world problems. I
First world problems. I filed a 311 this week for a human shit on a school playground in Dorchester
Not a competition
Slobs are everywhere. This needs to be reported no matter where it happens.
This needs to be reported as
This needs to be reported as it happens. Have to catch the slobs as they'they're creating the trash.
Let's not play this game
as I'm sure there could be someone telling you that shit on a playground is a first world problem because at least there's a playground at the school. Both are valid complaints and both should be addressed.
How disgusting can people get? What is the matter with people?
Trash in the Park
Not from Boston. Must be out of town tourist. Who would stand in line at Mike’s Pastry when you can go to Modern Pastry.
This seems like an odd swipe
This seems like an odd swipe at those of us who live outside of Boston for no reason? Boston people can't be slobs too?
BTW , you don't even need to go to the North End for Mike's. There are three locations now. I've had them all, all equally good... Although I personally go to Lumbertos in Revere on Broadway. No line, no tourists, just a wonderful colorful bakery.
I mean people who live on Boston proper most likely are not even from Boston anymore. Where do you think all those North End people went? Who is out of town? Someone who moved here two years ago and now rents a 4k month condo within walking distance of Mike's or the family that all lived in that condo 8 to the apartment that now houses one who moved out to Medford abd beyond?
People worked in those industrial buildings that are now chic condos. They raised families in those crowded apartments.
I've lost my train of thought a long time ago but my point was to show my overall dislike of every element of the comment presented here.
Magoo sez
After a summer hiatus Magoo is back and Magoo is better thank before hey-la hey-la Magoo is back yeah! Magoo.
Aw man
I'd assumed Adam had finally come to his senses and banned you.
I'm not surprised to find that you drink grossass hard seltzer though. Cheers?
Anyone have a chrome plugin
Anyone have a chrome plugin written to make Magoo posts disappear?
but but but
Isn't Magoo Elmer's alter-ego or did I dream that?
I hope it's wrong, but
I hope it's wrong, but someone who was vaguely acquainted with Elmer in real life said they thought he passed away :(
You didn’t dream it.
It was a nightmare!
You're old and not needed.
You're old and not needed.
Not surprising, given the
Not surprising, given the state of the Boston Common, Copley Square, etc.
This is how a lot of playgrounds and sport courts look by the way, with some dog shit in the mix.
The only green spaces and playgrounds
that I've seen consistently well kept and clean (in the city) are the ones that are manicured, have some semblance of security/monitoring, and have clear signage about restrictions (e.g., pets, etc.). Basically the same combination of things that some people complain about, but I sure can't argue with the results.
I did some litter clean up
I did some litter clean up the other day near the basketball courts at Smith Field (which is near the Trader Joes in Allston). I'm sure it's gotten messy again..... but I'll be back. Can't depend on other people or the government.
Before he moved even more
Before he moved even more north my father would sweep the playground on his street so my nephews would have a clean place to visit. The street I grew up on always looked nicer than most of the neighboring streets and people always made comments that it was because it tended to be politically connected but the real truth was the neighbors on the street all chipped in on a regular basis. Most of the tree pits were cleaned by the people who lived next to them, many added flowers and mulch. It was not uncommon to see people sweeping the sidewalk. It wasn't perfect but people did what they could because they knew that otherwise the world would catch up.
I remember a friend of the family a few streets over was impressed by my father cleaning his tree out that she did hers and one of her neighbors told her she was wasting her time and that was the city's job. That mindset seems to be strong right now.
The issue to consider tho is some of the things people do might be considered "Karen" in nature when it comes to cleaning up. Like chastising people for littering in the park, drinking in the park, being there after hours. I realize many of the people who get labeled as Karen deserve it but I've seen it bleed out to anytime a local resident tries to better their surroundings and it interfers with someone else's good time.
I was so agreeing with your post…
… till you threw in the sexist slur.
Talk about trash talk!
Where are the needles and
Where are the needles and vomit? Also a little bit fecal matter needed so it can look like Valenti Way.
uhhmmmm ....
alcoholic ... glass ..... ?
Were all the trash cans removed?
I’ve noticed that even people who are not lazy filthy slobs cannot find trash cans or barrels these days.
Terror changed everything
As part of the War on Terror, lots of trash cans were removed. Feel safer?
Post bombings
They replaced *those* receptacles with ones less likely to contain pressure.
Then they were eliminated completely.
And SPECIFICALLY removed during pandemic.
That's why I noted that in my comment.
Safety theatre is everywhere and in this case it saved a lot of money in labor which was hard to come by anyway.
That is not one night. Maybe
That is not one night. Maybe the park neighbors should pick up a little every day so it doesn't pile up like it does in the picture.
One night.
You don't "party" with friends, do you?
That could easily be one night for maybe four boozers.
Down the Hatch Shell!
What about us late-night
What about us late-night slobs?
You'll be given cushy jobs!
Where's the nearest trash
Where's the nearest trash barrel and is it full? How often is it emptied?
Weekends are a problem in any area frequented by tourists. Barrels tend to not get emptied as regularly and they fill up faster.
I just got my municipal
I just got my municipal election info request in the mail. What are the candidates's plan on trash, littering, and regular cleanup ensurance/removal of biohazards?