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Homophobic anti-Semites hit Roslindale parking lot with flyers

Somebody who parks in the Roslindale Village commuter-rail station reports coming home tonight to a flyer promoting hatred of Jews and "sodomites" for the most part, but also Communists, Muslims, feminists, the European Union and the Open Society Foundation (founded by George Soros, so Jews again).

A copy is linked below if you want to see the third-rate, third-grad artwork.

Meanwhile, up in Peabody, seven streets were leafletted with flyers blaming Jews for Covid.

Image icon Stupid flyer158.45 KB


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BDS Boston is publishing a blatantly antisemitic "mapping project". See response to this at https://www.jcrcboston.org/community-response-to-bds-supported-mapping-p...

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anti-Zionist and anti-settler occupation is not equal to anti-Semitic

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listing every organization that is even remotely "Jewish" is not equal to anti Zionist and anti-settler, but is equal to anti-Semitic.

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The list of Zionist organizations isn't anywhere near all the Jewish organizations in the area:


As an anti-occupation Jew, this doesn't look to me to be a "list of Jews." It looks to be a list of Zionist organizations. I don't actually see any of the anti-Zionist Jewish organizations with whom I participate listed on here.

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are against the occupation, yet they are listed here.

There is also a school (Gann Academy) and a purely cultural organization (Jewish Arts Collaborative). Also Jewish media (JewishBoston and Jewish Journal)

Individual shuls are fortunately not listed, but the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts is.

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Not familiar with New Israel Fund.

Gann Academy and Jewish Boston are not anti-Zionist. Unsure about Jewish Journal.

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City of Cambridge? ACLU? This list is dumb as hell.

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Not saying I love the list or approve of what they're doing, but can we look at it a bit objectively?

I seem to recall that the City of Cambridge voted not to divest, right?

And the ACLU gets targeted by all sorts of causes because they will defend most free speech without any commentary as to the appropriateness of it, so it makes sense that they'd be on most causes' lists of groups that don't support the cause.

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in the united states that would pass a pro-BDS resolution. Cambridge would've been the first and only one. Does that mean every single municipality in this country is pro-zionist? I guess if you look it that way it takes any meaning away from the term zionist.

That map should include every single town in Massachusetts. Lee: pro-zionist. Sciuate: pro-zionist. Lawrence: pro-zionist

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So a CHILDRENS SCHOOL is okay to list as a possible target for crazies on the internet because they don't come out and EXPLICITELY state they don't support x or y ??

Sometimes, organizations should focus on what they're actually doing, and not be expected to take a stance on every possible social ill remotely related to their focused population.

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It's a list of every entity in Massachusetts that can be imagined as participating in a monstrous Zionist-Imperialist conspiracy by the most paranoid, fevered, lunatic imagination. All the universities in the area are listed, along with many smaller schools like Berklee and Simmons, most of the largest labor unions, various police departments, many large companies local and non-local (Apple, Boeing, Google, and Amazon are on the list), the cities of Boston and Cambridge, the State of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, Ed Markey, and Elizabeth Warren. If that looks like a list of Zionist organizations to you, then you are infected with a terrible disease which I need not name.

I am rather surprised that the Gnomes of Zurich, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, and, of course, the Elders of Zion, do not appear. Nor does Comet Ping Pong, an obvious oversight.

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I forgot to mention the ACLU. That was one of my favorites. Thanks to Pete Nice.

It's kind of entertaining, in a horrible way. Imagine a TV game show: What do these things have in common?

- Intel
- Microsoft
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise
- Citigroup
- Fidelity
- Raytheon
- General Dynamics
- Salem State University
- Revere Police Department
- Harpoon Brewery

I think the contestants would be entirely mystified. Then you add this:

- Jewish National Fund - New England Regional Office

and every one of them puts up a hand. "It's some anti-semitic whackjob's idea of a Zionist conspiracy." Congratulations! You are tonight's winner!

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Those are all organizations that haven't come out in support of ending the occupation and haven't divested, right?

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If you post a list of organizations belonging to a group you don’t like in the public square, you are anti- that group.

People dance around semantics. Things like this are dangerous. If you are putting groups of organizations like schools, religions or governments on a list for the purpose of stirring public dissent, you are putting those groups in danger.

That document reads like a terrorist manifesto on how to take down places that are organized because of a religion or regime. It is a list of targets that include corporations, businesses, governments, schools, universities, politicians, law enforcement, the ADL, philanthropies, charities, foundations, media, military, labor unions, banks, hospitals, museums, cultural centers, consultants, scientists, architects, engineers, and computer scientists.

Hopefully the crazies will look past it because they went into so much detail. This “multi-generational collective of activists and organizers” is definitely on a government watchlist and possibly funded by Mel Gibson.


“Well, it’s not my term per se. It’s a philosophy of negation. It’s an idea that is based upon negating Zionism, and Zionism is the right of Jewish people to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. This right of self-determination, that many in the anti-Zionist camp want for Palestinians or would want for other peoples, they would deny to Jewish people. Unless you don’t believe in nationalism as a concept and unless you support denying the legitimacy of any national project from France to Ukraine, if you hold the idea that Zionism is the only form of nationalism that’s wrong, that’s discriminating against Jewish people. That’s the anti-Semitism.“

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As a Jew myself (and obviously I'm just one Jew and don't speak for all Jews), anti-Zionism is explicitly not antisemitism. In fact, historically, many hardline Zionists have been antisemites who wanted to rid their countries of Jews. I think what is antisemitic is equating Judaism with support of Israel and forbidding people from criticizing a settler colonial state that has been commiting apartheid and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians for three quarters of a century.

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Thank you for sharing. I don’t subscribe to that exact quote, I just thought it would be interesting to get the ADL’s stance in the conversation.

I do think at some point though, depending how you go about it, it seems pretty obvious when something is coming from a biased or even racist stand point. The mapping project is run by racists who publish detailed information on various entities associated with Jews or Israel for people to then go about seeking change however they see fit. It’s incredibly dangerous and always leads to violence in the end.

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Well, I would say that BDS Boston are not racists and the ADL are. So I guess we can agree to disagree.

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That quote, justifying the equating of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, is full of dishonest arguments. The right to self-determination is not usually defined as the right to have whatever you want, or whatever you think you deserve, including land that other people live on and think is theirs. If Zionism is the right of Jewish people to live in their ancestral homeland, what do we call the right of Palestinian people to live in their ancestral homeland, which, unfortunately, happens to be the same homeland? Why is that an inferior form of nationalism?

For myself, I think that both Zionism and anti-Zionism are wrong, because both insist that only one people can claim the land as its "ancestral homeland", for special reasons that they know are right and don't need to justify. I think that this is nonsense, that both groups have a claim, and that neither claim is a better one. Both Jews and Palestinian Arabs have ancestors that lived on the land that is in dispute, and in truth, if you go back far enough, many of them are the same ancestors. There is no special righteousness that attaches to one claim over the other.

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Thank you for making sense. I posted the quote to get the ADL’s stance into the conversation. I don’t really support it. I thought it was interesting to read and then hear the rebuttals. Your response is very level headed.

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Drawing up lists of Jews has a long history in anti-Semitism. And here we have a list of pretty much every Jewish institution in the state.

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Isn’t the map companies that in one way or another directly support Israel ? We are sanctioning Russia for their aggression in Ukraine but we back Israel with their killing of journalists and Palestinians ?

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But yes, I completely agree with you. I don't know enough about this project to say whether it's a good thing, bad thing, or mixed thing, but it appears to literally be a list of organizations that haven't adopted policies as explicitly anti-Zionist, haven't divested, etc. It doesn't look like all are direct supporters of the Israeli colonizer government.

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Note that the list of ills they assign to these organizations includes things like US police violence, gentrification, etc. This goes into full-blown conspiracy theorist territory.

They write: "Our interactive map illustrates some ways in which institutional support for the colonization of Palestine is structurally tied to policing and systemic white supremacy here where we live, and to US imperialist projects in other countries," The Mapping Project wrote. "Our map also shows the connections between harms such as privatization and medical apartheid, which are often facilitated by universities and their corporate partners."

From the JCRC/CJP/ADL response (see first comment): "Virtually every Jewish organization in the Commonwealth, along with its leadership, is listed in this map along with the relationships of each to civic, governmental, university and other community organizations. Whether those relationships were cultivated by the Jewish institution or the community organization, the underlying messages are clear: Jews are responsible for the ills of our community and if you maintain your relationship with Jewish organizations, you will share that responsibility. It is a list with names and organizations to be shunned, isolated and disenfranchised. And it draws on age-old antisemitic tropes that are all too clear to our community: Jewish wealth, control and conspiracies."

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The mapping thing is clearly anti-semitic, I don't why these people thought it would help their alleged cause, but I guess anti-semites are stupid.

And I say this as someone who thinks the state of Israel has a lot to answer for because of their apartheid practices

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While the presentation is wrong I see this list as a nice compilation of contemporary Jewish folks who are doing great contributions to humanity; I had no idea!

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If they left their hate messages at the station they should be easy to identify.

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...the hate crawls out of the sewers.

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I've never heard of that for some reason. Looked it up on wikipedia and even that page seems to be slanted with conspiracy theories.

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The Liberty was a casualty of friendly fire. That happens in war in a war zone.

On the other hand the US forcing the over 900 Jews in the M.S. Liberty, back to be murdered by NAZIs, makes the Liberty a sad but unfortunate and unworthy comparison.

But folks who suffer the mental illness of Jew hatred have no mental space for recognizing the difference.

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Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness when mind doctors added their two rational cents to justifying anti-sex laws. Catholicism, Inc. no paragon of supporting good mental hygiene, continues the lie of homosexuality as some kind of mental illness.

Yet when are these great institutions willing to acknowledge that anti-Jewish hatred, strident and forced bigotry of all kinds indicates mental illness?

Admitting that there is mental illness behind this fear, rage and hate leads to the next logical step: treatment. But do we, at least as evidenced by who is elected, want to acknowledge that the institution of hate is actually a phenomenon of mental illness which, often can be either prevented or cured?

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In my experience -- and I say this not as anyone with any mental health credentials whatsoever, but as a LGBTQ person who is the target of homophobia -- while mental illness can certainly amplify the intensity and the expression of many antisocial traits, it does not per se create them. The root of bigotry seems to me to be social rather than any personal pathology.

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As a queer person with mental health credentials, I would absolutely say that not being able to take the perspective of others, control impulses, disagree constructively, etc. are very much markers of poor mental health (if we are talking about all humans in terms of having varying degrees of mental illness and mental wellness at any given time).

However, it's problematic to just say "bigots are mentally ill," because we as a society associate the designation of "mentally ill people" with a demographic of folks who have significant and obvious psychiatric disabilities, and most folks in that group aren't hurting anyone and don't need to be associated with yet another societal ill that most of them have nothing to do with.

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Bigotry is a social illness. But it is also supported and enhanced by individual circumstances which themselves can constitute contributing factors to poor mental health.

But hatred of a group is not a necessary condition of human psychology. Despite it's Biblical and historical precedents (genocide and the Bible are not strangers) the hatred as a human emotion is not necessary; rage as a way to live is to necessary.

By addressing the social and economic factors, at a rational level, we can do better for ourselves.

Perhaps what is a needed is a social DSM. It's a start. But after a few thousand years where war, legal mass murder has always been acceptable (and continues in Russian mass murder of Ukrainians). Same for bigotry in this nation. Same for the political bullying that has always been part of this nation.

By calling poor mental-social health what it is at least that identifies the problem not a moral problem but as a practical problem that can be addressed.

The willingness of people such as McConnell and Graham and their cohorts to support an environment of fear and paranoia is representative of the mental illness. Yes, I am claiming that people who want a culture of fear are themselves socially-mentally ill. Even if they are simply invidividuals who lust for power, the lust itself indicates a kind of addiction. Addiction to drugs or behaviors is still addiction.

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There is a decent amount of neurological research that indicates people involved in hate groups, people who display a high level of bigotry, etc, all have similarities in their brain structure including a heightened level of activity in the amygdala. Whether this counts as a "mental illness" or not, there's none the less evidence that a certain subsection of the population is just neurologically inclined towards heightened arousal states, snap judgments, off kilter threat analysis, etc, and those behaviors can be seen across the spectrum of various -isms and anti-s.

I agree with you though that the particular targets of bigotry, what counts as in vs out group, the targets people latch onto in order to express their biological slant towards bigotry, is societal. Groups get built and narratives develop, and narratives help guide people physically predisposed to this behavior into expressing it.

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The language of their “rational” argumentation more than smells of fascist logic. It reeks.

The criticism of Israeli colonization and apartheid of Palestinians reminds me of a Biblical phrase. Before removing the more in my eye remove the log in yours.

Anyone who benefits from the wealth in the US benefits from the colonization, enslavement, apartheid and ethnic cleansing which all are part of the history of the US.

It has always struck me as extremely suspicious that vociferous criticism of Israel is offered when that nation is surrounded by nations whose laws are nothing less than hideous monstrosities of legislative and judicial maiming and murder.

From Iran to Saudi Arabia the lust for blood, beheading and lynching, the pleasure of inflicting torturous pain is acceptable elements of their legal cultures. They make the conflicts between Israel and the other states look like mud battles.

Israel is a western democratic thorn in the side of autocratic and theocratic states that do not value human life. They value only power, conformity and control.

No nation is ever perfect. But given the joy of violence found in Middle Eastern governments and pleasure in killing, Israel is saintly in comparison.

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US taxpayers have been supporting Israel to the tune of $3 billion dollars per year for decades no strings attached, and the leaders of Israel repeatedly claim to represent people like me because of my religion. That's why I give their undemocratic apartheid state special scrutiny, anyway.

From Iran to Saudi Arabia the lust for blood, beheading and lynching, the pleasure of inflicting torturous pain is acceptable elements of their legal cultures.

Starting to sound a little racisty here, aren't you? Americans have profited richly from the sale of arms to the Saudi for their unconscionable war with Yemen, and tacitly accepted their murder of a US reporter to ensure that blood money keeps flowing. Not to mention the US behavior since 2001 shows our legal culture also accepts elements of "torturous pain and lust for blood." Just take a gander at what we did and are still doing in Baghram, Abu Ghraib, and Guantanamo. Not to mention the fact that the US is also one of the few countries that legally executes people.

No nation is ever perfect. But given the joy of violence found in Middle Eastern governments and pleasure in killing, Israel is saintly in comparison

Tell that to the people living in the Gaza strip. Tell that to the people of the West Bank. Tell that to the American reporter the IDF just shot in cold blood.

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the Gay teenagers who were strangled to death in Iraq by pulling their bodies up, via ropes, using construction equipment. The people whose hands are surgically removed because they are convicted of theft. But these deaths and mailings were legally authorized events of murder and violence.

Sainthood does not exist at the level of nation-states. It's always been a dog eat dog world where power, dominance, control are what matter most. No nation is without blood on its hands.

Modern Israel is not the holy Israel of the ancient past. But to condemn Israel when oppression is the norm in the Middle East sounds more like a specific kind fo condemnation. One that is beyond anti-Semitism and indicates a subtle anti-Jewish feeling. I've met enough bigoted Jews and self-hating Jews (and self hating Gays, and self hating Blacks) to know not to preclude that self-hate can occur in the most subtle of ways.

There are things we know. A state that is physically split into two sections can not function. Afghanistan and Bangledesh, among other examples are proof that for a nation state to exist it needs to be a whole single entity. Israel is not composed of only Jews. While there are Jewish bigots Israel as a political entity is not just Jewish. But to pretend that a two state solution is possible when the nation of Palestine is physically separated is fantasy and disengenuous.

It would be far better for Israel to expand to include Palestine. Although that might elicit a fear of Muslims ultimately exceeding the population of Jews in Israel. But that is a fear, not reality. First end the use of Palestinians as proxies for violent Muslim regimes such as Iran.

Palestinians are tools used by Arab states to maintain a continuous disruptive entity to the existence of a Jewish state and a disruptive entity to the existence of a democratic nation. Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. are funded by oppressive states and used to maintain a warm war against Israel because they don't want a state that is Jewish or democratic in the midst.

Want to solve the problems of Palestine? Stop Arab nations from using Palestinians to act as their proxies in maintaining a constant state of threat to all Israelis.

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Calling me or anyone else a self hating jew for not wanting to support apartheid? Yeah, you can go right to hell. Feel free to twist yourself in knots all you want to justify your support of the crimes of the Israeli government, but leave your libelous canards about "self-hating jews" out of it.

You know who has been doing everything they can to make the two state solution impossible by expanding settlements and ghettoizing the occupied territories? The Israeli government, in support of the racist settler movement. You know who is ALSO against a single state democracy you say you support? The Israeli government, there is no way in hell they will support a majority Arab Israel, which would be immediately renamed Palestine. Israel and Palestine are either going to be 2 states or a single state with a Jewish minority. It's not viable as an apartheid country forever. The current state of Israel is living on borrowed time, with money borrowed from our taxes.

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