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Tourists come to Boston for some play acting

People outside the Marriott

On one side of the Marriott in Copley Square this afternoon, a street preacher is offering free "holy water" - Poland Spring in plastic bottles, as he promises eternal life and mentions Jesus every 10 seconds or so.

On the other side of the hotel the more hard-core visitors wave giant photos of bloody babies and offer up political thoughts more appropriate to Alabama or Idaho than Copley Square.

They're here to protest Satancon, being held inside the hotel.

*Where are you folks from?" a reporter asks. "All over," one of the bloody-baby people answers. Massachusetts? "No," he allows. One of his co-religionists with a bullhorn aimed at the hotel lobby yells: "You will end up in a lake of fire!"

People dressed in black heading into the hotel are ignoring them.

A contingent of Boston cops stand in the hotel driveway just behind some plastic barriers provided by the hotel surveying the scene and occasionally listening to the out of towners who feel compelled to bear witness with them or something.

Is blood vaccine something you can get at a drug store?

More people with right-wing signs


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Is out at Arch Street and Summer.

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I’m not defending the protestors, but F you J.Costello!

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I hope you develop rickets.

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But what is the Penis Brigade? The Chippendales?

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More daffies concerned about genitalia.

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But they seem to have an appealing amount of free time and not a lot of apparent work-related responsibilities.

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Plenty of time to force as many magic words in as many colors and fonts as possible into a single unreadable sign.

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Who would fall for that knock-off crap?!?!

If you want real holy water, you've got to visit the Lourdes Center in Kenmore Sq.

Thankfully they have online ordering too.

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The reflecting pool at the Christian Science Center is automatically holy water by default, right?

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Bruins vs Panthers not exactly a rivalry
Celtics vs 76's somewhat a rivalry
Red Sox vs whoever no longer a rivalry
God vs Satan bring it on

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Where one side has all the prestige, the power and the glory, and is picked by all the prophets as the ultimate winner, but the other side keeps pulling off these amazing upsets.

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gossips. I have room in my heart for pretty much everyone else listed on that placard -- that's my family, friends, neighbors and fellow Boston sports fans right there -- but fuck those gossipy types! Mind your own business while the rest of us are fornicating, lying, drinking, disbelieving, and idolatori-- idolatorate-- *ahem*, idolatorizizzing.

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I hate people who gossip about mockers. Mocking gossips, on the other hand, is acceptable.

While we are here, I would like to point out that Mocking Gossips would be a good name for a band.

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I want to be sympathetic to these folks in satisfying the need for meaning in their lives. But finding meaning by condemning others - just on the basis of beliefs - itself borders on doing evil.

I am comfortable assuming that the each of the folks protesting this con could find in their hometowns and cities people who are hurting in ways that nearly everyone can agree is suffering. Suffering from bodily illnesses, kids not getting enough food, folks who are homeless or are on the verge of homelessness for reasons having nothing to do with the person's choices. Or simply quietly suffering from loneliness.

Yet instead of acting in a way that might mirror the actions of the person they claim is their ultimate spiritual leader, here they are instead telling the world that they have knowledge and wisdom superior to everyone else.

To me this is a sickness of mind and spirit. Of the mind because they each make the choice to put their energy toward a silly protest. Of the spirit because it is in our relationships with each other than a spirit exists. They choose relationships which magnify hatred of others and belief that they - in their shared beliefs - are somehow superior to others.

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I'm on there at least four times - you?

I don't feel sorry for these people, they bought the ticket and they're gonna take the ride. I do feel sorry for anyone who has the misfortune to be related to them, living near them or working with them (generously assuming that any of them are capable of holding down a job). People like this make life hell on anyone near them.

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But at least no riots and assaults on police like what you get with a lovely BLM protest. No broken windows or burned down buildings either. Seems peaceful but you’re still mad right?

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Tell us you've never been to a BLM protest without saying it.

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I think he had it confused with his fellow travelers visiting DC back in 2021.

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Are you a grownup, with a job and responsibilities? If so, how do you manage it if this is the kind of glue-sniffing fantasy that comes out of your gob? Must be some kinda privilege goin' on...

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lest he return for seconds.

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Yep. I’m privileged but what are ya gonna do about it? Beat me up?

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what are ya gonna do about it?

Point and laugh? It seems like the best possible response to a useless parasitic drone.

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should have shot his load in the sink, you sententious fuckhead. Walk in front of a bus; failing that, fight me.

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Dan is one MAD white dude. What a wordsmith he is. You sound really logical with no trace of anger. Fearless!

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Do you get a treat every time you repeat the lies correctly?

Maybe you should go preen your feathers.

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They've all got it.

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Too much hypocrisy here to compute. They attack groups of people while preaching about Jesus, who happens to have a reputation for being loving and accepting of outcasts. And there’s the deadly sin of gluttony, and this contingent looks like they’ve been quite intemperate when ordering at Chick-fil-A.

That all said, if gluttony is truly a sin, see you on my boat sailing on a lake of fire. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Who doesn't love Santa?

I've got to head over there to see all those chubby guys with beards in their red suits.

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I'm a fornicator and I like it.

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do you have to like go to the beach and um like give them wine?

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Do they have jobs? I’m asking for myself as I’m still trying to tackle last week’s to-do list.

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but what did Baby ever do to them?

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But fortunately it was her frenemy that got pregnant.

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To quote Billy Joel - The sinners have much more fun.

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to Boston, I'm not interested in their baloney, but I'm more reviled with this kind of nonsense.

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Anyone know if the usual Forest Hills Jesus lady was there with her sign?

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Only because she was at Forest Hills with her sign! She was standing there, maybe four feet from the Jehovah's Witnesses, when I got off the train after taking my little excursion to Back Bay,

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She was standing there, maybe four feet from the Jehovah's Witnesse

Is she one of them, or is she part of some other lashup?

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Anyone who's come across her knows she's a different kind of person.

The JW folk are a lot more low key, and their signage is a tad better, though admittedly more boring.

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I must have missed the National Security Proverb

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it’s not science, it’s a lie”

So… science proves the earth is flat, as it says in the Old Testament? OK

People wonder why the number of self-professed Christians in America is in freefall. Willfully ignorant, power-hungry, lying assholes do far, far more violence to Christianity than any atheist could in their wildest dreams.

Jesus indeed wept.

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for luring these assholes away from whatever funerals and medical clinics they might have normally been harassing people at.

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of SantaCon. Restaurant and bar folks in places like New York and San Francisco where it has been a major annual celebration call it a plague of the worst kind of obnoxious, drunken bro-types imaginable: Overserved Douchebag Jingle-Bells CosplayCon.

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And found a restaurant that had a bouncer for the day bouncing anyone who had any visible Santa gear on. Just a wonderful idea and a great experience.

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Was it Monty Python's Life of Brian scene of various competing political liberation sects that helped me realize that religion addicts can be just as entertaining as they parade around in their bombast and circumcision? These folks are funny; albeit a deeply ironic, and extremely unself-aware irony.

Unintended comedy aside: these folks are dangerous. They are the fodder of culture war. The troops easily agitated kept in constant furor. The bullets are explosive words. The generals vary widely, in various forms of lust, endless bloated creatures craving to be at the center of all things (Trump), money and wealth (Fox News masters), power (McConnell, Republicans in general and the religious right). Not that any of this is not known in this forum.

If it was possible to reach these folks - to lead them out of the psychological pits that are the only possible home for this hysteria - then perhaps it would be easier to reach people are not as hysterical.

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