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The tougher side of Deval

The Outraged Liberal explains why Patrick is tougher and smarter than his predecessors - all those jabs at him are from entrenched sacred cows:

... Patrick has been taking hits because he has been taking on tough, entrenched problems. Those stances have cost him popularity and may cost him his job next year. We may not need to love him, but he deserve some props for trying where those who came before him did not.

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Memo to all Deval apologists: Jane Swift gave us Matt
Amorello at the Pike. Deval gave us James "The Weasel"
Aloisi at Transportation.

Marion Walsh episode.

His campaign support of Diane Wilkerson.

Hiring his neighbor for a non-existent $120K/year state

What exactly about this makes him "tougher and smarter" than
Swifty or Cellucci?

Deval is just another venal hack who played the moonbats like
a fine violin.

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you do know moonbat is interchangeable with freeper, ie republican?

I think you were looking for DFL: dirty fraking liberals.

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DFL is Minnesota, not Massachusetts.

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I was following your points and agreeing until you called people "moonbats". That type of name calling destoys anything intelligent you had to say because it completely dismisses anyone who voted for him for any reason. How can someone have an intelligent dialog with a person when their intelligence has been insulted based on a pull of the lever?

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You mistook his (or her) intelligence for regurgitation. We can't always assume that people on the right are as smart as we are.

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So wait....

Comparing Deval to Swifty and Cellucci makes me on the
"on the right?" Were you around for Virginia Buckingham
and Matt Amorello? Is there a real diff now?

Sorry, I'm an equal opportunity kind of guy. Deval (with Aloisi
and Maid Marion, et al) is as bad as his Republican predecessors.

Only difference is that he got you really "smahhttt" people
to vote for him based on his claims to be a "reformer".
Remember the bumpah stickah, "No Common Leader"?
And property tax relief, by reducing "fraud corruption
and waste" in state government? How's that working out
for you so far?

For the record, I voted for Mihos, not Muffy. Wasn't smahhht
enough to vote for Deval, like you.

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