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Couple of kids could be about to find out just how harmful cigarettes are
By adamg on Fri, 05/19/2023 - 11:58am
Not from smoking them, but from getting caught stealing more than $1,000 worth of tobacco products by breaking into a stand at North Station, as Transit Police say these two did at North Station on May 14.
If the alleged wet-behind-the-ears thieves look familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050.
Free tagging:
Matt Dillon circa 1983
Other than the Crocs...
They've just done more for
They've just done more for public health than the BPHC in a while.
Do you believe they destroyed them?
Because it seems more likely to me that they sold them to young people like themselves for a fraction of the retail price. So, encouraging new nicotine addicts - hurray!
Rwgfy, do you have a particular beef with the BPHC? I admit that I find it annoying that they’ve made it very hard to review the actual studies they promote. But your negative comments have seemed particularly pointed.
Maybe sold them to other kids ...
Maybe handed them off to the adult who is putting them out there to be minors who won't (and shouldn't) be heavily prosecuted.
But I doubt they were being put up to it.
kids today
how dumb do you have to be to commit crimes, without a disguise, in a public train station? the only places with more cameras are airports and federal government buildings.
Young and dumb ...
Or young and told to do it by an adult who is having the kids do the dirty work.
If apprehended and convicted,
If apprehended and convicted, they face a sentence of being made to smoke every single last one of those.
To be a slob is one thing .
To be a slob is one thing . To be a stupid slob is divine
Reminds me of a story
Family that worked at The Boston Globe back in the day told me about the guys in the Morrissey Blvd plant who were lifting the Sunday circulars with the good coupons for cartons of cigarettes and stockpiling them. (I think it was an organized effort at buying cigarettes in bulk and selling them for profit or something)
Getting hauled off in handcuffs by agents from The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms probably made them realize how much trouble they had gotten themselves into.
I don't watch Celtics games,
I don't watch Celtics games, but that green t-shirt is unusual looking, perhaps easy to spot if he's dumb enough to keep wearing it.
My uninformed but distinct impression
is that the kid in the green shirt is going to leave the kid in the white shirt holding the bag.