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Dumb and dumber: The original truthers decide to protest on 9/10


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/Avoid anyone who uses "We the people"

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The 'controlled demolition' story was concocted by the government to distract us. '9/11 was an inside job' was an inside job!

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So it must be true.

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fuck them. I don't have patience for their bullshit. Particularly not today, but not any other day either.

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You'd think after 20 years, these people would smarten up but...

Sometimes you just can't fix stupid. Unless you're COVID19, only that can fix stupid these days.

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I was under the impression that the Popular Mechanics articles about the collapses put that bullshit to rest.


"These claims are the only points where the theorists' elaborate conjectures make contact with the physical world. Without these foundations, the theories crumble. In every case we examined, the key claims made by conspiracy theorists turned out to be mistaken, misinterpreted, or deliberately falsified."

May those who lost family and friends find peace.

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I find it refreshing that people are able to publicly express their unpopular message without being physically accosted by a mob of hecklers (or, counterprotesters) trying to drown out their message.

They look ridiculous, but it's reassuring to see them there.

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context is always key

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So they are correct in that respect. But of course the official report didn’t say the steel melted. So they are tilting at windmills. Idiots. I hope they don’t procreate.

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I tried to explain eutectic temperatures and how steel, an alloy, softens and cracks due to eutectic melting at the grain boundaries at the temperatures experienced in this mayhem.

Not to mention that temperatures get higher than flame temps in enclosed spaces.

I was told that I "didn't know what I was talking about". Despite my metallurgical engineering degree ...

Yeah. Dumb as COVID deniers.

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Or worse yet, they could believe you a tiny little bit, and incorporate THAT into their conspiracy "theories":
"You see, there's something called Young's Modulus, etc...
" "Young"? OMG! Of course! The Mormons are in on it, too!"

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It's bad enough to still be following the child predator pizza restaurant type stuff, but to be calling out '9/11 was an inside job' stuff when we have Covid vaccines to go full-blown nutter about is just embarrassing. It's like they're dancing the Charleston at a hip-hop club.

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When your Fuck-witted Lunacy Module says "firmware update available", get it! Keep your embarrassing idiocies running fast and clean!

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get an era of actual engagement with facts, instead of the two extremes exhibited here: 1) a headline that smells oddly like Bush-era jingoism's latent cousin, (2) about people who couldn't protect their own minds from all the possibilities that pull for recognition in the absence of fact that is the 24 hour deluge of news media.

I'm not comfortable with this thread at all. Are these people Trumpies? If we don't know that they are, why the tone of derision? Nor do we know that they are Antifa. Not everyone who thought the official story should be questioned was on the level of Alex Jones.

Disappointing to see, being promoted here, more evidence of why we can't have nice things in this country.

I don't know what the fuck happened that day, exactly. And neither do any of you. Thinking that you do absolutely know what happened that day is just centering your personal fantasy about your place within capitalism.

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I mean, we have it on tape. We kinda do know what exactly happened on 09/11/2001. It was extensively documented on video and still photos.

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I don't know what the fuck happened that day, exactly. And neither do any of you.

I...don't think anyone in this "uncomfortable" thread claimed to be the arbiter of truth...?

And neither do the people "protesting" (????) on the pike. But there they are, spending their time and energy. Do they actually think this "truth" would come out in our lifetimes, anyway? What is their end goal??? This is why *I* mock these people; can't speak for others.

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I'm not comfortable with this thread at all

Learn to live with it? The reasons for your discomfort are not going away anytime soon. Nor should they.

Are these people Trumpies? If we don't know that they are, why the tone of derision? Nor do we know that they are Antifa.

They're not being derided because they're Trumpies, and they're not being derided because they're antifa. They're being derided because they are simpletons advancing a crack-brained idea (I won't dignify it by calling it a "theory") in the face of contrary evidence, and choosing a time when the memory of the event is likely to be painful for those who lost someone (a group well-represented in the greater Boston area). They're being derided because they are being deliberately provocative with no possible gain except to cause pain to others. This is contemptible.

Disappointing to see, being promoted here, more evidence of why we can't have nice things in this country.

"being promoted here"? A bunch of ninnies show their ass and others say "look at the ninnies showing their ass" and you claim the latter is the reason why "we can't have nice things"?

I don't know what the fuck happened that day, exactly. And neither do any of you.

I don't need to know exactly what happened on that day to know it was nothing like what these chuckleheads are proposing.

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I don't know "exactly" in the sense of knowing exactly where in the airplanes the terrorists were three minutes before impact. I don't even know why Giuliani thought putting the city's emergency command center in 7 World Trade Center was a good idea, or why the EPA lied about how toxic the smoke from the burning pile was.

What we do know: a bunch of Saudi terrorists hijacked four planes. They flew two of them into the World Trade Center towers, destroying those buildings quickly and others over the following days and weeks, and killing almost three thousand people, including several hundred firefighters.

(We know a lot more than that, but thismargin comment box is too small to contain it all, or even everything I'd consider important.)

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My best friend Gerry Dewan was on engine 3 one of the first to arrive. Gerry's dream was to be a fire fighter in Manhattan and on this morning he reported to work at a Manhattan firehouse for the assignment of his dreams. The last contact he was on the 41 floor in a building about to collapse. This was Gerry's first call and last call. RIP my brother!!

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Right, right, before these crazies the traffic and drivers were paragons of order.

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right right before that comment you were still a moron

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It's hard to win an argument with a smart person but it is impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.

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Did something...

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A clever photo edit of the picture would be to cross out the WAL of walnut and the T of St. What’s that spell?
Walnut Street

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Decades ago I read that the difference between a cult and a religion are numbers. At some number of adherents a cult is considered a religion.

Mormons, Christian Scientists, Seventh Day Adventists (we sure know how to make 'em) were cults until they "became" religions or denominations. The cult of Moonies went an interesting way when they started (and still control) The Washington Times. Evangelical sects seem more like cults that drape themselves with a cloak called Christianity.

So what cults do these folks - Trumper's, anti-vaxxers, people who choose to swing around the tornado of anti-masks during a pandemic - what cults do they belong to?

And where is the money coming from? Who paid for these banners? Banners are not cheap.

I always want to pretend that they are aliens from another planet who magically create the cash to buy their equipment. Yet they really are human beings (oh, images of Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1st and 2nd).

Bizarre beyond belief.

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I don’t know who funded the above people, but yes, the Larouchies still exist and I would bet they are still 9/11 truthers.

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It's almost a cliche of a question yet it does help see some of the moving parts.

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A linguist once said that a language is just a dialect with an army and a navy. Similarly, a religion is just a cult with a tax exemption.

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heat makes metal expand. even if the jet fuel doesnt burn hot enuff to melt liquify the steel, the bolts and rivets will depressurize and after enuff failure floors and platforms will begin to pancake.

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