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State official with generous health insurance demands cuts in 'luxury' health care for the poor

Will Treasurer Tim agree to pay more for his own taxpayer-funded health coverage? You know, as a symbol of how concerned he is about state finances, or something?

In any case, looks like he's getting his wish.


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The worst part of these arguments is that conservatives like Cahill try to portray the people getting state subsidized health care as lazy and non working, when that is not usually the case. Many of the people who are going to be losing care because of this cut do have jobs, they just don't get the generous taxpayer funded health care as Adam points out.

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so far

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Eh, screw the poor they don't pay taxes.

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Welcome to the way we structured our modern society.

Wouldn't it be grand if we could just go back to serfdom!? Let them have cake.

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Paint 'em blue and we've got Smurfdom!

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High health care is a product of high incomes. The law simply mandated that everybody without insurance just spend $300/month extra to get it, without changing the conditions in the state that gave these people low wages.

You can't just wish or demand this kind of thing into existence. It has to come from somewhere. The money has to come from somewhere. If the state had put in policies which made all these low wage workers more productive, so they could earn $1000 more per month, then they would probably have got healthcare on their own.

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Politicians should only be permitted care in the VA or publicly funded hospitals that nearly killed my uncle. Perhaps they would think twice before imposing restrictions on the people they are supposed to serve. No "reform" or publicly funded healthcare should be discussed until tort reform and loser pays rules are in place to reduce costs. Doctors and hospitals order unnecessary tests and treatments in order to avoid malpractice suits.

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