Because mommy and daddy pleaded, pulled strings, made promises that they couldn't keep ...
Remy enabled a murderer. Multiple fucking times. Jerry's repeated enabling of his pwecious widdle murderheaded drugfucked son created the sort of entitlement and the reduction of consequences that should have made him an accessory.
Jerry and not the system that allowed him to do what he did as a parent? The system is supposed to be objective and unbiased, neither of which I expect of a parent when their child has been accused of any wrongdoing.
We have a system that favors domestic abusers over their victims.
As Brian points out, you can’t expect a parent to be objective and unbiased. Jerry Remy may have been a jerk but he was not responsible for the murder committed by his grown up adult son.
The system is supposed to be objective and unbiased, neither of which I expect of a parent when their child has been accused of any wrongdoing.
Being "objective and unbiased" is a very high bar, agreed. A much lower bar is refusing to further enable a person whose behavior is harmful to their self and to others. It's damn hard, but people do it, and it should have been done in this case. Failing to do it is not the same thing as wielding the knife, but it is reasonable to assign a measure of blame to those who enable harmful people.
Of the dead….
De mortuis nihil nisi bonum
Jerry Remy is responsible for
Jerry Remy is responsible for Jennifer Martel being brutally killed. And Dennis Eckersly is a better Red Sox announcer.
No. Jared is repsonsible for
No. Jared is repsonsible for that.
I’ll say something about the dead …
…. Roman or whoever made that pronouncement.
They were an idiot and/or probably did a lot bad things in their life.
F**k Cancer
I hope some day soon we figure out how to cure it.
Apologies to Jen….
Maybe he’ll have an opportunity to apologize to Jen Martel….
He didn’t kill her.
His son killed her.
And why was his son free and not in jail?
Because mommy and daddy pleaded, pulled strings, made promises that they couldn't keep ...
Remy enabled a murderer. Multiple fucking times. Jerry's repeated enabling of his pwecious widdle murderheaded drugfucked son created the sort of entitlement and the reduction of consequences that should have made him an accessory.
Why are you indicting
Jerry and not the system that allowed him to do what he did as a parent? The system is supposed to be objective and unbiased, neither of which I expect of a parent when their child has been accused of any wrongdoing.
Because the system did not
Because the system did not bail out a violent criminal 18 times. Jerry Remy did. He has blood on his hands.
The system allowed him to be bailed out.
We have a system that favors domestic abusers over their victims.
As Brian points out, you can’t expect a parent to be objective and unbiased. Jerry Remy may have been a jerk but he was not responsible for the murder committed by his grown up adult son.
Because at some point an ethical person says no
Being "objective and unbiased" is a very high bar, agreed. A much lower bar is refusing to further enable a person whose behavior is harmful to their self and to others. It's damn hard, but people do it, and it should have been done in this case. Failing to do it is not the same thing as wielding the knife, but it is reasonable to assign a measure of blame to those who enable harmful people.
Le sigh
He will be missed….