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Don't you hate it when your coffee cup fails?


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work much better, plus they're better for the environment. ABP gives one of the best discounts for bringing one's own cup too.


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But if this person did that, he would have nothing to blog about all day. You know ... while "working."

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that a goodly portion of my blogging is complaining about stuff. Hopefully while offering some insight into the causes and possible solutions, but complaining nonetheless. I mean, stuff sucking is kind of more newsworthy than blogging about how I'm drinking coffee right now and nothing unusual is happening.


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or you could do either one and not have to blog it. I doubt you have something newsworthy happen to you every month, let alone daily.

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Newsworthy and blogworthy - not the same thing at all.

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...more newsworthy than blogging about how I'm drinking coffee right now and nothing unusual is happening.

Yeah, because that's what Twitter, not blogging, is for anyways.

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I had the same issue with ABP. I got a cup of coffee while at work and noticed later the blots of coffee stain on my shirt. Had to go to Macy's and buy a shirt for the day.

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Make sure that the sip hole does not line up with the seam. That is, sip hole bottom, seam line top. The problem is likely not with the seam down the cup, but a mis-fit between the lid and the seam as it rolls around the lip of the cup. So each time you tilt the cup to sip, it dribbles between the lid and the lip. If the lid is turned the other way, this may not happen.

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C'mon. ABP. The French ruined coffee as it is -- with the advent of burnt-tires robusta beans from French Indochina, the French roast as the steak equivalent to "cook to well-done so you can hide quality defects", etc.

We don't need to commemorate this fact in the U.S. too.

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...also has a high failure rate. As in, 100%. Yech.

Anyone remember the good old days when ABP served coffee from the Coffee Connection ? I think they briefly served Peet's also. Been downhill from there.

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