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Man tries to break into tiger enclosure at Franklin Park Zoo, is detained before he can be eaten

State Police report on the Worcester man's arrest this morning:

The suspect is identified as MATTHEW ABRAHAM, 24, of Worcester. Investigation determined that ABRAHAM scaled multiple fences in his attempt to get to the tigers, ignoring multiple posted signs advising the public to stay out that area. When questioned by a Trooper as to his motive, ABRAHAM responded only that he was very interested in tigers.

Boston EMS was called to the zoo to evaluate the man and determined him to be mentally competent. The man refused further medical care. Troopers took custody of the suspect and transported him to the State Police-South Boston Barracks, where he was booked on charges of trespassing and disorderly conduct.

Yawu Miller is annoyed, not that the tigers were denied a snack, but at the hour-long helicopter hoverage as the local news stations got video of something that was no longer happening:

By the time the copters showed up, the dude was in custody, probably already locked up. Why cant they just send a camera crew to the zoo's main gate? Why all the noise pollution?

Why is this a %^#ing story? How does this even merit a spot on the evening news?

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Should have been "Why does this merit a spot on the evening infotainment?"

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Eye of the tiger!

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I know someone who has worked at the zoo a long time. She used to work at another zoo in Texas near an interstate so the local traffic copters for fun would go over the zoo. She sad it scares the crap out of the animals.

Time for controls on our local news outlets with choppers. Like when they hovered over State Street last year because someone was hit by a train, under the ground. C'mon. Send a truck. Then again, they do live shots from suburban police stations 12 hours after something has happened.

What happened to doing the clip and going back to the station?

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I used to work at the zoo and the helicopters really scare and rattle the animals. Many times it wasnt even news cameras as much as private helicopter training companies wanting a fun place to fly around in a neighborhood they probably knew the residents didn't have a voice with the city to push back.

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… who a couple of years ago filmed a deer drowning after it fell through the ice in a local pond and eventually succumbed to exhaustion.The pilot couldn’t just leave it alone.

The terror the deer must have felt….

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'Tis a sharp medicine, but it will cure all that ails you

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He needed to put a tiger in his tank.

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The local news is desperate for live news because almost no one watches for anything else.
A dope in a tiger enclosure could have been huge news... if the tiger got him.

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It could have been grrrrrreat!

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We are approaching peak copter - the point where using helicopters for news, business jaunts, and for rich people to beat traffic rises to the point where horrific crashes begin happening on the regular.

Those crashes, like the one that took out nearly all the leadership of Millipore, beget restrictions on who can use copters when, and what insurance companies are willing to charge and pay out for the accidents.

The whole thing dies down for a while, until people forget and start using them everywhere for everything, the accidents mount, etc.

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Kobe Bryant doesn't get nearly enough blowback for this. Everyone is so busy fetishizing his fatherhood, they forget the part where he took his daughter on a chopper on a windy day when the carpool lane would have been just fine.

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The article describes her as having "a history of mental illness and religious delusions" which probably were the key factors in her entering the pen.


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But alcohol.

My father loved this story because he knew the family to have generations of stupidity in them.


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from Timothy Treadwell, aka Grizzly Man. "I am one with the tigers".

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Probably the most mental stimulation these poor depressed tigers have seen in all their unnatural jailed life.

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Guess he said he was going to do it a few days ago on Reddit.


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And is now getting it.

The EMTs called him competent, but he's still not mentally well.

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Yawu Miller sounds like a Karen.

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What do you sound like?

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I’ve spoken with Yawu. Smart, thoughtful, and eager to listen.

He’s a life-long Roxbury resident with a platform. If he is expressing an opinion about the helicopters, he likely has neighbors who hold the same opinion, but without his platform/reach.

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One plus thing about the helicopter coverage they did get a great shot of the tiger roaming around in its enclosure.

He was a big boy. Yawu wouldn't have stood a chance once the tiger got over its shock of seeing a human without food wandering through his space.

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Yawu was safely at his keyboard.

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« One plus thing … « 

Not for the tiger though nor any other animals there.
You have Yawu mixed up with the intruder.

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