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Swine flu shuts two more Boston schools

How come they never shut schools for regular flu? In any case, add the John D. O'Bryant School and the James Condon Elementary School in South Boston to your list of Boston schools shut for swinish reasons, Channel 5 reports.

That might also explain why, when I called the kidlet's school today to let them know she'd be out, they wanted the deets on her condition (no, don't worry, she just ate something that disagreed with her).



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This afternoon I got to witness the two siblings of one of my clients (who go to two different elementary schools because they initially got assigned where there was space) poking fun at each other because one of them has no school for a week and the other one does. It's not too often that I hear a kid brag that "but...but...but...at least I'm going to get a good education!"


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Sorry to hear that your kidlet had disagreeable food. Hope she's feeling better now.
I also hope that this isn't related to your visit to the Skara Grill...

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She'd been sick the night before, then started feeling better mid-day, so we went out for a drive. Then when she went to sleep, it started again, poor thing.

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but they aren't closing it

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