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Man steals pickup in Dorchester, quickly returns to ditch the toddler still in the car seat inside, speeds off again, police say

Surveillance photos of suspect via BPD

Surveillance photos of suspect via BPD.

Update: Suspect arrested.

Boston Police report they are looking for the guy they say stole a couple's pickup at Geneva Avenue and Leroy Street in Dorchester yesterday afternoon with their two-year-old child still inside.

When the man realized moments later he was driving around with a toddler, around 2:55 p.m., he drove back to the intersection and "placed the infant, who was still in the car seat, on the sidewalk," then sped off again, police say. Police add they later found the pickup, abandoned, just a mile up Geneva at Columbia Road.

Police say the couple had gotten out of the front seat of the pickup to check on their child, in the rear seat, when the guy jumped behind the wheel.

In addition to theft charges, the man also faces a charge of kidnapping, police say.

The suspect is described as a heavy-set, light skinned Hispanic male, last seen wearing a grey shirt/grey pants with long hair and a beard.

If he looks familiar, contact detectives at 617-343-4335, or the anonymous tip line by calling 800-494-TIPS or by texting TIP to CRIME (27463).



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More and more crimes committed by people on bikes

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Just saying

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The Tsarnevs committed their heinous crimes on foot and made their getaway by foot.

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For wheel! Well spoke-en!!!!

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Those bike lanes are getaway lanes.

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I mean... seriously.
Full-face downhill MTB helmets can conceal your identity. Duh.

What's going on with this car and light truck thief.

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Could be he trusted that, like the foolish criminals who rushed the Capital, that once their great leader was restored to power disguise was unnecessary because pardons were guaranteed.

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Lots of people of all ages, backgrounds, etc can ride a bike, so if you make it easier for folks to do it, more people are going to do it and you’ll correspondingly see more news stories etc in which someone is riding a bike.

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given that he immediately went back and took the kid out before resuming his thieving.

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could be a more serious charge.
His best move would be to go to the police station, turn in the baby and admit to stealing the truck but had no idea of the toddler in the back and didn't want harm to come to it.

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Maybe don't steal a car with a kid inside and you don't have to worry about the accompanying kidnapping charge?

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Kid inside alone in this weather.... He may have saved a life

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Police say the parents got out of the front seat to check on the kid in the back seat. It's not like they just left the kid alone.

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but I'm fairly sure intent comes into play here, legally.

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If a dude pulls his peen out in public for 3 seconds, it's still an issue, similarly with an older North End restaurant dude just riding around on his bike that takes a few shots at another dude...

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That sounds like something his lawyer needs to use as an argument... But dude soed off with a car that had a child in it. That meets the definition of kidnapping.

If you kill someone but didn't mean to do it you can still be charged and committed for manslaughter. When you commit a crime , especially one that is serious in nature, you are rolling the dice and taking that chance that other crimes may happen concurrently. It's not like he legally borrowed the truck and the kid was in the back.

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If a guy pulls a kid out of their stroller at the supermarket, runs around the store with them for a few minutes before returning the child to the frantic parent, is it not kidnapping?

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…especially if the kid was napping at the time.

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

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That becomes borderline, I'm sure there are plenty of crimes that would fall under but they would probably have to physically leave the store for kidnapping to be applied. With the cat theft the child was moved to a new location while being held against the legal guardians will, the return is irrelevant to the charge.

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Maybe should have made that more clear.

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…instead of driving a car makes you a better person, even if you are a thief.

Your average car guy car thief would have just braked and booted the kid to the curb as soon as he realized he had an unwanted passenger. Or done worse.
The bike riding thief had enough of a conscience to risk capture and return to the scene to hand over the kid. Cycling is good for the mind and for moral fiber.

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