By adamg on Fri., 12/24/2021 - 6:26 pm
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health today reported 10,040 confirmed Covid-19 cases, 11% above the previous record of 9,042, set just yesterday.
The state reported 32 Covid-19 deaths, down from 47 yesterday.
The state reported 1,595 patients in hospitals with Covid-19, down from 1,632 yesterday. Roughly one third of the patients today had been fully vaccinated.
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Meet the new Covid.
By jmeltzer
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 7:14pm
Same as the old Covid.
By emac
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 7:20pm
(Far) more contagious but less deadly and we’re way better protected by vaccines and treatments. It’s still deadly, but we can beat this thing.
We've been told and have said
By anon
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 7:45pm
We've been told and have said "we can beat this thing" how many times over the past two years? Methinks it's time to admit that, barring a fundamental shift in collective thought, we're too fragmented, ignorant, and/or unable as a society to "beat this thing." Why keep the false optimism when we've been proven otherwise time and time again?
By emac
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:22pm
Fair enough. Beat it means take it from pandemic to endemic, from deadly threat that kills nearly as many as cancer or heart disease annually (oh and is highly transmissible) to more of a nuisance. That hasn’t happened in 2021, I don’t know if that’ll happen in 2022, but I think we’re making progress in that direction.
I realize we’ve been wrong before — “two week shutdown, we’ll be back by Easter!†was pretty goddamn naive — but two years in and with a longer-term horizon, I’m optimistic.
7 day average death count
By ImpunityIsTheDeepRot
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:29pm
Better to cite a 7 day average death count, one week versus the next, than a single day number.
By emac
Sat, 12/25/2021 - 1:42pm
"we can beat this thing" by
By Refugee
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:14pm
"we can beat this thing" by literally doing nothing. that's how we beat the flu every year.
"doing nothing"
By Vicki
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:24pm
If by "doing nothing" you mean vaccinating about half the population of the United States.
doing nothing
By ImpunityIsTheDeepRot
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:38pm
Over 20,011 Bay Staters lost their lives to coronavirus, over 200 in the last seven days,
Do nothing is the latest in a long list of right-wing alternatives to official US public health advisories. Remember when they said send your grandparents to work without a vaccine, they've got a foot in the grave already?
Or in other words
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:41pm
We've done what we need to do. I did a google search that comes up with 61.7% of Americans vaccinated.
"I did a google search"
By lbb
Sun, 12/26/2021 - 11:43am
Oh, well, I guess that settles that.
By Waquiot
Sun, 12/26/2021 - 5:03pm
How else would one get the numbers?
Are you denying that as of the time I posted my comment, the percentage of Americans wasn’t what I said, or are you just trolling like you usually do?
Neither, champ
By lbb
Sun, 12/26/2021 - 6:55pm
Neither, champ. It's your "We've done what we need to do" that I find risible.
What else
By RobO
Sun, 12/26/2021 - 7:26pm
What else needs to happen? Even if we hit 100% vaccinated, there would still be postivie cases and death, just like the flu. You poke holes and offer no solutions.
In order to accomplish what?
By lbb
Mon, 12/27/2021 - 3:23pm
In order to accomplish what, exactly? This whole subthread started with a declaration about what needed to happen to "beat this thing", a stirring and chest-thumping phrase with little actual meaning attached. I certainly wasn't the one who posited that zero positive cases and deaths was an achievable goal.
You're mad at the wrong person, buddy
By Waquiot
Mon, 12/27/2021 - 10:12am
It was Vicki that said that all we need to do it vaccinate half the population. I just noted that the United States has done that already.
But you keep on being you.
By lbb
Mon, 12/27/2021 - 11:07am
That is, in fact, not at all what Vicki said. What Vicki said is that vaccinating half the population isn't nothing, and claiming that this is equivalent to saying it's "all we need to do" is blatant intellectual dishonesty. But you keep on being you, "buddy".
Someone needs a reading lesson
By Waquiot
Mon, 12/27/2021 - 2:40pm
Here's what she said-
How bored are you?
Someone does indeed
By lbb
Mon, 12/27/2021 - 3:20pm
Vicki was responding to this:
...and she said:
Basic reading comprehension tells us that she is stating the view that "vaccinating about half the population of the United States" is not equivalent to "doing nothing". Nothing was said or implied about "we've done what we need to do", except by you.
How confused are you?
You know what
By Waquiot
Wed, 12/29/2021 - 10:26am
You have a point.
That said, I did note that we have done what we need to do, so there is nothing else that needs to be done, if you follow Vicki's statements. Then you decided to be a troll, since you could not actually counter my point other than acting like a 5 year old.
In its very worst year in the
By Gerry
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:49pm
In its very worst year in the last 30 or so years, the flu killed about a tenth as many as COVID has in the last 22 months. How is this still so difficult for people to understand. This is not the flu. It’s nothing like the flu.
XMas eve
By emac
Sat, 12/25/2021 - 8:04am
“Hey Refugee, how’d you spend your Christmas Eve?†“Oh the usual, trolling strangers on my local independent news site.â€
By brianjdamico
Sat, 12/25/2021 - 10:26am
for those who don't "beat" the flu each year, I suppose...
Not at all
By Neal
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 8:40pm
I'm vaccinated (Pfizer, March and April) and boosted (Moderna, November 15) and I tested positive via two rapid antigen tests this morning. Saying my symptoms are mild would be an overstatement so far. I've had very slightly cold-like symptoms beginning Monday evening and tested daily since then as a precaution, but assumed it was a common rhinovirus, like what I got after an outbreak over the summer where a couple of friends got breakthrough infections. I've experienced no loss of smell or taste, no high temperature, and very little fatigue, other than the fatigue one normally gets from sitting around all day. It just feels like a slight cold. I know this is anecdotal, but I'd say the vaccines work, and I assume they were part of the reason I didn't get a positive result until four days after the symptoms first set in, as they may have kept the viral load down below detection (if I'm wrong about that one, kindly correct me). Of course this ruins Christmas with my family, but I'm glad I found out now rather than tomorrow evening after I would have risked the health of my 79 year old parents and my seven siblings and their issue (all vaxxed, all adults boosted). One ruined Christmas is worth it if it means my infection goes no further than me. Of course I'll arrange a PCR test on Monday if my doctor advises it, but in the meantime I'll be watching TV and doing stuff around the house.
By emac
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:13pm
Thanks for sharing and good luck.
Same thing has happened to me
By jjj
Sat, 12/25/2021 - 10:30am
Same thing has happened to me. Symptoms are like my allergy issues. Tested just for assurances before heading to visit my elderly parents. A positive rapid test and I am TV bound for a few days.
False positives are very rare for that type of test
By Tim Mc.
Sat, 12/25/2021 - 3:41pm
I mean, I don't know what specific test you took, but in general a positive on a COVID-19 rapid antigen test is a pretty sure thing.
(Negatives are a different matter.)
By Cleary Squared
Sun, 12/26/2021 - 7:37am
I think a lot of people getting Omicron who are vaccinated/boosted will find themselves in the same situation you do, and there's not much you can do about it during the holidays (and I don't blame you not wanting to give it to others).
I also think what we're seeing now (and I could be wrong) is that the virus is mutating to be much more contagious, but have milder symptoms and effects than the strains we got in the beginning of the pandemic.
Yeah, cold comfort, but hopeful.
By Neal
Sun, 12/26/2021 - 12:44pm
Yeah, I sort of hope that's the case here. If everyone got it at the level I've got it (and again, I'm vaccinated and boosted, so the mildness of my symptoms are probably testament to that), it would be about as dangerous as a mild head cold. Still, almost a week in (and 48 hours since the positive tests), nothing's gotten much worse. I did have slight chills and night sweats last night, but no fever (my apartment was a little chilly, so that could have been part of it). Another thing -and I don't know if this is a normal symptom- is that most nights for the past week I've woken up in the middle of the night after about three or four hours of normal deep sleep and found myself wide awake for an hour or two only to crash and sleep really deep for another four or five hours (complete with vivid dreams (last night and the night before) about being out and about, forgetting until I'm near friends and family in the dreams that I shouldn't be anywhere near them).
Covid is known to have
By Notfromboston
Sun, 12/26/2021 - 1:55pm
Covid is known to have neurological complications
By Wally
Sat, 12/25/2021 - 8:16pm
Gonna have to disagree here. I know about 15 others who are positive right now (including myself and child). One friend who is boosted has it worse than when she got it the first time. She even lost hair after the first time (in her 20s, great health, nurse). Another boosted friend lost sense of smell and taste. I’d agree with mild symptoms on my part (also boosted). Nausea, fatigue like no other, some weird chest pain.
By BobGoblin
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 7:21pm
“Roughly one third of the patients today had been fully vaccinated.†How many of those fully vaccinated patients include those boosted?
Jeopardy answer: Today's Covid Numbers
By Steve in Somerville
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 7:55pm
Question: "What is, 'exponential growth'?"
Exponential growth https://en
By ImpunityIsTheDeepRot
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:44pm
Exponential growth
Every time I look at these
By Gerry
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:51pm
Every time I look at these numbers I thank every single God out there that what we faced in March 2020 was not like this. It would have been catastrophic.
I'm pissed and depressed. It
By anon
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 10:38pm
I'm pissed and depressed. It's like the birth of crack in the 80s and its grip on mankind to this day. This shit is the end of the world. No cure.
Consider that we’re getting
By anon
Fri, 12/24/2021 - 11:03pm
Consider that we’re getting these numbers when most universities have reduced testing due to Christmas/winter break.
Boy do I hope omicron lands fewer people in the hospital. I wouldn’t be surprised if we approached 20k cases by next week, the way the wastewater numbers are spiking.
We should blame our own
By Notfromboston
Sun, 12/26/2021 - 1:57pm
We should blame our own complacency. Everything else (tests, boosters, mandates) was available and ready to go.
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