At least nine of the new Orange Line cars have a problem where electrical current could flow from a power cable to a wheel axle, which the T advises is not a good thing ,and so they've taken the cars out of service - which means the amount of time between Orange Line trains is now up to 15 minutes.
MBTA and CRRC engineers continue to investigate the root cause of this condition and the maintenance team is implementing an enhanced inspection program until the permanent repairs are completed.
The T says an engineer discovered a power-cable failure during a routine inspection of one of the new cars "that may have created some electrical arcing with a nearby train axle."
The T then inspected all the other new cars, on which the Orange Line's fate hinges with the old cars being trucked out of town to be crushed, and found similar problems on eight other cars - a few where the cable was not doing well near more than one axle.
Orange Line service is already slower than it used to be, despite shutting the entire line down for a month of repairs, because the T has yet to hire and train enough dispatchers at its central dispatch center downtown due to federal inspections that found a raft of problems across the entire MBTA subway system.
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Anout half of the old Orange
By anon
Fri, 12/30/2022 - 2:54pm
Anout half of the old Orange Line cars are actually still here and in fact I saw some moving around Wellington yard just a few days ago. Perhaps now is the time to put a few back on the road.
Globe report states that MBTA
By anon
Sat, 12/31/2022 - 12:19pm
Globe report states that MBTA is working with State and Federal safety officials on a plan to put the old cars back in service "if needed". Sure seems like they are needed so perhaps the FTA is not convinced they are safe to use again.
Crisis? What crisis?
By Hardy Har Har
Fri, 12/30/2022 - 3:44pm
From this afternoon's Globe article:
"Despite pleas for information from Orange Line riders on its social media pages during Thursday and Friday rush hours, the MBTA provided no warning or explanation for the sudden service cuts. MBTA spokesperson Lisa Battiston did not immediately respond to questions.
Several hours after an inquiry from the Globe on Friday, Battiston published a statement saying that the T had found a “failure in a power cable that may have created some electrical arcing with a nearby train axle†on one of the Orange Line cars during a recent inspection. Further inspections found the issue on nine cars."
There's a lot riding on the T
By Matt
Fri, 12/30/2022 - 3:52pm
No pun intended. The billions in infrastructure public spending. The real estate sold around the Orange line. Not needing a car, or Mayne only one per family.
I've given up. I started on the electric scooter/bike path and I'll ride in mid January/February before I take the O line to work again. I've been riding the T since I could walk.
Hope the powers that be get this worked out for everyone's sake.
This has been going on all week
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/30/2022 - 4:03pm
Though only having 6 trains today is one less than Tuesday.
Transparency isn’t really a priority at the T. It’s at the same level as safety and customer service.
Just a few $Billions more.
By g
Fri, 12/30/2022 - 5:25pm
Just a few $Billions more. That will fix it.
Just a few more.
That will get it done.
Good thing
By bgl
Sat, 12/31/2022 - 9:49am
This would all be covered under warranty and break in period, so, won't cost the T a dime, and it's not like the T values its' riders time in any way.
In one week
By jmeltzer
Fri, 12/30/2022 - 6:20pm
after Charlie leaves, we will find out (one hopes) the scope of the mess he's leaving Maura.
I am not optimistic.
Let's be sure and remember
By xyz
Fri, 12/30/2022 - 9:08pm
Let's be sure and remember this if Charlie ever comes around asking us for a job (such as congressman) in the future.
"Interviews well"".
By jmeltzer
Mon, 01/02/2023 - 5:33am
"Has nice hair".
Probably my last chance to say it
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/30/2022 - 10:36pm
Maura probably will get a transit system no more messed up than the one Charlie was given by Deval.
Remember when we found out that the T had no one to run the snow removal equipment. The guys who could run them didn't leave in January 2015. They were out years earlier.
Ok, Charlie
By Pete X
Sat, 12/31/2022 - 1:06pm
The best even a Charlie Baker apologist like yourself can muster up is "no more messed up than Deval." Ok, let's ignore all the shut downs, the 15 minute headways during rush hour, the deaths, AND the need for the feds to step in and call out all the management failures, the lack of oversight from Baker appointees, and the critical understaffing that the Baker administration covered up.
Even ignoring all that, what would you call a governor that took over a "messed up" system, asked for and was given more control of that system, and in eight years left it just as "messed up?" Me, I'd call that governor an abject failure. And I'm going to keep saying it because this guy is going to run for higher office, and he's going to count on apologists like you to ignore what happened during his watch.
I'm not defending Baker
By Waquiot
Sat, 12/31/2022 - 3:41pm
As always, I'm just noting that the disfunction with the MBTA goes back further than the Baker haters delude themselves into thinking.
Baker may own the mess now, but by the same function Patrick owned the mess 8 years ago, just like Romney owned the mess 16 years ago. I'd love to be optimistic, but the reality is that 8 years from now, there's a good chance that Healey will be passing on a messed up T to her successor.
As others have noted, the problems with the MBTA both exist within the system and are a product of legislative inertia. I tend to think the former is the main problem. How many administrations are going to release reports saying that safety and infrastructure investments are being ignored in favor of expansion until safety and infrastructure are taken seriously?
Ok, Strawman
By Pete X
Sat, 12/31/2022 - 4:12pm
I'd sure like to meet this naive person you keep talking about who thinks the dysfunction at the MBTA started with Baker.
By Waquiot
Sat, 12/31/2022 - 5:54pm
Perhaps you may want to look further up this thread. Heck, you may want to read the whole chain.
I ken read real good
By Pete X
Sat, 12/31/2022 - 6:36pm
Literally no one in the thread has made the implicit or explicit assertion that the MBTA’s problems started with Baker. You’ve got some weird defensive blind spot when it comes to your guy.
Let me help you out, then
By Waquiot
Sat, 12/31/2022 - 10:09pm
So here's what happened.
jmeltzer mentioned
I merely noted in reply
You decided to chime in
At that point, I would say that I've got two posters who are implicitly making it seem like this shitstorm is uniquely of Baker's making. I, in turn, note
So, on the one hand, you've got me, who has been pointing out for a while that dysfunction at the T is a long term thing, versus you who continues to ignore the shitstorm that the T was when, to say the least, Patrick and Romney were governors. Ah, the Romney administration, when people would ride the Orange Line from Green Street to Forest Hills in the morning so they would be guaranteed the chance to get on an inbound train.
But yeah, keep thinking that the T was great when Patrick ran it only for things to fall apart when Baker took the corner office. It wasn't, and if the problems that Romney, Patrick, and Baker were told about aren't dealt with, in 4, 8 or how many years down the road, Healey's successor will be dealing with the same things. The difference between you and me is that I remember how shitty the T has been going back decades. Heck, I was trapped on a Red Line train whose wouldn't open back when Dukakis was taking the Green Line to the State House. Old trains and lack of upkeep aren't a new thing.
That is a lot of words
By goeslikethis
Sun, 01/01/2023 - 1:15pm
to prove Pete X's prior comment as exactly right.
I disagree
By Waquiot
Sun, 01/01/2023 - 10:24pm
I noted that Baker inherited a mess from Patrick. Pete X disagreed, then he said he didn't, then you chimed in.
And for the third time, can't wait to see the MBTA shitshow Healey leaves her successor, because that's been the trend going back decades.
You're just making stuff up
By Pete X
Tue, 01/03/2023 - 4:03pm
I honestly don't understand what you think you're accomplishing by lying in a public thread where everyone can read what I actually said.
But thanks for letting everyone know that you're not to be taken seriously...I guess?
By Waquiot
Wed, 01/04/2023 - 10:21pm
Why did you get your knickers in a knot when I mentioned that Baker inherited a dysfunctional MBTA?
This compares to my just accepting that he's passing on a dysfunctional MBTA. That's why you are who you are I guess.
By Don't Panic
Mon, 01/02/2023 - 12:04am
What @goeslikethis said.