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Unvaccinated people without a recent negative Covid-19 test soon won't be able to visit the Harvard Art Museums

Starting Sept. 28, visitors above the age of 12 to the Harvard Art Museums will have to show either proof of full vaccination or paperwork showing a negative Covid-19 test within the past 72 hours.

The new policy was developed in consultation with public health officials at Harvard and is designed to protect the health and safety of everyone spending time within the museums. The policy aligns with the university-wide vaccination requirement and testing protocols already in place for all students, faculty, and staff on campus.

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Giving people the option to go unvaccinated is getting old. (Except for under 12, etc)

Want to visit public places? Get vaccinated.

No one is making you get the shots in the same way no one is making you visit an art museum.

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I say no mercy. You opt not to have a shot you can opt out of using medical resources if you get sick because it's no big deal to get Covid, right? Fake news so no biggie! Smiles & high fives all around! Hug all of your unvaccinated friends!

(ppl who can't get vaccines due to age/medical issues exempted, obvi)

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I completely agree with you but I also feel like there needs to be a better infrastructure for the vaccine cards before everyone jumps on the proof-of-vaccine superhighway. For example I recently realized I don't know where my vaccine card is and while I'm sure it's around my home somewhere I still have some anxiety about finding it and the lack of a centralized vaccine registry where you can easily apply for a new card or better yet providing proper non-paper cards should be instated first. It's madness to expect everyone to maintain and keep handwritten cardstock safe and sound.

Outside of that I'm completely one board, if you want to participate in society get vaccinated, not just public places and recreational spaces but also workplaces. It should be the norm for workplaces to demand proof of vaccination if that is the company's policy.

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Your doctor will have access to the MIIS system records and can print out a report. It will have all the information you need on it.

Just like docs do for millions of school kids in Massachusetts.

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I'm sick of these "everyone should get vaccinated except super special group X" people. There is ZERO scientific data that shows the covid vaccine is harmful for children under 12 - all you can find is a bunch of the same type of unscientific wishy-washy nonsense that anti-vaxxers like to spout. Kids don't have IDs so it's surprisingly easy just to convince a Rite-Aid employee that a child as young as six is in fact twelve (I had to try a few locations with 6yo but they didn't even bat an eye for my 8yo). They won't vaccinate a 3 year old at a drug store, but if you ask on reddit you'll have a private message from a real nurse or drug store employee who can administer the vaccine off-book within an hour. So there is literally NO excuse for not being vaccinated, regardless of your age. I look forward to seeing my kids playing carefree over everyone else's kids' graves.

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Not everyone is quite as eager as you to break the law and "see their kids play carefree over everyone else's kids' graves".

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Vaccinating a child isn't "breaking the law", as much as you'd like it to be.

"But it's not approved yet" isn't a valid argument; you anti-vaxxers were shouting and crying about unapproved vaccines for a whole year and it was a stupid argument back then, too.

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you anti-vaxxers were shouting and crying

"you anti-vaxxers" lol. Go kick rocks, dimwit, I'm no anti-vaxxer.

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You are advocating for off-label use of a pharmaceutical product. Unless you'd like to show us your med school diploma, you are not qualified to make such a medical decision and you are certainly not qualified to advise others to do the same.

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Parents aren't qualified to make medical decisions for their children? Woah there, Mengele

I'm not advocating anything other than "get vaccinated".

It's your body*.

*Statement void in Texas

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that parents could write prescriptions for their children.

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...that you needed a prescription to get vaccinated against covid.

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however the clinic administering the vaccine must be operating under a standing order from an authorized prescriber. The standing order will outline the circumstances under which the clinic can administer the vaccine, which for products that are not approved nor emergency use authorized for specific pediatric populations, would certainly include the ages eligible to receive the vaccine under that order.


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Woah there, Mengele

And shanah tovah to you too. Your timing is exquisite.

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Cool; I was brought up in an orthodox Ashkenazi household before becoming an atheist so feel free to continue explaining why you believe children shouldn't be vaccinated in Yiddish if you wish - I'll be able to follow along until you start getting into your crazier antivaxx beliefs where I'm unfamiliar with words like "horse de-wormer" (ferdpaste?).

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feel free to continue explaining why you believe children shouldn't be vaccinated

Because there isn't a EUA yet. Don't like it? Reasonable people can disagree, but only a complete sociopathic shithead goes around calling people "Mengele" because they have different views on the subject.

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But antivaxxers aren't reasonable, and you're against vaccinating children. So... bye?

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you're against vaccinating children


So.... bye?

Bye, sociopath.

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No way you passed your 6 yo off as 12. Also I cant imagine a RN would be willing to have his/her professional license suspended on behalf of some lunatic stranger.

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I known families who've done it and I don't judge them.

I still absolutely would not recommend that families lie about a completely concrete fact of their child's history in order to get their child a pharmaceutical product that is not approved for their use.

I am a court clinician and expert witness for families who have experienced ridiculous DCF overreach for things like disagreeing with a provider about seeing a specialist or taking medication for not remotely life-threatening conditions, or for "telling two providers different stories" because a parent didn't volunteer a whole lot of life details at an appointment (or because the provider got something wrong, or gave a diagnosis verbally but didn't document it, or in one case mixed up two siblings!)

In a world where parents have to pay attorneys a shitload of money to have a DCF record overturned for perfectly reasonable choices like deciding to wait and see about something or not trusting a new provider with their full personal story, I would definitely warn against lying to providers or trying to get something without their fully informed blessing and solid documentation.

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That made sense. While protecting my children from a literal deadly pandemic that's killed millions is more important than any law or regulation hastily conjured up by flawed men, it's a decision that should be made by each family and I'd never advocate that anyone do anything that makes them uncomfortable, especially on the advice of internet strangers.

But when someone tells the big lie that the covid vaccine is untested and potentially dangerous for children, I'm gonna correct them.

This point is moot anyway, because just one hour ago Chile approved Sinovax for children between 6-17. The US vaccines are almost certainly mere days behind. Once approved, we can finally sequester unvaccinated kids at home with their crazy parents, away from those of us trying to, you know, advance civilization.

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The total number of Covid deaths reported in Massachusetts for persons under 20 years old since last August is 22 -- of a population of around 1.6 million. Get your kids vaccinated once the vaccines are approved for their age group, but fearmongering isn't appropriate.

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Is there a campaign to vaccinate the homeless? No one talks about them during this pandemic but reason leads us to believe they are particularly vulnerable.

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Massachusetts vaccinated the homeless before the healthy.

I'm not complaining- that was the ethical and correct thing to do.

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The last info I can find with numbers is 61% of Boston's homeless are vaccinated. That's not even reaching Biden's goal of 70%. We can do better and should for an at risk population who could easily spread the virus to others.

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I’m pregnant and haven’t gotten vacinated. Looking for thoughts on whether I get the jab. Asking for a friend.

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But don't listen to me, some Internet Guy at his dining-room table. Ask your Ob/Gyn.

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It may even pass some immunity on to your not-yet-born kid.

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So do the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM).


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COVID-19 carries extra risks if you're pregnant -- you'll want to get as much immunity as you can as soon as you can. The risk of serious side effects from the vaccines are very, very low, on the order of one in a million. Just about background noise, statistically. The risk of serious damage from COVID, well... *waves vaguely in the direction of everywhere*. And you're going to get exposed to COVID sooner or later, better be vaccinated by the time it happens!

I mean, definitely ask your ob/gyn, though. They'll have a more accurate answer than someone on the internet who doesn't know your personal situation. :-)

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Wait, hold up--unvaccinated people go to museums?

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And baustin wins this thread.

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I don't think Harvard Art Museums should have any problem with unvaccinated people wanting to attend. I'd like to see the supermarkets do it, however.

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In this here commonwealth, there's a swath of educated fools who refuse to get vaccinated. They're supremely obnoxious in an understated, smug kind of way, and completely impervious to reason.

I believe that antivax attitudes come from either paranoia/awfulizing or from entitlement. Well-off "educated" people have fueled the antivax movement for a long time now, with their ability to cherrypick-cite "published" articles in support of their entitled view that privatizes their comfort and socializes their risk.

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seems like the kind of person you'd find in an art museum.

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are one of the weirdest coalitions you'll ever encounter. Rich, poor, far left, far right, authoritarian, libertarian... no circumstances or ideologies are completely immune to the siren's call of stupidity.

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Every year. And those who never get it. Is this much different? The average age of Covid death is 75 and/or people with underlying conditions. Lots of ‘healthy’ people get Covid and never even go to the hospital. Of course there are exceptions to every rule but y’all have to stop acting holier than thou.

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y’all have to stop acting holier than thou.

Exactly who is this addressed to? People who aren't antivax?

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It's super telling when the first three states to get rid of the personal beliefs exemption have been California, West Virginia, and Mississippi -- a few of the most sociopolitically different places in the country.

From what I've seen though, most of the anti-everything people are actually quite similar in beliefs, just different in aesthetics. It's all reliance on pseudoscience and the supernatural and distrust of experts well beyond healthy skepticism, whether you dress it up in yoga and crystals or guns and Jesus.

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Seems to me they are violating the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution by creating a standard with disparate impact against racial minorities, in particular African Americans, Latinx and Indigenous peoples. These are the groups in Massachusetts with the lowest rates of vaccination, well below the rates of whites and Asians only whom these museums apparently wish to host. They are also the least able to be tested due to lack of insurance and access to no cost testing sites. Blacks also have a special reason to distrust the vaccine due to the historical racism of government using them as unwilling test subjects in medical experiments.

The explicit racism of these museums should not go without shame, protest and elimination of any government funding they may receive. Should they continue it seems the next step is for the Attorney General to investigate their nonprofit status since they are not acting in the public good. Unless you're white, Asian and vaccinated. Then you're welcome.

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There's an extremely solid reason for the rule that is totally unrelated to race, and it's not like the access disparity for vaccines is even that high -- nor is the actual disparity in vaccination rate in the one data set I can find quickly, which is Somerville. Vaccination rate differences are probably largely due to cultural/political differences -- news sources, community misinformation, etc. Historical mistrust? Sure, I'll grant that, except that now millions of people have gotten these vaccines, so it's not like they'd be guinea pigs. It's down to choices at this point. If anything, making vaccines mandatory for more places will probably *decrease* the disparity.

You're going to have to make a *much* better case than that.

...anyway, isn't the Equal Protection Clause only a constraint on government laws and institutions?

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The turtle is MAGA... he lives (not well, but...) to own the libs.

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I think the word you're looking for is "aspires."

He's got like a whole catalog of "own the libs" arguments he can't afford.

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"Owning" the libs. Like when your dog takes a lick of your ice cream cone.

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For over 200 years the Supreme Court has upheld epidemic and pandemic restrictions.

That includes 14th amendment challenges a century ago.

Nice try.

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They didn't want to just restrict to Harvard students, but they probably don't want antivaxxer homeschool tours flooding the place right now.

So vaccine and test it is. Not a burden for Harvard grad students needing to access the collections, but a good filter that protects the staff.

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When this debate ends. People who don’t want the shot shouldn’t have to get the shot. End of story. And I say that as someone who is a week away from getting the second shot. Unfortunately I have a wedding to attend next month and I was guilted into it. Ironically I visited the Harvard Art Museum recently looking to host my own wedding there. This new policy makes it easier to say no since I know I have loved ones who aren’t vaxxed, although the cost felt unnecessary anyway. Respect for any establishment to make its own policies but also respect to those who choose to make their own decisions.

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There's entitled people like yourselves whining unreasonably about having to take a sensible and painless health measure to protect our medical system from being overrun like it currently is in large swaths of the south and the center west, with hospitals setting up tents in parking lots and people dying from preventive causes because they couldn't get the care they need.

Then there's science saying, "if everyone gets vaccinated that won't happen and you'll almost certainly be much healthier than if you didn't get vaccinated."

P.S. if your loved ones aren't vaxxed, please keep them as far away from here as possible, because if they don't have a medical condition, they're also just a bunch of typhoid marys willing to jeopardize everyone's health for a dumbass political stance.

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What you are being told is this:
1. you are dangerous to other people
2. you need to take additional precautions
3. you are not welcome to visit workplaces and other facilities
4. you should stay home if you are going to be an ass

None of these force you to be vaccinated - they are merely reasonable restrictions on your ability to infect others and consequences of your choice to not be vaccinated.

This was the central finding when the US Supreme Court told a Cambridge resident who was fined for not being vaccinated in 1902 to go fish: nobody forced the vaccination, they just fined his ass for not being vaccinated. Choices.

Freedom comes with responsibility, dear. You want to be free to be unvaccinated? You got it - just STAY HOME and stop whining about restrictions that come with that choice.

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You don't have to get the shot. It's your choice. It comes with consequences such as not being allowed to go certain places. Toddlers whine and scream and pout because they are denied access when they refuse to comply with the rules that will allow them in; adults understand that they are making a choice and that their choice comes with a price. Which are you?

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yelling at you because they didn't actually read your comment and think you're going unvaccinated. -.-

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You responded thoughtfully to my post. That means you read it. The rest apparently read my nom de jour and attacked me instead. None of them actually read posts. If they did they would know I am certainly no MAGA Trumper. Quite the opposite. Just not a progressive/liberal and that is their religion.

Don't get in the way of a rant from these people. Especially Swirrls. She is an expert PHD in EVERYTHING. In fact, I hear she was in line to be the next Jeopardy host but kept questioning the answers herself in rehearsal.

Whatever they think, your posts have been interesting. Thanks.

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And they're only getting the shot because they were "guilted into it". Reading between the lines, they're saying they wouldn't have gotten the shots otherwise. And that they are ok with their unvaccinated family members.

They deserve the drubbing they're getting.

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as long as you get the shot.

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It doesn't matter why you get the shot

It kinda does, sometimes. When you have people who get vaccinated but still spread disinformation and make false equivalences between science and antivax fever dreams, harm is done and the "why" does matter.

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"yelling", really? That seems like overstating the case by a good bit. "Saying things I don't want to hear" != "yelling".

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