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$1 million bequest from Dorchester native who moved to SF will let BPL expand its LGBTQ programs
By adamg on Wed, 06/21/2023 - 5:04pm
The East Boston Times-Free Press reports on the BPL's plans for the money left it by Howard Cooper, who died in 2022 in San Francisco but who grew up in Dorchester, went to BPS schools and was a regular visitor to the Copley Square central library as a teenager.
We need a "thank you for your service" equivalent to our elder gays who support our baby gays. Yes, I'm former military myself.
The best thank you
will be for us to pay it forward and support the LGBTQ+ youth.
Rich Dot natives
Makes me wonder how much a certain Jewish Dot native, who accumulated a fortune vaster than Solomon could ever imagine, bequeathed to enhancing the quality of life for Bostonians. Especially considering the multi-millions the same person gave to a man who used groups that hate Jews to try to keep the filthy politician and pretend billionaire in power.