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Four teens from Allston, South Boston, charged with beating man into unconsciousness outside South Station

The Globe reports police did not release the names of the four suspects in the attack captured on video by nearby motorists because they are too young to have their names released.

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They were not arrested they received a summons. The case will go on for two years and in the end they will end up in mediation and have to say they are sorry. On the Mass.gov website regarding juveniles they say a summons is for minor offenses. Are attacks like this involving juveniles considered a minor offense?

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Remember those kids who made the news several times for attacks in the Downtown Crossing/Common area? Underage and not arrested.

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These kids are much older than the DTX kids.

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So what’s your point?

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the DTX kids were arrested

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Decisions about whether or not to release a suspect's name should be based on the nature and severity of the crimes with which they're charged, instead of on a totally arbitrary metric such as the suspect's age.

We've been snowballed and brainwashed into giving "juvenile" suspects special protections and treatments for far too long by so called "experts". Given the increasingly violent nature of many of the crimes being perpetuated by these "kids", it's time to reconsider this.

After all, whether a supposed attacker is 16 or 20 makes no difference in the eyes of the victim. They still have to live with the consequences of the suspect's actions.

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It'd be a better policy to never publish the names, regardless of age, until they are actually found guilty or at least go to trial.

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the other side of that coin is you could be arrested and held without any way for anyone outside of the system to know about it.

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Besides the fact that their names are out there and easily found, the legal system can identify juvenile offenders based on the circumstances. Basically if you're over 14 and are charged with murder it will be as an adult and in a public trial.

Short of murder if you're declared a "youthful offender" which basically means you're 14-18 and you already have a record with conviction in juvenile court. In those cases you'll be charged as an adult, the trial information will be public, the penalties are the same as for an adult, but you will be released upon turning 18.


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Just because someone has been accused, they need to be convicted.

Having their names splashed across the internet for the rest of their lives when they haven't been convicted. With the video, chances are they will be found guilty but they have a legal right to their day in court before naming juveniles.

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Aren't chattering about this on socials.

I am curious about who was driving the getaway vehicle, if these kids are all minors, wouldn't that person have to be age 18 or more? Why aren't they being charged as an accomplice and being named publicly?

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I am curious about who was driving the getaway vehicle, if these kids are all minors, wouldn't that person have to be age 18 or more?

Why is that? Because the kids wouldn't want to break the law and have an illegal driver?

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That could be true of course (underage driver), however the kids are likely to skate with sealed juvenile records, whereas if a legit adult was behind the wheel, at least the victim could get some sense of retribution. Not to mention the driver could share insights on what the kids said as they drove away for testimony purposes.

But I digress, you're suggesting it is not even a worthwhile component of the investigation. That's really cute.

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Probably the opposite. Juveniles are routinely detained pretrial and often serve more time than an adult sentence for the same offense. Whereas an 18 year old without a record will be released on personal. Juveniles can only be released to a parent. If the parent won't pick them up they might be held in lockup. Juveniles can be reported on the run if they spend a night away from home, and a warrant can be issued. That doesn't happen to an adult. Obviously it is concerning if a juvenile is missing overnight, I am just comparing the actual penalties.

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They should all have their license suspended until they are 25. That’s the only real way to punish them considering they are juveniles.

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He has the deets. And, yes, mostly taken from the social media all these boys' friends and classmates were chatting on.

There are more shoes to drop here. If, as alleged, the driver was 18, he'll likely be charged for his part.

Remember kids: social media is permanent. Every college you apply to has access to the information in there, and it's not going to go away. So start planning your "how I rehabilitated myself from being a violent thug, and all the deep lessons I learned" essay now.

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This city has a habit of convicting innocent people. Millions of (our) taxpayer dollars have been given to settle those misjustices.

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Those 4 teens from Allston and Southie who assaulted the 20 year old man in South station don't sound so innocent to me. Even if those kids are juveniles, they should not go unpunished.

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What would you do with this information?

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We could find out who their parents are, maybe get some idea of why it took the police four days to issue summons.

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The police don't issue summonses, the courts do, no? The court and officers of it, not the BPD.

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Sorry. Regardless, inquiring minds would like to know.

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Why do you want to know who their parents are? Are they involved in the assault?

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...on a Thursday in an expensive SUV. Yeah, I think the parents might have some responsibility here.

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What isn’t expensive in your book?

What if they were driving around in some shitbox? Their behavior is ok then? I’m so confused about your ‘expensive SUV’ comment.

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Funny what sets some people off.

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I’m confused by your ignorant post.

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3SZF 14

Someone calling himself "turtle boy" provides more details. He claims the car is registered to Jonathan Baldi, from Belmont, and was given to his son, who is 18.


Turtle boy provides names and pictures of suspected assailants. I won't post them here, because our host would likely delete that. But those names were known days ago.


Enjoy your fame, boys.

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TB must be thrilled to be able to say we also post pretend journalism about white people.

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I'd think UH poster and confirmed racist Turtleboy would be pretty happy with this site since it's one of the few that doesn't routinely ban him.

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Again - and do what with this information exactly? Harass them on Facebook? Make a bad-faith claim with DCF? Try to get them fired from their job? Why on earth does this even concern you?

Even if these kids do have bad parents - a deeply ignorant and unfair assumption - it is profoundly creepy for private citizens to be hunting other private citizens for punishment and retribution. If you’re that bored just read a book or something.

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I believe there have been a number of news accounts and UHub postings regarding juveniles committing violent acts - shootings, assaults and sometimes murder. Should we be given the names of the parents in these cases too? What is it about this case that gives you the urge to dox the parents Emac? It’s a terrible story and these kids deserve harsh punishment for what they did (if they are in fact guilty) but I haven’t seen a news account that connects the parents of the 4 juveniles to their (alleged) crime.

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Those kids who assaulted the 20 year old man at South Station should be arrested, tried and charged with assault and battery in a juvenile court of law, and serve a term in a juvenile prison or house of detention for awhile. Why should those kids get away with what they did? They shouldn't, imho.

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Any evidence of the " increasingly violent " kids? The stats here show murder rate going down: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/JAR_Display.asp?ID=qa05201#:~:text=Juvenile%20Arrest%20Rate%20Trends&text=The%20juvenile%20murder%20arrest%20rate,(to%202.6)%20by%202019.

I feel like every generation thinks times were simpler and more peaceful when they were young, and that today's youth is more violent.

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I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your point, but murder rates aren't a great indicator for overall violent crime. Years ago the mayor of Baltimore was bragging about their murder rate going down, but it turned out shootings were actually up, victims were just surviving them more.

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How about the driver of the dumptruck that killed the cyclist? Do you want that name?

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Derrick McCann was one of 4 juvenile Southie scum bags that was arrested for giving beatdowns to random people in Southie. He got what he deserved. Sent to Nashua St and ruined his life. I believe he had to be arrested twice (at least) for the same assault offenses before it stuck though. These kids deserve the same fate.

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I'm not a lawyer, and I'm sure there are other pertinent statutes, but this one seems on point. I don't think anyone is saying the parents of the minor (alleged) offenders bear any criminal responsibility, but there appears to be a civil liability, not to mention a moral responsibility. Personally, I think the $5,000 limit is ridiculously low (surely the hospital bills for the victim in this case will be much higher, not to mention pain and suffering, etc.) but hopefully there are other ways the victim can be compensated.


"Section 85G. Parents of an unemancipated child under the age of eighteen and over the age of seven years shall be liable in a civil action for any willful act committed by said child which results in injury or death to another person or damage to the property of another, which shall include any damages resulting from a larceny or attempted larceny of property as set forth in section thirty A of chapter two hundred and sixty-six, damage to cemetery property or damage to any state, county or municipal property or damage as set forth in sections one hundred and twenty-six A and one hundred and twenty-six B of chapter two hundred and sixty-six. This section shall not apply to a parent who, as a result of a decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, does not have custody of such child at the time of the commission of the tort. Recovery under this section shall be limited to the amount of proved loss or damage but in no event shall it exceed five thousand dollars."

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