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Cambridge to set up independent Gatesgate commission

Cambridge Police Commissioner Robert Haas said this afternoon the city is setting up a panel of "independent notable professionals" to study what happened between Henry Louis Gates and Sgt. James Crowley last Thursday at Gates's Ware Street home.

Haas emphasized, however, that he stands behind Crowley and that nothing he has seen has convinced him that Crowley acted in anything less than a professional manner when he responded to a report of a possible housebreak.

"I do not believe in any way that his interactions were racially motivated," he said. He said every incident can be a learning experience and that the panel would be given full access to department records to come up with recommendations on how to avoid a similar situation in the future.

Also, the department takes great pride in its professionalism in a multiculti city and so was "deeply hurt" by Obama's comments about how stupidly it acted.



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Nooooooooo!!! Let the -gate era DIE!

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So, anyway, what time's the game on?

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Not tired of watching white guys screwing up at their job yet?

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"White guys" screwing up at their job? Yep, only white people can be racist I guess.

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Sorry, you nancy, it was a joke combining the whole racial tension of the Cambridge situation with the stories about how the Red Sox have more white guys by percentage on the team than other teams and the fact that they're just awful on offense right now (screwing up their jobs) just like people are saying the Cambridge cop screwed up his.

PS - I'm white.

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From an online slang dictionary:


Noun. 1. An effeminate male. Derog.
2. A homosexual. Derog.
Adj. Effeminate, weak.

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I didn't call him a dirty queer. I was telling him to unbunch his panties over a joke. Hell, who knows if it was even a guy who wrote it. If it was a woman, am I still homophobic? The point was the crying over a joke and not their sexual proclivities. Man, does everything have to be deconstructed until it's not even remotely humorous any more? What the hell is wrong with you people in Cambridge?

Oh no, now I'm Cambriphobic!

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They can *try* to appear sensitive, just like they can *try* to make a Daily Show knockoff, but both goals are surprisingly elusive.

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Folks, we have a spray.


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The truth of the matter is this: Only two people know what happened, Gates and Crowley, and neither really knows what the other was thinking as the incident unfolded. So...NO ONE knows, objectively speaking, what really happened. And absent their willingness and ability to recount each step of what happened in perfect order and to step way outside of themselves and be completely candid about what was going through their heads, we're not going to be able to reconstruct the event, at least in any way that satisfies the bulk of the people.

That commission may be doomed and damned from the start: No matter what its report concludes, any findings of fact will be speculative, and there is bound to be at least one sizable PO'd group of people.

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