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Citizen complaint of the day: Life on some West Roxbury side streets can be slow, but not that slow

5 m.p.h. speed sign at West Roxbury intersection

An annoyed citizen filed a 311 complaint about the 5 m.p.h. "illegal signage" somebody who is probably annoyed by speeders put up at one of the intersections of Laurie Avenue and Eastwood Circuit (yes, there are two) in West Roxbury.



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The way traffic congestion is, especially with bus lanes and bike lanes, and rain combined with rush hour, moving along at 5 mph would be a simple joy and victory. But past midnight, it's a whole different ballgame.Drag racers with amped up engines and speaker systems run the show over my way.

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Bus and bike lanes both have higher capacities than general travel lanes. That means that more bus and bike lanes means that more people can pass through the same space in the same time, reducing traffic.

It’s important to remember that if you are in traffic you are the traffic, since it always seems easier to blame someone else. If you really want to reduce traffic you would be cheering for more bus and bike lanes.

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Pretty easy to beat 5mph average in Boston. The trick is not driving.

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More bike lanes? It doesn’t matter what posted speeds are if they aren’t enforced. And by defunding the police, money that would go to traffic enforcement is no longer there. Don’t wish for something you don’t want.

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The police already avoid doing that. Not like not paying them to do something they don't do anyway would have any impact.

Traffic cameras don't take breaks.

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Proper infrastructure can reduce speeds without needing cops around handing out tickets. If you build a mutilane road that looks like a highway in a residential neighborhood, people will drive like it's a highway. if you build it with bumpouts, speed tables, bike lanes, etc, people will drive slower. As a bonus, now you can lower the police dept budget because you don't need to pay cops overtime to stand around with a radar gun.

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of 311 complaints, either the City is a mess or public servants just aren’t doing their jobs. Why do citizens have to point out all the things wrong with this City?
These are all quality of life issues and looking at the volume of these issues if appears the City is going down the shit pipe.

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