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The shoe exec and the glamorous Boston TV reporter: He gets nearly six years for embezzlement, she gets her name kept out of court records


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That woman sure reeled in that big, fat, dumb fish.

I hope this doesn't put Alden at risk. It's one of the last remaining American heritage footwear makers of serious quality. Its shoes are truly great, albeit pricey. (I have a pair I've owned for twenty years and they still look nearly new.)

I'd be pissed if this pathetic hornball brought the company down.

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According to wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bianca_de_la_Garza

De la Garza met Richard Hajjar, then CFO of the Alden Shoe Company, at a 2012 party at Bill Belichick’s house and the two were a fixture on the Nantucket social scene for several years; De la Garza has repeatedly denied any romantic involvement.

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...there was a tale with no winners, this is it.

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got her patsy to finance her failed pipe-dream entertainment and cosmetics ventures at no personal cost to her (other than abandoning a successful career as a small-time broadcast personality), only had to return some of the leftover stolen money, faced no criminal charges, and apparently didn't even have to sleep with the schmuck, to hear her repeated denials of any romantic involvement with him.

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or if he kept up the facade well enough.

(Adam, there's also a stray "xxx" in the big blockquote, unless you meant to link to success.xxx which is probably an adult site...)

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Thanks. No XXX links intended! Sometimes when I cut and paste out of the PDFs filed in federal court, the text comes out formatted funny, so I use "xxx" as a placeholder for where paragraph breaks should go. I missed one.

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The story was reported in the Globe with her name all over it but in today's article about the sentence, her name was (as noted) elided.

Is that standard journalism? The story is the entire crime event, which she was clearly linked to (not in a criminal sense, just as part of the situation) - why wouldn't she be named in today's piece?

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Ergo, not named in the reporting of the court documents.

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He was stealing ths money? Impossible to prove unless Hajjar says she knew, we have to guess.
She used this guy bad, I mean who just up and funds someone like that? She used her looks and knew she could string him along ....so sad.

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The brassy Bianca de la Garza was one of the most talentless, unappealing local "celebrities" ever. I don't know what this guy saw in her. But he doesn't seem like much of a prize either.

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Lots more details in this Boston Magazine article from July:


"If people wondered where the CFO came by his extraordinary wealth, they didn’t ask. This was Nantucket, after all. Hajjar was a successful businessman, a smart investor—maybe even had generational wealth like many of the island’s blue bloods sporting Nantucket red. The money he lavished on his home and his lifestyle, as well as on de la Garza, the woman who quickly became the object of his largesse, spoke for itself: a $158,000 diamond ring, a $96,000 pair of diamond earrings, a $51,000 private flight to St. Maarten, and another to Anguilla for $63,000. He gave his Amex to a personal shopper at Neiman Marcus, where for years de la Garza purchased designer clothes and handbags, sometimes spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in a month. “Bianca would come into work and tell me about flying here and there on a private jet. She needed a car, and then the next day she shows up at work in the most expensive Mercedes SUV,” says Randy Price, her former cohost, who is now retired."

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its just like in superman iii.

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... dear penthouse forum,

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it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair

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that a former d.a. would write a humanizing mini-novella appealing the court for a 48-month sentence (reading between-the-lines (or between-the-sheets) blaming it on a woman that doesnt have anything to do with it).

but for a fone thief from mass-and-cass, they would not get any benefit from a glamorous story and get 5 to 10 years and probation.

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The prosecutor argues one side, and the defense attorney argues the other side. Conley is entitled to earn a living after leaving public service.

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What's going to happen to Sally????

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Though presumably of old pug age, not of a broken heart (if you scan the defense sentencing recommendation, it discusses Sally's death).

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This was the mniseries that only Megan Johnson can write.

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I was thinking it was a script for a Coen Brothers movie.

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